Find of the Month: MICRO Pedi

I’m rubbing together my oh-so-soft soles at the moment, after a tango with the MICRO Pedi – a spa treatment in a standalone tool. If you’re tired of shelling out quality coin for a spa treatment every few weeks, or conversely, you never hit the spa but suffer from dry, cracked, or calloused feet – this may be your saving grace (and a pretty fab gift idea to boot).

Here’s the scoop on this handy gadget. You pop in two batteries and select an exfoliating roller – whether your skin is coarse or super coarse. Then you simply turn it on and roll it over your skin for a few seconds at a time. Presto, be prepared to be dazzled (or perhaps a little disgusted) as fluffy flakes of dead skin are immediately eviscerated from your heels, toes, and soles. Literally, you can have ridiculously smooth feet in under 30 seconds per foot.

Of course, while I’ve broken it down to be painfully simple, you’ve probably got some legitimate questions. Like – does it hurt? Nope, not one bit (as long as you follow in the instructions mind you, and don’t shave down your epidermis). Compared to something like a rough pumice stone, it’s actually remarkably painless, particularly when you factor in the ridiculously short time it takes to work its magic. Plus the shape of it makes it pretty easy to hit all the curves and crags in your feet. You might also be wondering, does it make a mess? Again, no. While I was being dramatic about your skin shavings above, it actually collects neatly onto the device itself, which is washable for easy clean-up. Finally if you’re wondering whether it’s reusable – of course! In fact it’s recommended you use it on a weekly basis to maintain your skin. Not only can you use the MICRO Pedi multiple times, you can even buy replacement rollers for it to keep your feet looking fresh year-round.

So who is the MICRO Pedi for? How about your sister or best friend that spends oodles of her hard-earned cash on pedicures, and could do for an at-home spa experience? Or your hardworking mom (or dad) that could use a little polish on their feet? Or your bridesmaids for your destination wedding, because god knows we all take less care of our tootsies when the winter rolls in and they’re (mostly) bundled up. But that’s no excuse kids! Never forget – an excursion to the pool, formal event, or foot massage is just a sock or stocking away.

Final questions? Like say, how to buy it and how much does it cost? The MICRO Pedi retails for $39.95, easily putting it in the price range perfect for gifting your friend, sibling, or aunt without breaking the bank. You can buy it online at, in-person at Shopper’s Drug Mart, or call 1-888-374-0081 to snag a few of ’em for your holiday shopping list. As a fun bonus, be sure to toss in a foot moisturizer so she can preserve her newly buttery-soft skin, and a fun nail polish in her favourite shade.

I brought up bridesmaids earlier for a reason. Imagine how much fun it’d be to gather your gal pals to have an at-home spa day complete with face masks, cucumber water, and MICRO Pedi-aided pedicures. If that sounds like a slice of self-treatment heaven, you could be indulging sooner than you think: I’m giving away a gift basket valued at $300 featuring MICRO Pedis for you and your friends, and Essie nail polishes to top off your look. Here’s how to enter to win:

1) Leave a comment by December 31st with who you’d share your prize package with (if you were the winner of course!)

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around January 1st to select the winner, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible to participate in this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry: A month of pinning! For every new post put up over the next month, you can pin ONE item from it on Pinterest. Simply put your Pin links in the comments on this post so I can keep tabs on ’em. That means you have the potential to earn 31+ bonus entries over the month, starting today!

294 Responses to “Find of the Month: MICRO Pedi”
  1. Debbie Bashford says:

    I would share with my best girlfriends Sherrill, Lee, Judy and Lynda

  2. Natalie says:

    I would share this great gift pack with my maid of honour and our new girl friends in the new city we’ve just moved to. A wine, cheese and pampering is just our style.

  3. Melissa says:

    I wiuld love to share this with my mother, mother in law and my daughters! Great bonding for the Grandmas!!

  4. Brenda Penton says:

    I would share this with my best friend, Veronica.

  5. Brenda Penton says:

    Pin for today (wasn’t sure if it is supposed to include this post)

  6. Donnas says:

    I’d have to share with my sister, her daughters, and my daughter.

  7. Gina says:

    I would share it with my mom and my two past friends. What a great gift idea! I’m so glad they can be purchased at Shoppers Drug Mart! I hope I get one for Christmas! Good luck everyone!

  8. pacificnxnw says:

    I’d share this with my Mom, cousin and Aunt!

