What’s Cooking?

I’m….pretty darn excited about today’s featured brand (and gift ideas). Having gotten to play around with products from the brand over the last month, this post is chockful of raves and glee and happiness, so if you’re in a terrible awful mood or something, well maybe this will cheer you up. Anyway, the brand in question is Cedarlane Culinary. Based in Canada, this unique company is developing chef and restaurant quality appliances that yes, can be used in restaurants, but are also perfectly well-suited to a home kitchen. I’ve got two of their core products to share with you today, both of which are amazing.

Bellini Kitchen MasterFirst up, we have the Bellini Kitchen Master ($699). This incredible countertop appliance actually has eight different functions, making it the world’s most impressive kitchen multi-tasker that’s also super easy to use to boot. KitchenAid Stand Mixer move over – the Bellini Kitchen Master does way more and actually takes up less space.

How can it possibly do eight different things you ask? Because it’s actually got a built-in thermal element, meaning you can not only chop, dice, blend or puree items, you can also cook, stir fry, and steam them too. For each step of a recipe, you simply input the speed, temperature, and time you want a certain activity to happen for (and insert the appropriate attachment, which all come with the Bellini right off the hop; no need for pricey additions). When you’re using the cooking function, the speed is limited – essentially the machine does the stirring of a soup, stew, or saute for you.

I tested out a few different recipes with the Bellini Kitchen Master and it was like something out of The Jetsons. Using the included recipe book, I tested out a risotto. The machine easily diced my scallions, then proceeded to fry ’em up nicely. It was totally hands off, meaning I was free to get the next few ingredients prepared or to make a side salad to go with our dish. Risotto, as you  may know, is not a very easy dish to make. So when I added my arborio rice, white wine and broth, I was slightly skeptical at how well it would turn out. But 18 hands-free minutes later, and I had the perfect, chewy, tasty risotto of my dreams. And afterward, all I did was pop some dish soap and water into the bowl, and turned it on for seven minutes to self-clean. Amazing.

Bellini SteamSome other experiments involved using the machine as a food processor to whip up a batch of fluffy, painless hummus. I don’t know if it’s because of the bowl’s steep sides or the speed and sharpness of the blades, but my hummus turned out amazingly – and cost a fraction of the price I would have paid at the grocery store. I also used the steamer function to make some broccoli as a side dish. Again, compared to my experiences using my rice cooker as a steamer, this was pretty incredible. You could even prepare multiple dishes at the same time – put rice in the main cooking bowl and steam some broccoli or fish on top.

The Bellini Kitchen Master is available – and intended – for home use. It’s not cheap, but it’s comparable to some other high end appliances on the market (VitaMix, KitchenAid, All-Clad) and truthfully, the value is way greater (in fact, there’s a comparable product out there that’s more than double the cost!) If any one piece of the machine wears out or gets damaged, you can easily replace it through the Cedarlane Culinary website as well. Also, shipping is just $8 across Canada. It’s an amazing gift for any foodie or for any busy parent that could use a few spare seconds in the kitchen. Seriously, this thing is topping my wish list at this point!

SousVide SupremeThe other big deal over at Cedarlane Culinary is their SousVide Supreme machine. For the uninitiated, sous vide is a unique cooking method that is sweeping the globe, at least for chefs in the know. The primary reason? It basically makes it impossible to overcook your food – a common problem for novice chefs, particularly would-be carnivores. Hint: the fact this product is meat-oriented actually makes it a great fit for any manly men that live on meat or love grilling in the summer.

Sous Vide Supreme SealerSo how does it work? First, you take whatever you’re cooking – and for the record, the machine does more than just meat, it also sautes up vegetables beautifully – and season it to taste. Then you use the SousVide Supreme vacuum sealer to lock it into a super durable pouch. From there, you pop it into the SousVide Supreme, which is about the size of a breadmaker. The machine is what’s called a ‘water oven’, which allows for consistent temperatures and even cooking (and no overcooking). The result is a perfectly well-done steak, chicken breast, fish fillet, or side of asparagus. It will take longer than simply throwing something in a frying pan or under the broiler – but where it’s all hands off time, you can simply set the machine to run for however many hours you need it to before a dinner party or while you’re fixing a big green salad to go with your concoction. Presto, you’ll have deliciously cooked food in no time.

SousVide Supreme Starter PackageIf you’re interested in trying your hand (or hands off) at sous vide, the SousVide Supreme Starter Package includes everything you’ll need to get cooking – including the machine, vacuum sealer, pouches, a cookbook and a helpful DVD to start you on your path – all for $559. Not a bad price for peace-of-mind that your meal is going to turn out absolutely deliciously and for the record, probably more healthy than frying.

Anyway, you know I’m not finishing off this worshipful post without offering up an amazing giveaway for you all. I’m giving away a Bellini Kitchen Master to one extremely lucky (no seriously, I’m jealous) reader. That means you’ll be sauteing, stirring, chopping, whipping, and blending your way to culinary success in no time. Want to win this $699 prize? Here’s how to enter:

1) Shoot me a comment on this post by midnight on November 19, 2014, telling me which of these two devices you’d like to test out for yourself – and why.

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around November 20, 2014 to select the winner(s), who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entries: You can easily earn two bonus entries into this draw by following @BelliniKM and / or @CLCulinary. For each account that you Follow, Tweet @ them and don’t forget to include me (@cdngiftguide) with a link back to this post. Be creative – and link back to your Tweet(s) in separate comments below.

348 Responses to “What’s Cooking?”
  1. Wanda Washington says:

    I’m really interested in the Bellini! Hands off cooking = my dream.

