
Wow, I’m actually cringing at today’s post title. And yet, it remains because all of these gifts are sensational ways to bring a little zen into your everyday. So take a deep breath, relax, and read on!


Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb – $6.95 @ Lush
Few things are more relaxing than a hot bath before you slip off to sleep – but I’m willing to up the stakes a bit with this yawn-inducing (in a good way) bath bomb. Infused with a triple shot of lavender and soothing chamomile, it’ll give you that instant spa ‘ahhh’ experience for a fraction of the price. Perfect as a surprise gift for your overtaxed friend, sibling, or spouse.


Organic Mother’s Little Helper Tea – $6.50 + @ DAVIDsTEA
To me the best relaxation techniques accomplish two things: they allow your body to physically unwind, and they help to clear (not shutdown) your mind. That’s why this particular blend of loose tea from DAVIDsTEA is so intoxicating to me: it combines the way-soothing properties of chamomile with the invigorating qualities of peppermint and lemongrass. A little zesty but without the zing, this is an ideal fix for your tea-drinking coworker or friendly.


Kikkerland Body Massager – $3 @ Miss Jones Gifts & Accessories
I own one of these puppies, and I can honestly tell you it’s one of the most enjoyable things that will ever come close to your body. Although slightly medieval-looking in design, these tiny steel arms will create those amazing tingles you never knew how badly you craved until they make your spine shiver. Try it on yourself for instant unwinding magic, but better yet, use it as an excuse to snuggle up with someone special.

Buddha Board – $35 @ Indigo
Guys, this one belongs in like…the Canadian Gift Guide hall of fame. I spotted it on display at my local Chapters store one day, and was immediately entranced by what an amazing gift idea this is. And I was proven right, because upon acquiring one and placing it on my desk for mid-day doodling, my coworkers were equally enthralled / vowed to purchase it as a gift for the upcoming holiday season (or for themselves). Branded with the tagline ‘the art of letting go’, the Buddha Board is a simple slate board that allows you to paint with water. Your artwork disappears after a few minutes, but the lingering bliss of gently sweeping the included calligraphy-style brush will settle your mind for quite some time. What’s extra special about this one is it comes in a handy, ready-to-give kit including the board, brush, water / display tray, and a handy guide to getting started with your board. Fair warning: it’s extremely addictive. Whoever you buy it for may get swept up in artfully swirling their stress away.

Looking to relax? You may be in luck – I have a Buddha Board for an extremely lucky lass or lad out there that’s reading this post. If you’re interested:

1) Leave a comment by October 17th on which gift idea you’d most like to bring zen into your life.

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around October 18th to select the winner, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible to participate in this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry: Keep an eye on all new, non-contest posts (i.e. posts that are added after today’s date, and don’t have their own giveaways attached to them) that go up over the contest period. Leave a comment on any of these posts, tag it with #cgg and you’ll earn yourself some bonus entries. 

5) Bonus Bonus: Indigo’s the place to be for amazing gift ideas like the Buddha Board. Stay on top of what they’ve got in stock by liking them on Facebook, and leave a comment while you’re there (you’re under no obligation to mention this contest). Leave your Facebook username in the comments below!


78 Responses to “Zensational”
  1. Krista says:

    I really like the idea of the Buddha Board, but I think my favorite is the body massager. I can’t say no to a good massage!

  2. leah says:

    Love it all. The body massager would be most welcome and anything for the bath is great as well. The buddha board is perfect for a serial doodeler like me.

  3. ian says:

    the buddha board looks quite intersesting

  4. JENNIFER HART says:


  5. Susan says:

    I think the Buddha Board would be a great zen tool! #CGG

  6. sean pynaert says:

    i like the body massager

  7. Victoria Ess says:

    I’m torn between David’s Tea and the body massager. I’ve tried both and they are seriously fantastic. #CGG

  8. Victoria Ess says:

    FB name: VIctoria Ess

  9. Leigh says:

    The buddha board all the way!

  10. Linda Chaput says:

    The body massager would be useful.

  11. Vesper says:

    The Buddha Board
    meikleblog at gmail dot com

  12. tova says:

    The body massager sounds great and I’d love to win it!

  13. Dixie says:

    The Buddha Board would be a zen tool for me! #CGG

  14. LS W says:

    I like the buddha board the most – i like to draw. but that body massager looks pretty cool too

  15. Patricia says:

    I like the Organic Mother’s Little Helper Tea

  16. Kristen says:

    loving the body massagers! And obviously the Buddha Boards are so clever!

  17. Wendy Dickinson says:

    The body massager sounds heavenly!
    msdickinson28 at hotmail dot com

  18. Wendy Dickinson says:

    liked and commented on facebook as wendy dickinson

  19. Maurey says:

    The body massager would be great.

  20. Linda says:

    Love the Buddha Board! I have something similar to the body massager except is for your scalp – they are heavenly.

  21. Debbie Petch says:

    I like the Buddha Board!

  22. char says:

    Buddha Board. As an artist and one of those people who has ideas bubble to the top randomly, this would be a great spot to jot down the bubbles =)

  23. Lillea says:

    The Buddha board is my pick

  24. Ashley says:

    I love David’s Tea so I’d definitely lean toward that…but I also think that Buddha bOard looks way awesome.

  25. mccormcorp says:

    I love the Buddha Board, I love doodling and painting so this is a great way to work out some stress!