  9. Debbie Bashford says:

    Pinned this post pinned post

  10. Holly Sproule says:

    I’d share with my sister and my mom!

  11. leah says:

    Would share with my awesome daughter. Thanks Stay tuned for pinning………….

  12. Louise says:

    I’d have to share with my sister

  13. Jennifer Deol says:

    If I won this gift basket, I’d definitely share it with my bridesmaids! (Wedding’s on Fri. April 26, 2013.)

  14. Wendy Dickinson says:

    I’d actually keep this for myself for once! I have bad dry heals/feet and the winter months make them even worse!

    msdickinson28 at hotmail dot com

  15. Vicky D says:

    I’d give it to my daughter who is due to deliver baby number 2 any day now!! She definitely deserves it!

  16. debra says:

    would share with the ladies in my family-my sister,mom,sister in law and niece

  17. aly3360 says:

    I’d share it with my sisters!! thanks for the chance 🙂

    ayoung3360 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  18. I’d share with the girls in my barbershop quartet. That way we’ll have matching fingers and toes!

  19. kittypride says:

    I would share with my sister because she loves anything that makes her feel pampered.

  20. CLC says:

    I’d share with my mom, aunt, sister-in-law, and daughter.

  21. mcmc says:

    I would share with my 2 best friends

  22. Tracy says:

    Would share with my daughters!

  23. ANITAF says:


  24. Donna L. says:

    I’d share with my mom

  25. Dreena says:

    I’d share with some friends in my son’s Ukrainian dance group.
    I’d love one and so would they!

  26. Patricia says:

    Share with the daughters in law

  27. beewbedard says:

    share it with my daughter

  28. blessedta says:

    My family

  29. Debbie Petch says:

    I would share it with my mom because she deserves it!

  30. Anne Taylor says:

    I’d share this with my adult daughters; we’d make a day of it! Thanks

  31. Anne Taylor says:

    Pinned here

  32. Myra says:

    I’d give this to the woman who wakes up each and every single day at 5AM, runs after 2 babies, 1 toddler, 4 pre-teen kids (all of whom she babysits for), cleans the house, runs errands, cooks every single meal for her 90 year old mother in law from scratch, while helping her husband, daughters and their kids endlessly with love, warmth, patience and kindness. I love my mom – her feet deserve this more than anyone else I can think of, even me. You know how they say “walk a mile in her shoes”? I couldn’t walk a day in my own mom’s shoes.

  33. Awesome! I would share with my sister and my friend.

  34. I pinned on pinterst

  35. Alison K says:

    I’d share my prize package with my 3 besties – Yuri, Rita & Sharen. Oh, the howls of laughter you’d hear if we won! I’m sure the men would retreat to their man caves, post-haste!

    Bonus Entry: A month of pinning! Dec.1 –

    Thank you.

  36. Alicia Turner says:

    I would share the prize pack with the ladies in my bridal party!! With all the work they have been doing and still have to do, they could definitely use some pampering!

  37. I would share this with my best friend Cindy, after 3 years apart we have just rekindled our 25 year relationship, this would be used for some quality bonding time !

  38. Amy Heffernan says:

    Would love to share this with my Mother! 😀 She deserves every min of pampering 😀

  39. Victoria Ess says:

    I’d share with my mother! She definitely could use some pampering this month…

  40. Rosa says:

    I would share maybe with my sis, but then if it does it’s miracle work we might not want to share!

  41. penny says:

    i would have to share with the MR…..he really needs this prize

  42. Helen OBrien says:

    Great prize that I would share with my daughter!

  43. I would love to share this with all my family and friends…What a great idea.

  44. trina v says:

    Just my daughter. Anybody else can get their own.

  45. JM says:

    My husband would love to share this package

  46. I definitely would need that for my feet!

  47. Rozlind Anderson-Pringle says:

    I would share with my best friends Quiss and Erin

  48. Leslie says:

    one for mum and each of my sisters…

  49. Fiona Mullins says:

    I would share with my sisters!

  50. thomas rusinak says:

    i could use this on my back!

  51. Ken Willie says:

    It is a choice between wife and daughter and the wife wins!

  52. I would share with my friend Cathy!

  53. Angela Gray says:

    I would most definitely share this with my mom and my sister! I only get to see them once a year and a girls day together would be a great way to enjoy each other’s company.