  2. i like the bellini cooking master because it would make my job of serving fresh healthy meals so much simpler

  3. Margaret Palmer says:

    I would love to try out a Bellini Kitchen Master…cooking is not my favourite thing, so anything that makes it easier is something I would love.

  4. Julie G. says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Cooking Master because I hate to chop veggies. It looks like it would make preparation a breeze!

  5. Leah says:

    I’d love to try the kitchen master because I’d want to see if it lives up to it’s promises!

  6. SandyS says:

    I would love to win the Bellini Cooking Master. Finally I’ll have my own sous chef. That will free up one hand to enjoy a glass of wine!!!

  7. Grace says:

    I would love to try the kitchen master! I have a small kitchen and often run out of space when I’m trying to prepare several things at once from scratch (read: trying to cook healthier!)

  8. aly3360 says:

    Both of these appliances sound amazing, but the Bellini Kitchen Master would be my pick. I LOVE that it has so many functions. It’s absolutely perfect for apartment living. I love to cook and spend time in the kitchen and I love finding new gadgets and tools to help me cook. I think this has easily just jumped to the top of my wish list!! Fingers crossed and Merry Christmas to someone!!

    ayoung3360 (at) gmail (dot) com

  9. aly3360 says:

    Following @BelliniKM and tweeted

  10. Phyllis Godfrey says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master sounds like a “dream machine” I like that it does not take up much space, is attractive, multi tasking and cleans up in no time!

  11. i would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master! It sounds remarkable and I love the fact that it is made in Canada! Thanks for the chance to win this!

  12. Debbie Bashford says:

    Most interested in the Bellini Kitchen Master becuase it combines the function of 8 appliances in 1 !! I have very limited cupboard, this would be the perfect counter top machine and becuase of the small footprint I could leave it out and use it even more!!!

  13. kittypride says:

    The Bellini kitchen Master would make my life a lot more fun and easy 😃

  14. Susan Stirling says:

    I love being in the kitchen and turning out great tasting, healthy food for my grandchildren and this would be such a bonus in helping me do it!

  15. David Bell says:

    When I read “But 18 hands-free minutes later, and I had the perfect, chewy, tasty risotto of my dreams”, I knew I had found a machine I would love to have.

  16. LINDA says:

    I would thoroughly enjoy and appreciate the Bellini Kitchen Master in my kitchen-oh what a domestic diva I would become!

  17. Erika E says:

    I’d be interested in the Bellini Kitchen Master. It would take the place of a few different appliances and that would be great in my small kitchen!

  18. Sherry K says:

    I would choose the Bellini Kitchen Master. I have not heard of it before and it sounds incredible. If you hadn’t described the several recipes that you tried, I wouldn’t have believed it. Now, I have looked at a couple more reviews of the Bellini Kitchen Master and it is amazing. It sounds like I will be tempted to make even more things with this.

  19. Sherry K says:

  20. Sherry K says:

  21. Annie Demill says:

    I would love to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master, it sounds amazing and fool proof! Takes the place of several other small appliances; what’s not to love.

  22. D.Petch says:

    I like the Bellini Kitchen Master. It sounds wonderful!

  23. Steph says:

    I would love to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master, as it would take the place of several other small appliances and help me de clutter my kitchen!

  24. Jessica e says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master would be my kind of gadget because I love risotto.

  25. gloria konelsky says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master-would love to try a new method of cooking!

  26. the bellini cooking master would envigorate my interest in cooking and enable me to serve fresh food!

  27. Robert Wise says:

    I’d definitely like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master – you had me sold when you mentioned chopping scallions. Chopping veggies is what takes so much time; that would be awesome.

  28. Joan G. says:

    I want to try the Bellini Cooking Master – we’re downsizing next year and this would help save some space.

  29. Deanna Barkley says:

    This sounds like an amazing product that would make work in the kitchen simpler.

  30. Maryanne says:

    Would love to try the bellini kitchen master. Our blender is on it’s last legs!

  31. Pam R. says:

    I would love to try the Kitchen Master, because of how much time it would save me (and I could get rid of half of my kitchen gadgets:) )

  32. Alison K says:

    Of these two devices I’d like to test out the Bellini Kitchen Master for myself because I’m not a very good cook & it can totally be the master of the kitchen. Also though the SousVide Supreme does sound wonderful considering, as you said, it might be a better alternative to frying, I really don’t like the idea of having to use plastic every time you use the machine. Thanks

  33. Jennifer Bradley says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Cooking Master. It almost sounds to good to be true. Me and my daughter made a mushroom risotto the other night, and although it was great it was very time consuming. It sounds really easy to clean too, which always seems to be my job too.

  34. Sue says:

    I’m a gal on the go during the week. This would make life so much easier, and healthier to be able to prep my weekly meals ahead of time.

  35. Alison K says:

    @BelliniKM Bonus Entry: FOLLOWED & TWEETED https://twitter.com/SoulSeeker0/status/530879521856434177

  36. Alison K says:

    @CLCulinary Bonus Entry: FOLLOWED & TWEETED https://twitter.com/SoulSeeker0/status/530879317832925184

  37. Shelagh Macdonald says:

    Bellini kitchen master, because I’m all about multi-tasking.

  38. Pat Battles says:

    The Bellini kitchen master looks amazing – easy, healthy meals with little cleanup!