  26. Bonster11 says:

    definitely the Buddha board. I think it’s a great idea!

  27. Georgette Elliott says:

    As I have a body massager already (different brand), so I think I would like the Budda Board because I love to sketch and paint!

  28. Marlene V. says:

    The Buddha Board

  29. Lisa Morrison says:

    I’d like to doodle with the Buddha Board.

  30. patsy says:

    I love the budda board. Super cute!

  31. Barbara says:

    budda boards are all about finding zen in your own creative way

  32. Shayne says:

    Either the bath bomb or the Buddha Board. Both are such great ideas!

  33. priyanka says:

    buddha board is a wonderful gift idea.a very nice way to express feelings.

  34. christel says:

    I like the bath bomb

  35. Cheri Gallant says:

    I really like the Budha Board also. Such a great idea!

  36. Sophia says:

    I love the Buddha Board and the idea of being able to write down your worries and have them vanish before your very eyes!

  37. Alexa says:

    I love these boards I have always wanted one. One of my favourite relaxation tools is the humidifier that you put essential oils into.

  38. Beckanne says:

    The bath bomb sounds heavenly. My favourite relaxing thing is to take a bath before bedtime, especially if I’m sick.

  39. Viktoria Gorchkova says:

    The bath bomb! There’s nothing like a soothing bath after a hard day of exercise!

  40. lay says:

    golden slumbers bath bomb is probably theeeeee bomb 🙂

  41. Ali says:

    Organic Mother’s Little Helper Tea

  42. Crystal kordalchuk says:

    I REALLY REALLY want the Budha Board. I play with ti every single time I’m in Indgo (being the artist/desiger that I am). Would be a soothing gift to keep on my office couter for myself to play with when needing a break or for my work guests/coworkers! Really great idea! 🙂

  43. Chantele says:

    The bath bomb would be my choice – a good bath fixes a lot! 🙂

  44. Cairine says:

    I think the tea would make for a good zen moment. It helps you to relax and maybe do a ittle meditating!

  45. HEIDI says:

    i love the Buddha Board. I have seen it at Chapters and it is very relaxing to use!

  46. alison k says:

    The gift idea I’d most like to bring zen into my life would be the “Buddha Board – $35 @ Indigo”. Hope the zen gods are listening 😉

  47. Flo says:

    love them all. draw on the zen board and have a massage to rid my stress. then have a cup of tea and relax in a soothing bath. I need the Buddha Board.

  48. Jessica Lord says:

    Definitely the buddha board – it’s surprisingly relaxing!

  49. Th Kikkerland Body Massager, for sure:)

  50. ron says:

    would be nice gift forthe artist

  51. chris says:

    would be nice gift for daughter-in-law for scketching

  52. Andrea says:

    the bath bomb!!!

  53. Beth Gal says:

    I like Organic Mother’s Little Helper Tea – $6.50 + @ DAVIDsTEA

  54. S says:

    I think my boyfriend would enjoy a Buddha Board. 🙂

  55. CarolynW says:

    huge fan of David’s Tea so I would select the tea 🙂

  56. CarolynW says:

    have LIKEd Indigo on FB for ages as contestcarolyn

  57. They are all incredible ways to relax. I’m feeling a cup of David’s tea in the tub with the bath bomb… followed by a buddha board session.

  58. I like indigo on fb
    crystal marie porter

  59. abluntmum says:

    I have tried one of those “body massagers’ (which is actually used for scalps massage; and it tangled my poor already tangled hair something FIERCE! LOL

    I love the LUSH smelly stuff!! Bring it on..zen me baby!

    • CGG says:

      Heyo! I’ve definitely seen the scalp ones – there’s two separate kinds made by Kikkerland! If you didn’t have luck with the scalp one, I do seriously recommend the back one – it’s amaze.

  60. Kelly P says:

    I love the Golden Slumbers bath bombs! Lush stores always smell fantastic!

  61. Wendy S says:

    I have to say the Buddha Board wins … anything to destress at work…however the Golden Slumbers bath bombs come a close second!

  62. Ines says:

    Definitely the buddha board. I’ve never seen anything like it.

  63. Lucky1 says:

    The Buddha Board wins it for me! Good luck everyone~

  64. Brook says:

    To bring zen into my life, I relax and have a pot of herbal tea. I choose the tea.

  65. Fiona Mullins says:

    Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb!

  66. Stella says:

    Tea please 🙂

  67. Feebs says:

    The massager, because I have one, but the Buddha Board, because I don’t.

  68. Persephone says:

    Totally the Buddha board!

  69. Sophie G says:

    I have to go with the body massager

  70. lisa bolduc says:

    Golden Slumbers Bath Bomb

  71. Sara K says:

    The Bath Bomb for sure! They’re magical things.

    Liked Indigo on FB! (Sara Kolodziej)

  72. Dee says:

    I love the Buddha board!

  73. Leah M says:

    The Buddha board!

  74. Debbie Lemaire says:

    The Buddha Board looks amazing!! Me want, come to me buddha board, the universe will make it happen!

  75. Debbie Lemaire says:

    I left a comment on Indigo’s FB page – Debbie Lemaire

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  1. […] Boards – $10 each @ Lavish & Lime This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about Buddha Boards, but the spring-coloured minis are just too cute to resist. Paint with water and unwind whether […]

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