  54. I would share it with my niece!

  55. prairiebelle says:

    I would share it with my best friend


  56. Andrea Williams says:

    I would share these with my two sis-in-laws and mom-in-law.

  57. prairiebelle says:


  58. Kelly says:

    I would share the prize with my Mom.

  59. I would share the prize with my daughter, Mlaika!

  60. leah says:

    I’d share with my mom and sisters!

  61. I would share this with my mom =)

  62. Cairine says:

    I would actually share this with my husband, his skin is as dry as mine and his heels crack so he could really use it. So could I.

  63. mousecat says:

    I’d share this with my beach volleyball girls! This is so awesome!!

  64. Anne Taylor says:

    Pinned this image today

  65. Brook says:

    I would share with my mom, she is my best friend…

  66. Lisa Morrison says:

    I would share with my daughter Breanna.

  67. MARION VARDY says:

    share with my daughter

  68. Tracy says:

    i’d share it w/my sister!

  69. Jennifer says:

    I would share it with my sister in law and friend Kelly

  70. angela mitchell says:

    I’d share with my mom and sisters.

  71. I would share with my Mom 🙂

  72. lucy says:

    share with my daughter

  73. Liz says:

    I’d share with my boyfriend…his feet are a disaster!

  74. Marlene says:

    I would share it with my mom

  75. Taps says:

    for my husband! Not that he has ugly feet… 🙂

  76. Stacey says:

    I would share it with my dad 🙂

  77. joyce s. says:

    I would share with my daughter.

  78. Debbie Bashford says:

    Dec 3 pin

  79. Glogirl says:

    I would share the prize with my sister!

  80. Mandy Rogasky says:

    I would share this item with my sister because she is a hard working mom of three who deserves to be pampered.

  81. sarah snow says:

    I would definitely share with my mum.

  82. michelle jadaa says:

    Id share with my sister in law as she could use some spoiling 🙂

  83. Anne Taylor says:

    today’s pin

  84. Amber says:

    I would share with my mom!

  85. Adina H. says:

    I would share the prize package with my sister and my mom.

  86. Melissa N says:

    definitely my mommy 🙂

  87. Alison K says:

    Bonus Entry: A month of pinning!
    Dec.2 –
    Dec.3 –

    Thank you.

  88. sarah p says:

    I would share with a few of my closest girlfriends

  89. prairiebelle says:


  90. Norma DiSanto says:

    This product looks amazing, I am so embarassed to go to a spa cause my callouses are so bad, especially when I do go the pedi lady comments on how bad they are. This product would be great for me!

  91. Andrea says:

    I would share with my best friend Lorilei and her 2 daughters!!

  92. Anne Taylor says:

    Today’s pin


  93. Marlene V. says:

    I would love to share it with my daughter!!

  94. MissT says:

    I would share it with my friend Ilana

  95. Nina S says:

    I would love to share this with my 2 best girlfriends. It would be a great excuse to get together!

  96. Susan says:

    I would share this with my wonderful girlfriends! Thanks for a great giveaway once again.

  97. lindsay d. says:

    i’d share with my mom–she’s overdue for a pedi…and i could use one myself! 😉

  98. Kelly P says:

    I would share my basket with my mom!

  99. Sheila mitchell says:

    I would share with the ladies of Tuesday night knit club….knitting, spa treatment and great conversations 🙂

  100. prairiebelle says:

    daily pin

  101. Melanie says:

    Depends on how many there are! I’d surely share with my stepmom and my aunt.

  102. Jessica Lord says:

    I’d share it with my mom, as she’s always run off her feet

  103. Anne Taylor says:

    todays pin

  104. prairiebelle says:

    daily pin

  105. Cathy Pruden says:

    What a great idea to keep our winter toes up to summer standards. I would share with neighbour Kim and Johanna and their calloused feet, sister Tania, friends who would really care, Cindy, Jayne, Janet, Lyn, and my daughters Alex and Jaime.

  106. stacey dempsey says:

    I would love this for my 17 yr old daughter who love to paint and polish and make her feet all pretty

  107. blessedta says:

    I would give it to my BFF.

  108. Anne Taylor says:

    Dec 6th pin

  109. Burcu says:

    I would share it with my husband

  110. Julie G. says:

    I’d share it with my daughters and my daughter in law.