  39. Caroline says:

    They seem to both be excellent and useful appliances. I love my kitchen gadgets so this is a tough decision. But, if I had to choose, I would choose the Bellini Kitchen Master. That thing is crazy cool! I’m so impressed with all that it can do. It replaces so many other kitchen gadgets so it is excellent for people like me who have limited storage space. I hope to win this because I can’t stop thinking of all the wonderful dishes I can make with just one single machine.

  40. Donna L. says:

    I’d choose the Bellini Kitchen Master because I have very little kitchen counter space and I love to try out different recipes, so this multi tasking gadget would be awesome !

  41. Anna Given says:

    You had me at risotto. It’s one of my favourite dishes and I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master and use it the next time I make risotto.

  42. Neils Thor says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master is the one for me!!!

  43. Anna Given says:

    @CLCulinary Bonus Entry: followed and tweeted

  44. Anna Given says:

    @BelliniKM Bonus Entry: followed and tweeted

  45. debbie f says:

    I would like the Bellini Kitchen Master. I like the idea of a hands off kitchen gadget

  46. Josh S says:

    I would like to try the Bellini Cooking Master. I need all the help i can get.

  47. Lawrence says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master would be great. It seems so versatile.

  48. Vicky Deane says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master is the one I would like to try the most although they both sound amazing! The Kitchen master sounds like it would be a great asset to any kitchen. It would make life easier and encourage me to be more creative with my cooking

  49. Cairine says:

    I would like the Bellini Cooking Master because I want to see if it really does do all this work and if it does then it will be a wonderful addition to any kitchen.

  50. Susan says:

    I would love the Bellini Cooking Master because it sounds as if it replaces a whole bunch of appliances and does so many functions to help with the steps in preparing a meal. Sounds as if I could make a great batch of soup in it!

  51. edmontonjb says:

    I would love to try the vacuum sealer because I’ve always wanted to try one

  52. Rita says:

    I actually just bought a SVS, so the Bellini Kitchen Master would be my choice. I have terrible knife skills, so a machine that does it all for me would be a dream come true! It would pair excellently with the SVS I already have, and making delicious caramelized carrots (a la Serious Eats) would be so easy!

  53. Burcu says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Cooking Master because it would save me time and help me prepare delicious meals.

  54. jeffrey n says:

    id like to try the bellini cooking master as i would like to see how efficient the machine is in terms of counter top space and its ease of use compared to other appliances

  55. Elaine Beierbach says:

    SousVide Supreme machine. I would like to find a healthy way to cook to lose weight.

  56. GARRY S says:


  57. gbomberry says:

    Definitely the vacuum sealer, I could really use one of these in my kitchen for leftovers etc. for the freezer.

  58. B Ha says:

    Would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master as it seems like a more affordable version of the thermomix which is pretty interesting when I first heard about it

  59. Joanne Thompson says:

    Both products look amazing. I would definitely enjoy trying out the Bellini Kitchen Master. i love that it can do so many things – being able to process food and cook it at the same time sounds like the greatest time saver for me! Actually, it sounds pretty fantastic!!!!

  60. Tracey says:

    I would like to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master because it would save me so much time in the kitchen and make meal preparation so much easier.

  61. Dave says:

    I think I’d like to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master. Seems more practical and functional. Something I would probably use more than the others. Thanks

  62. Jeneepan Bala says:

    I would choose the Bellini Kitchen Master because I have very little kitchen counter space and I love to try out different recipes, so this multi tasking gadget would be awesome !

  63. Bryan says:

    I want to try the Bellini Kitchen Master! Looks a neat appliance that would make cooking more convenient!

  64. Ginette Bernard says:

    Le Bellini Cuisine maître et le sous vide Suprême semblent être des produits révolutionnaires pour la cuisine. Ces appareils nous permettent une nouvelle créativité, une nouvelle façon de cuisiner. WOW!!!

  65. jasmyth says:

    I would love to try the Bellini. I love that it does all the work for you and cooks it as well. That’s my kind of machine!

  66. Mary Boudreau says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. It sounds too good to be true and I’d love to see how well it works as it would certainly make life in the kitchen a lot easier

  67. ikkinlala says:

    I’d like to test out the Bellini Kitchen Master, because even if I didn’t end up using it for cooking I’d know it would be useful as a food processor.

  68. Kimberley says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. I love the idea that it takes up less space and does so much more than other kitchen appliances. Something that help with food prep and cooks….I’m in!

  69. kevin snyder says:

    looks like a very interesting machine

  70. aly3360 says:

    Following @CLculinary and tweeted

  71. Missy Avey says:

    I would LOVE to try the Bellini Machine!!

  72. Kristy says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it sounds like an all in one masterpiece of cookery! I can’t believe it can do what it does.

  73. Heather S. says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master looks amazing! I would love to try all of its features and it would certainly make my kitchen life much easier! I am following @BelliniKM and @CLCulinary on Twitter and here is a link to my tweet https://twitter.com/chachacha2014JN/status/531116092073459712 .

  74. janicour says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master. I have been waiting for a product like this. I do not have a high end machine, and this looks way better than what I have seen on the market so far.

  75. janicour says:

  76. janicour says:

  77. Louise says:

    wow them both but since I have to choose one it would be the Bellini Kitchen Master because it combines the function of 8 appliances in 1. I really like that

  78. intensev5 says:

    I really like the SousVide Supreme – I love the idea of how easy a supper could be made using this

  79. Suzanne G says:

    I would choose the Bellini Kitchen Master because it seriously sounds so futuristic. I had never heard of this before but the fact that it preps plus cooks, truly amazing.

  80. I would love to try the SousVide Supreme machine. I have never in my life been able to cook a good steak so this would be a first for me, LOL.