  111. prairiebelle says:


  112. lori butler says:

    I would share with my mom

  113. Anne Taylor says:

    Friday’s pin

  114. prairiebelle says:


  115. Ohhh, this looks like a perfect foot tool.

  116. Anne Taylor says:

    my Pin for the day

  117. i would share with my daughter

  118. prairiebelle says:


  119. Sarah says:

    My mom would love this.

  120. Anne Taylor says:

    dec 9 pin

  121. Ali says:

    My mom would appreciate it, I hope!

  122. Elaan says:

    I would share with my best girlfriend!

  123. Anne Taylor says:

    Today’s pin

  124. Kristen says:

    my bestie who is obsessed with nail polish!

  125. alison k says:

    Bonus Entry: A month of pinning!

    Dec11 –

    Thank you.

  126. aimee says:

    id share with my mom

  127. Andrea says:

    I’d share the gift pack with my mom and grandfather (he’s suffered from dry, cracked heels for years and my wonderful grandmother moisturizes them every night!)

  128. I would share the prize package with my eldest son’s girlfriend. I just love her!

  129. darci says:

    My teenager needs this one share with him, his feet are a mess!

  130. I would share it with my two very good firends. Oooo …. that would be a fun night. 🙂

  131. Alison Braidwood says:

  132. Anne Taylor says:


  133. darringleannedleanne says:

    i would share with my husband he really needs it

  134. Anne Taylor says:

    Dec 14 pin

  135. Brenda lacourciere says:

    I really need this.

  136. Heidi says:

    I think this would be a nice gift for my mom.

  137. Anne Taylor says:

    Pinned today

  138. Rose says:

    I would share this gift pack with the girls I work with, I really am going to look into the micro pedi… you described my feet!

  139. meggers41 says:

    I would share it with my mother inlaw.

  140. Anne Taylor says:

    My Pin for the day

  141. Anne Taylor says:

    daily pin

  142. Ashley B says:

    I would def share this with my little sis. When she lived in T.O. we did pedis and this would certain have come in handy!!

  143. Anne Taylor says:


  144. lisa bolduc says:

    i would be selfish and keep this one.. my hubby was just complaining about my feet.

  145. Anne Taylor says:

    Daily Pin

  146. Juliee F says:

    I would share it with my Mom , she would just love it for her heels.

  147. zahra premji says:

    I would share with my mum or best friend.

  148. Anne Taylor says:

    Daily Pin

  149. Alison K says:

    Bonus Entry: A month of pinning!
    Dec22 –

    Thank you.

  150. ginette4 says:

    I would share it with my family

  151. Anne Taylor says:


  152. Debbie Bashford says:

    Merry Christmas!!!!!

    Dec 25 pin

  153. stacey h says:

    i would share with my friends

  154. Anne Taylor says:


  155. Alison K says:

    Bonus Entry: A month of pinning!
    Dec28 –

    Thank you.

  156. I would share with my maid of honor and bridesmaid (daughter) for our upcoming wedding ~ my daughter especially, like me, needs something like this.A regular callous paddle or pumice stone doesn’t touch my callousy feet (eww!). Good luck & Happy Holidays.

  157. Colleen C. says:

    I would share this with my bud whose feet are in such need of some TLC

  158. Huguette E. says:

    I’d share with my daughter.

  159. Maegan Morin says:

    Awww I would have to share! LOL I would share it with my sister 😀

  160. Karen Morine says:

    I would share this with my best friend,

  161. Debbie Bashford says:

    Dec 31 pin

    Happy New Year

  162. Brenda Penton says:

    Last daily pin:

    Happy New Year, Brittany and all!

  163. Alison K says:

    Bonus Entry: A month of pinning!
    Dec29 –
    Dec30 –
    Dec31 –

    Thank you & HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

  164. Fay Pakarnyk says:

    I’ve tried everything on my terrible feet. I’m ‘pinning’ my hopes on the micropedi. I would share it with my hard-working daughter. She is mother of 2, a full-time teacher and still makes time to teach yoga for charity causes.

  165. Joane Pineau says:

    If I were to win I’d share with my 5 sisters. We only get together at Christmas time so it would be great to have another event to get together

    • CGG says:

      Hey Joane – just a heads up that this giveaway actually closed years ago. Be sure to check out my latest and greatest giveaways by visiting the ‘Winners Circle’ at the top of the page.

  166. Bf Mitchell says:

    my long time friend MIchelle could use this too

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