  81. Lisa Morrison says:

    I want to try the Bellini kitchen master because I love to make soups which I think would turn out wonderful in this device.

  82. I’ve always wanted a Vitamix so i think the Bellini would be perfect for me!

  83. mousecat says:

    I really like the SousVide Supreme vacuum sealer (for some reason I’ve always been obsessed with these but have never actually had one) and the Bellini Kitchen Master! (with 8 devices in one, how can you go wrong – and you’d save a ton of space on appliances)

  84. Sandi Tymchuk says:

    I would have a hard time deciding which machine I prefer: I suppose if I am forced to choose, I would choose the SousVide Supreme vacuum sealed cooking system because the other machine might intimidate me by its multifunctionality!

  85. Diana Corlett says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master conjures up thoughts of gloriously healthy meals. So many options in the one appliance!

  86. Kevin B says:

    I would like to try the Bellini kitchen master — it sounds like it is very high tech and would be very interesting to see in action

  87. Rob Hawryluk says:

    The Kitchen Master sounds amazing!

  88. Tanya S says:

    I’d like to try the SousVide Supreme, because I always see chefs preparing meals with this technique and I believe I could really try great new dishes myself.

  89. Bellini Kitchen Master – this really looks amazing, would love to try it out!

  90. nikki robak says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master just to see everything it can do

  91. Joanne Saunders says:

    I would love to win the Bellini Kitchen Master. It would make my life in the kitchen soooo much easier. Thank you for the chance.

  92. glinda says:

    The Bellini Ketchen Master would be my choice – as it sounds like it’s the ultimate work-horse and it would only take up one space – not eight.

  93. Tracy says:

    I would love a Bellini Kitchen Master. I cook all meals from scratch every night my self (literally -7 nights a week, 365 days a year) because of multiple severe allergies, and any help I can get to make things both easier, but also to add variety is such a blessing. I have never heard of either of these before, they both sounds simply amazing!

  94. jan says:

    I too would choose the Bellini Kitchen Master. You had me at super easy to use, but with the inclusion of the ‘most impressive kitchen multi-tasker’ I am wondering how I’m doing without it. I’m having a difficult time picturing a device that does everything this one does.

  95. aarone mawdsley says:

    I would love the Bellini Kitchen Master because it looks awesome!

  96. Leslie Z. says:

    i would choose the Bellini Kitchen Master. It sure would be nice to have a Master in the kitchen.

  97. Carla B says:

    I would definitely choose the Bellini Kitchen Master. It would be nice for my BF to have a bit of help in the kitchen. 🙂

  98. Leah M says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. Looks awesome!

  99. Alex P says:

    I would love to try the SousVide Supreme because I am very curious how well it can cook a steak. Also a “water oven” sounds so strange to me I’d love to see one in person.

  100. beewbedard says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master-would like to try something new

  101. Mary Warner says:

    This would be amazing in a small space!

  102. JanW says:

    I would love the Bellini Kitchen Master because it looks like it would make it easier to make healthy meals more often for my family.

  103. Veronique L says:

    The Bellini Cooking Master would help greatly in reducing the time it takes for me to make a healthy and wholesome meal for my family.

  104. Jessica Lord says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini cooking master to ease meal prep!

  105. Jeanette Jackson says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it sounds easy to make delicious meals.

  106. Heather Swanson says:

    cooking master would keep in the flavor & vitamins

  107. lorna says:

    the bellini kitchen master would be an amazing addition to my kitchen.

  108. I have never heard of the Bellini kitchen master before, but don’t know how I’ve been surviving without it!

  109. Holly says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it would be such a timesaver on busy days!

  110. Holly says:

    Followed both @BelliniKM and @CLCulinary and tweeted! https://twitter.com/anchantra/status/531266312828649472

  111. L.S. Watson says:

    The kitchen master looks pretty cool. Im not a heavy meat eater so this machine would be perfect for me.

  112. Edith Rennes says:

    The vacuum sealer would be pretty handy

  113. Kiersten says:

    The Bellini Kitchen master sounds great, would save me sooo much cooking time!

  114. truckerofbc says:

    I like the SousVid Machine

  115. Victoria M says:

    Whoa, the SousVide Supreme looks amazing; I just went back to work after maternity leave and this would make meal time 100 times easier for my family.

  116. Erin McSweeney says:

    i would loveeeeeeee the Bellini Kitchen Master, what i could do with this in the kitchen. it would seem to replace so many kitchen appliances, and save me so much time.

  117. Erin McSweeney says:

  118. Kristen says:

    I want to try the Bellini kitchen master because I think it would save me a lot of time!

  119. Mathew K says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because I am a big fan of hummus and would like to compare how hummus made in this machine compares with the store-bought.

  120. Evren Ay says:

    I would have to go with the bellini kitchen master because I love to cook, mix, chop, etc, having a three year old and trying to stick to an organic lifestyle, I think this would be a great product to try and recommend to others. The first thing I would try out would be steemed broccoli!

  121. Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

    Well I’m afraid I’m going against the grain here as I’d love to try the SousVide Supreme – sounds like a fantastic little machine.

  122. Elizabeth Matthiesen says:

    I also follow the other site and have tweeted – but can’t find the tweet now! Even the link I gave above isn’t showing up in my twitter account but twitter won’t let me post again, already posted it tells me – true but where are they then???

  123. Nicole B says:

    The sousvide supreme since I always overcook my meat so that one would save me!

  124. Steven Moore says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master with it’s small footprint (considering what it’s able to do) would be an incredible addition to my kitchen. We’re limited in space, and with two kids this would really help streamline meal preparation and let us try some new recipes. Thanks for the amazing review.

  125. mebad247 says:

  126. mebad247 says:

  127. I’d love the Bellini Intelli Kitchen Master – having a machine that can do so many things (all in one) would be a godsend. I may not be much of a chef/cook but I know having a machine like this would certainly ‘up’ my results in the kitchen.

  128. Keith Ashman says:

    would like to win this

  129. Renee Lacasse says:

    would like to win this

  130. Cheryl says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master. Small footprint and multi-function would make it a good fit in my kitchen.

  131. CLC says:

    I a foodie who would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. I’d like to experiment with new dishes and try all of the attachments!

  132. dabrowne says:

    I would definitely like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because of its versatility. It would save time, money, space and frustration from trying to prepare a recipe that requires multiple appliances!

  133. Katie says:

    I would want to try the Bellini Kitchen Master – it seems to do everything!

  134. Andrew Fraser says:

    I’d choose the Bellini Kitchen Master since it has so many functions

  135. Janna Fraser says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master has a lot of uses so it would be my choice

  136. Virginia Buck says:

    I would love to try out the Belini Kitchen Master. Would make it so easy to be creative in the kitchen.

  137. mcmc says:

    the Bellini Kitchen Master would be a wonderful addition to my kitchen

  138. Erin W says:

    I’d love to try the Sous Vide Supreme. After seeing it on Chopped (lol) I’d love to try it myself!

  139. SueSueper says:

    I would like to test out the Bellini Kitchen Master . I think it’s amazing that it can do so much in one tool. Would love to test it out, then get rid of all the individual appliances that this amazing product can make obsolete for me.

  140. SueSueper says:

    I follow @BelliniKM on Twitter and tweeted. 🙂

  141. SueSueper says:

    I follow @CLCulinary on Twitter and tweeted:

  142. Beverly W says:

    I would love to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master! Bellini’s are my best friend. Now I can have my girlfriends over for some Bellini fun!

  143. l p says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master looks terrific. it does so many different things, is compact with a small foot-print. I’ll take it for a test-drive any time! thanks for the chance to win one.

  144. Suzie M says:

    I would want the Bellini Kitchen Master, just think of all the room on my counters & how much it can do

  145. Suzie M says:

  146. Suzie M says:

  147. cookie3 says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. It would be great because it takes the place of so many different small appliances that it sure would cut down on the counter clutter.

  148. Mike Mottishaw says:

    I’ve always wanted to try the vaccuum sealer to see how well it holds the seal-so many helpful uses to sealing in freshness!

  149. layners says:

    I would love to have this in my house! So versatile!

  150. Holly says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master looks awesome! I would love to try out new recipes.

  151. Wendi Maroon says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master! It looks and sounds like it could be used in place of at least 3 small kitchen appliances. And for someone like me, who can barely cook, I could use all the help I could get!

  152. Michelle K says:

    I would really like the Bellini Kitchen Master, it sounds great.

  153. joyce s. says:

    I would like the vacuum sealer. It would keep the various things in my freezer fresh.

  154. WOW,,how awesome~ I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master! Would be great to be able to do all those things,,chop,dice,steam,fry,,etc..great! Many appliances all in one!

  155. Deanna Barkley says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. Anything thing that can help in the kitchen is great with me. I have lymphedema in left arm and hand and, as a result, I have to wear a disposable glove on my hand when working in the kitchen. I have chopped off the fingers (of the glove) while chopping things and it is not very convenient. I would love to win this.

  156. I follow @Bellinikm on twitter & tweeted

  157. I follow @CLCulinary on twitter & tweeted

  158. Maggie Davidson says:

    I would love to try Bellini Kitchen Master, it would be awesome and take away extra appliances off the counter!

  159. SousVide Supreme is what I would love to try,, Why? I only have to cook dinner twice a week , on my days off and this little beauty would make these meals delicious, easy to use, and then my husband could use it on his 5 nights to cook…. I would even dedicate counter space to keep it handy and ready to use

  160. Have eaten sous vide cooked steaks at restaurants and loved the texture so would love to try the sous vide supreme.

  161. Elizabeth Vlug says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. What a great addition to the kitchen. And maybe I could get rid of a few kitchen appliances that are old and just taking up space.

  162. Elizabeth Vlug says:


  163. Margaux W says:

    I have never, ever owned any kind of kitchen gadget that mixes or anything like that. The Bellini Kitchen Master seems really incredible!! Would be nice to not have sore wrists and it seems incredibly versatile.

  164. M says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master, as someone who has never owned any kind of mixing or food processing type of machines, it really does appear to be a cut above the rest. Looks like an incredible, quality machine.

  165. Rick Roussel says:

    SousVide Supreme this is so neat

  166. Carrie Dodd says:

    The bellini kitchen master I’d love to try

  167. Andrea says:

    bellini kitchen master I’d like to try it out

  168. Glenda Wong says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master sounds like a miracle machine for the kitchen!!! I’d love to try making soup with it! The clean up sounds wonderful!!

  169. Dorothy Pyefinch says:

    I am not trying to get any sympathy by telling you that my index finger has been amputated on my right hand and my index finger to my left had is giving up ‘the ghost’ as I have what you know as psoriatic arthritis. Saying this the Bellini Kitchen Master would be a dream come true because of my disability. It would be everything I have dream’t about and even more. Thank you for having the chance to win such a wonderful device! I want to show my four young grandson’s that Grandma is the best cook on this planet (lol)!!!

  170. Donnas says:

    Seriously, I’d love to own the Bellini Kitchen Master. I love any appliance that multi-tasks and especially one that frees up time for me to do other things. What a terrific giveaway and great appliances.

  171. Barb Batten says:

    Like them both but if I had to pick it would be the Bellini Kitchen Master? Many skills in one appliance

  172. Emily H says:

    Definitely the Bellini Kitchen Master, it would replace a couple of gadgets and hands free cooking would be awesome.

  173. Wayne S says:

    I’d love to try the SousVide Supreme. I watch a lot of cooking shows and even the best chefs rave about the benefits of sous vide cooking, so I’d love to try it myself!

  174. Amy M says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. I have a long commute to and from work each day and this would definitely help minimize my time spent in the kitchen after a long day so that I can spend more time with my family.

  175. Sylvia says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master is what I would like to have in my kitchen!

  176. I would love to own the Bellini Kitchen Master… and not just because you’re giving one away 😉
    I can’t even imagine how much cupboard space this would save! It’s amazing that it does all of those different prep-work functions!

  177. jessica s says:

    the bellini kitchen master sounds awesome! I have never heard of it before, I can’t believe one gadget can do so many different things!

  178. John C says:

    Would love to test out the Bellini Kitchen Master, looks very safe and easy to use.

  179. Erica says:

    OK, so I admit it… I love to cook and I love to eat even more (who doesn’t) but I don’t spend much time in my kitchen. My kitchen tools are pretty abysmal, but if I won the Bellini Kitchen Master – I know I’d be whipping up some restaurant worthy meals in no time!

  180. John C says:

  181. John C says:

  182. Erica says:

  183. Lucy k says:

    Kitchen master for sure

  184. Susan says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini kitchen master – seems like it’d be a great timesaver!

  185. Denise Vella says:

    The Sous Vide would be great to try out. Could pack even more in my freezer

  186. Janice Lewis says:

    Sous Vide Supreme for me. I always over cook my steak 😦

  187. I can see the Belini Kitchen Master saving energy in my home. No more stovetop cooking for steaming of veggies. Which in turn makes it safer too – when young kids are underfoot and trying to get near the stove.

  188. Oh my!!! I’d LOVE the Bellini Kitchen Master!! That badboy is so versatile I don’t know if I would need any other appliance in my kitchen! The Kitchen Master would definitely make cooking and prepping meals a breeze!!

  189. I follow Bellini and tweeted


  190. I follow Cedarlane on twitter and tweeted!

  191. Andrew Duong says:

    Sous Vide supreme sounds perfect for an evolving foodie. Although I heard it is perfect for steaks, I’d love to try perfect scotch eggs, and infusing flavours into vegetables.

  192. Lawrence Fox says:

    Would really like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master to get rid of counter clutter.

  193. Brenda Lacourciere says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master would be fun to use and make my life easier.

  194. Cameron W says:

    I’d love to try the SousVide Supreme Starter Package because I’ve always wanted to get into the world of Sous Vide cooking!

  195. Brenda s says:

    Bellini kitchen master, it would be so useful and can leave it out on the counter

  196. patti barclay says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master sounds like a great new addition for any kitchen.

  197. KellyPC says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master looks amazing! I’m already dreaming of how many gadgets I can get rid of!

  198. Sunshine G says:

    I’d love to test the kitchen master – we don’t have anything more complicated than a blender!

  199. Frank C says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. maybe I could get rid of a few kitchen appliances that are old and just taking up space.

  200. Audrey Skinner says:

    I would love the sealer. I could use it to make individual servings of chicken, pork and beef.

  201. Susan T. says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master sounds like a dream come true! I’ve always wanted a kitchen assistant to do my chopping for me and it cooks too!!! Amazing!!!

  202. Carly Zeeman says:

    I would love to try the Kitchen Master. I LOVE to cook and this just intrigues me, makes me wonder if it cook can well….?

  203. Sara Rai says:

    I would love to tey out the Bellini Kitchen Master. The many functions seem to decrease the time in the kitchen. I would love to test it out.

  204. Brenda Penton says:

    I’d most like to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master. Not only because it looks awesome, but I love to cook and bake and this would help so much! It would also knock the food processor off my letter to Santa 🙂

  205. Rachel Cartwright says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master – it looks amazing for dicing and chopping (which, manually, I am horrible at!) but also I’m very interested in its cooking capabilities. It seems like a very smart, versatile appliance.

  206. Don Phillips says:

    My sister always has to have the best and she has to be the first to have the best. I need to beat her, just once, and I think the Kitchen Master would do the trick.

  207. Robert MacSephney says:

    SousVide Supreme
    Hands free cooking you say.
    I need all the help in the kitchen that I can get.

  208. aclily19 says:

    I’d like to test the Bellini Kitchen Master

  209. emily says:

    love to try it

  210. jenna says:

    sounds neat

  211. Laurie says:

    would make cooking easy

  212. marcia says:

    love to try it

  213. ladybugvic says:

    SousVide Supreme would definitely be my choice as I have a huge problem with over cooking everything! Would love that!

  214. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’d love to try both of them but if I have to pick I’ll say the SousVide Supreme because over cooking meat has always been pne of my weak spots in cooking!

  215. Judy Green says:

    I really like to have great things first. I’d like the Bellini Kitchen Master before it shows up in the Smithsonian.

  216. Kim Yurkiw says:

    Would love to get my hands on that with all the cooking I have to do having a food allergies. Thanks for the opportunity for winning appreciated this also Merry Christmas!

  217. Vicki H says:

    I’d like to try the SousVide Supreme, because I heard a famous cook talk about serving perfectly poached eggs from the sousvide for a huge group, and my crowd loves eggs benny.

  218. Lynn A says:

    I would like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master, that it is Canadian is a bonus.

  219. I would love to try the kitchen master. It would make it easier to try more recipes and save me prep time.

  220. Bogdan Albu says:

    I’m a true carnivore. Although I often find the best steak ever in new restaurants I have yet to cook such a steak at home that even comes close. I’m going to chose the SousVide Supremem as it will likely be the best home cooked steak (by me) yet.

  221. Victoria Ess says:

    I’d love the SousVide Supreme to keep my meat fresh!

  222. J Barker says:

    The Kitchen Master sounds like a Godsend for me. @ 70 yrs old with 24/7 arthritis it would make meal prep so much easier; less standing, less chopping

  223. Doug Mickey says:

    A Bellini Kitchen Master , a true multi-tasker, would allow my true ‘chef-iness” to finally present itself

  224. Trevor Matychuk says:

    I would love the Sousvide Supreme because then I can never overcook my food, which I tend to do once in a while…

  225. I’d have to choose the Bellini Kitchen Master! I really dislike washing dishes so the fact that I could use this and only have to wash one dish after a 3 part meal sounds like a dream come true.

  226. Susan Stirling says:

    I would love to have the SousVide .. love to cook but at 65, still tend to overcook my meat; somehow that is a skill I just can’t master!

  227. Elaine Boychuk says:

    the Bellini Kitchen Master – I cook from scratch usually by sauteeing chopped onion and moving on from there. This sounds great. On the other hand, I’ve always wanted to try a SousVide too.

  228. Paula says:

    The Bellini looks sleek, and sounds so handy. I’d love to try it!

  229. Sharron Bryce says:

    I would love to try out a Bellini Kitchen Master…. I am the worlds worse cook, and this might help me!

  230. Sarah Hardy says:

    The Kitchen Master looks amazing!! It would make cooking for my 2boys so much less time consuming!!!

  231. Mark says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master – where have you been all my life

  232. Gord says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master is what I would like test out for myself. I don’t much care for kitchen duties and this would help alleviate my resistance to these duties.

  233. laurel K. says:

    I would love to win the Bellini Kitchen Master it looks like it can handle all the things i need to do in my kitchen and its very nice

  234. I am not sure my comment went through si I am doing it again, i would love to have the Bellini Kitchen Master, it is very nice looking and looks like it can handle everything i have to get done in my kitchen with just one machine, thanks

  235. Mike Hamar says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master – it would free up some counter space since it has the functionality of several small appliances in one.

  236. rewettlaufer says:

    I would love to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master. With 8 functions, it could sure step up my game (which currently is 0) in the kitchen!

  237. Pauline Wong says:

    Definitely the vacuum sealer and cookbook. With 2 babies under 3, I like to prepare my meals ahead of time and freeze them for later in the week.

  238. Elena says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. It does so many things in just one machine, what convenience for a busy parent!

  239. Deana says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master ! Although the choice was very hard to make! I would LOVE both but the Master sounds so amazing!

  240. Jason Quarrie says:

    Definitely want to try out the kitchen master, because it seems incredibly versatile, and I want to test its limits, find out what it’s capable of!

  241. Mike says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master sounds like an ideal appliance for me. Hands free cooking!

  242. kathy boyd says:

    My 3 adult daughters (still at home) and myself would love to cook together with a Bellini Kitchen Master. Awesome prize; thanks for the chance to win:)

  243. Lori P says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master since I love gadgets, especially kitchen gadgets, and even more when they work as promised!

  244. christine fox says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master is fantastic and I would be ever so happy if I won this. Thanks for this great contest!

  245. Angela L. says:

    I want to try the Kitchen master because it just looks so freakin’ cool!

  246. Angela L. says:

  247. I adore the Bellini Kitchen Master sounds so amazing. Talk about a Foodie/Cooks dream Machine! I need this in my life. Thanks for the chance

  248. Shawna Wright says:

    I think that the Bellini Kitchen Master would make my food prep and cooking a snap!

  249. Tina L. says:

    Bellini Kitchen Master would be great at clearing up what little counter space I have.

  250. Paula Dumont says:

    Would love to get my hands on the Bellini Kitchen Master. The damage I could do with that machine!!!

  251. Evren Ay says:

    I would love to test out The Bellini Kitchen Master.

  252. Julia H says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Intelli Kitchen Master! Why? Because it would save so much time, with all it can do. And because that would, in turn, inspire me to cook more! It just looks like real time-saver.

  253. Kevin L says:

    Wow, I’ve always wanted to try these kind of machines after seeing them on TV cooking competitions! Of the two, I’ll go with the Bellini Kitchen Master. My mom’s hands have started to hurt recently whenever she chops something for dinner, so with this machine, she no longer has to strain her hands, and even though I’m a terrible cook, this machine could help me join in and make me a kitchen master, too!

  254. Janet says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it has so many functions. It would be like having an extra pair or two of hands in the kitchen. Love it!

  255. Dreena says:

    I’d love to have the Bellini Kitchen Master as it sounds like a very good and high quality machine; it’d be perfect in my kitchen.

  256. Karen Daniel says:


  257. stacey h says:

    i would love the kitchen master – sunday is food prep for the week,i do alot of chopping of veggies, making soups, stews and stirfrys. this handy machine would allow me some ‘me time’ on sundays

  258. Linda Webster says:

    I’d like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it can be used for so many different functions, resulting in saving me time in the kitchen.

  259. John Crawley says:

    Already have a sous-vide machine so would like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master

  260. Donna Doyle says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master because of all the functions it does and I lack a lot of space so this would be great to use and to clean my cupboard out.

  261. linda D. says:

    The kitchen master. We are trying to eat healthier and I need all the assistance possible to be successful.

  262. lynnette wilkinson says:

    the kitchen master would be mny preference. I would love something like that

  263. Carol M. says:

    The Sous Vide as I want to pretend to be a chef. 🙂

  264. smirnoff says:

    SousVide Supreme looks the most interesting. I’d love to try that.

  265. Maegan Morin says:

    Wow that is a really hard choice… I think I would choose the kitchen master just because the possibilities are endless.

  266. diane welburn says:

    I’d choose the Bellini Kitchen Master since it has so many functions

  267. Kaela hendra says:

    Bellini kitchen master so I can impress at Family dinners 😉

  268. Lee-Ann says:

    I would love the Bellini Kitchen Master – it might get my daughter to help with the cooking a lot more!

  269. Lee-Ann says:

  270. Lee-Ann says:

  271. I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it would help me do a lot of the everyday tasks when preparing a meal. It would help me out the most

  272. Sarah N. says:

    I’ve always wanted to try to cook with a SousVide Supreme

  273. Edmond says:

    Re:OMG, tweeted https://twitter.com/intent/tweet?via=CdnGiftGuide&related=wordpressdotcom&text=What%27s+Cooking%3F&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwp.me%2FpXaoj-378
    Luv to try Bellini Kitchen Master to save time. Wow, prize is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity.

  274. Soon to be Mommy of 2 says:

    I would like to test the Bellini Kitchen Master. It would make a huge difference in the kitchen as it serves many purposes and sounds incredibly easy to clean which is perfect for my hectic life!

  275. Iris T says:

    I would love to win the Bellini Intelli Kitchen Master 🙂

  276. Nancy says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it would definitely speed up my dinner prep

  277. Mayda says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master so that I will no longer have to manually dice!

  278. kimberly drodge says:

    SousVide Supreme vacuum for sure! I want my meat fresh

  279. I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master! I love making soup and that would be perfect.

  280. Carol M says:

    Followed and tweeted

  281. Carol M says:

    Followed & tweeted

  282. Darin Wong says:

    i like the bellini cooking master because it would make my job of serving fresh healthy meals so much simpler

  283. diane says:

    I would love to try out the Bellini Kitchen Master. Wow!

  284. Patrick Beliveau says:

    Definetly interested in the Bellini Kitchen Master

  285. Heather Arnould says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master because I want to see for myself that it can do everything it claims. It certainly is unique looking.

  286. Cory Fillion says:

    I would like the bellini cooking master because it would make cooking so much easier. I don’t really like to cook because of all the prep work of chopping, mincing etc takes so much time. This cuts down on those steps and cooks the food too! Thumbs up!

  287. Andrew says:

    I would love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master so I can impress my wife with an amazing dinner

  288. Dawn walsh says:

    SousVide Supreme vacuum i would love to have this

  289. RonC says:

    Anything that makes cooking easier is something I would love try.

  290. AndrewC says:

    If it’s better than a KitchenAid stand mixer, it would be pretty good.

  291. SarahC says:

    I’d love to try out its versatility!

  292. HannahC says:

    I bet the Kitchen Master would make a lot of great dinners.

  293. LeahC says:

    I have a lot of recipes that I’d like to try with the Kitchen Master!

  294. Jasen H says:

    I’d like to try out the SousVide Supreme. Sous-vide Pork belly would be amazing!!

  295. Kim heintz says:

  296. Kim heintz says:

  297. DeeDee says:

    I’d try the Bellini Kitchen Master – you had me at “self clean”!

  298. julia g says:

    I would want to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because it sounds like it takes the guesswork out of cooking (and honestly, I need all the help I can get).

  299. Sheelagh Russell-Brown says:

    I’d love to try the Bellini Kitchen Master. It seems so convenient and multi-functional.

  300. Sherri F says:

    I’d love the Bellini Kitchen Master! I just love that it has so many functions and doesn’t take up tons of space.

  301. Aimee says:

    I want to try the kitchen master. Amazing to have self clean. !!!!

  302. Nancy J Montgomery says:

    The Bellini Kitchen Master would be a dream to test drive. Love a challenge. Multi-tasker? Let’s see.

  303. Nancy J Montgomery says:

  304. Nancy J Montgomery says:

  305. carrieinsk says:

    I would LOVE to win the Bellini Machine!!

  306. ERIC GROOTVELD says:

    I think the kitchen master is simply fantastic,and I would love to own one. If I was in an income bracket that would allow such a purchase, unfortunately my wife and I are seinors on disability and we couldn’t even imagine a purchase of this amount.Howevere, it is the best machine I have ever seen.

  307. DianeG says:

    I would like to try the Bellini Kitchen Master because I am amazed at everything it can do. I was hooked when I learned it can cook rice and broccoli at the same.

  308. DianeG says:

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] Enter now and be the lucky winner of a Bellini Intelli Kitchen Master, with an approximate value of $699. It’s the newest modern kitchen appliance that combines the function of eight appliances in one and includes a 2-liter stainless steel bowl. {CA Only, No QC, AOM, Single Entry, Ends November 19, 2014} Enter here now! […]

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