Read It, Watch It, Love It

Summer may be beach reads season – but it’s also equally fun to cool off in the movie theatre while catching all the action on screen. While there are plenty of action-packed thrillers to entertain you on screen, a number of book-to-movie adaptations are also hitting cinemas right now. If you’re the type that loves to read before you watch, here’s a roundup of some of the latest titles you should be devouring!me and earl and the dying girl
Me and Earl and the Dying Girl by Jesse Andrews – $11.95
In Theatres: Now
Plot Snapshot: Greg and Earl are loners, but happy to be so, busy filming quirky remakes of classic films. But their quiet existence is upended when Greg is mandated to hang out with his childhood friend Rachel, who is sick with leukemia. When the guys decide to make a movie for Rachel, things take a turn for the hilarious – and heartfelt.
You’ll Love It If: You dug last year’s John Green tearjerker, The Fault In Our Stars, but want something with a bit more edge.
The Critics Are Saying: The movie earned raves during festival screenings earlier this year and is a strong critical favourite, with reviewers citing excellent casting, a tight script, and an enjoyable coming-of-age story.

The Art of Inside Out by Pete Docter
The Art of Inside Out by Pete Docter – $54
In Theatres: Now
Plot Snapshot: Inside Out is a pretty cerebral concept for a ‘kids film’. It takes place inside the mind of an eleven-year-old girl named Riley as she undergoes a tumultuous move from Minnesota to San Francisco. We follow the five main emotions that (apparently) live in everyone’s mind as they grapple with Riley’s shifting moods, for a seriously heartstring-tugging tale. This book is a beautiful companion piece to the film and a must-have for any Pixar fans, animation aficionados or those that simply appreciated the art of the movie. It’s filled with various renderings of all the key characters – from hasty pencil sketches to digitally created graphics. Plus, it’s loaded with fun little tidbits, like the fact the story originally had Riley jumping into her own mind. Don’t miss the cute foreword by Amy Poehler, who plays ‘Joy’!
You’ll Love It If: You’re a huge Pixar fan, and particularly loved the vibrant, vivid world in Inside Out.
The Critics Are Saying: The film has earned rave reviews for the little studio that could – and does nearly every time. Many folks are saying it’s the best film since Up! and the critical reviews reflect that, with an impressive 98% score on Rotten Tomatoes.

Testament of Youth
Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain – $20.99
In Theatres: Now
Plot Snapshot: If you’re looking for a more highbrow read this summer, then you’ll want to pick up Vera Brittain’s autobiographical tome, Testament of Youth, about her time as a nurse during World War I. As you can imagine, it’s a harrowing tale that involves plenty of death – but the story isn’t all doom and gloom. Fans of the book praise its engaging tone and ability to transport you to a different time and place so fully (sometimes heartbreakingly so). This book is considered pretty much one of THE books that captures WWI and is a must-read for any history buff.
You’ll Love It If: You live for history books or war books. Or if you’re a Downton Abbey fan – the book takes you from high British society to the brutal warfront, showcasing what a tumultuous time this really was for the world.
The Critics Are Saying: Once again, this film is being praised for its excellent casting, particularly of Alicia Vikander as Vera. It’s a beautifully shot period piece and the type of movie you can get lost in this summer.

Paper Towns by John Green
Paper Towns by John Green – $10.99
In Theatres:
July 24
Plot Snapshot: Quentin is months away from graduation and his semi-predetermined future when his childhood crush, popular girl Margo, recruits him for an all-night mission of revenge. When Q heads to school the next day, still dazed by his wild night, Margo has gone MIA. This isn’t the first time drama queen Margo has disappeared – but as Q thinks back to their hangout, he begins to wonder…soon, he and his pals are on a complex scavenger hunt to try and track down Margo before she disappears, for good.
You’ll Love It If: You love John Green’s writing, period.
The Critics Are Saying: Nothing yet! That being said, Paper Towns is probably one of the most anticipated films hitting the big screen this summer that doesn’t involve a robot, zombie, monster, or superhero.

The Light Between Oceans
The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman – $18.99
In Theatres:
September 2015 (rumored)
Plot Snapshot: What would you do? That’s the gist of this novel, which follows the life of a young married couple, Tom and Isabel, through a few hard years tending to a remote lighthouse and failing to produce a child. But their ‘luck’ changes one night as a rowboat shows up, carrying a dead man and a living baby. Tom and Isabel decide to adopt the baby, but when they return to the land they learn about the impact of their choice.
You’ll Love It If: You enjoy other historical dramas, like Alice Hoffman’s The Dovekeepers or The Lost Wife by Alyson Richman.
The Critics Are Saying: Nothing yet! However, the movie has attracted some high profile stars, including Michael Fassbender and the aforementioned Alicia Vikander in the key roles of Tom and Isabel. Rachel Weisz is also part of the starry cast and fans of the book are psyched for its release.

Luckiest Girl Alive
Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll – $32.99
In Theatres:
Plot Snapshot: Tons of books have been billed as ‘The Next Gone Girl‘ and this dishy read follows in that vein, if only for creating another sociopathic mastermind. When we meet Ani, she seems to have it all – high-powered career, blue-blooded husband, the life a million girls would kill for. But Ani is haunted by her past, which unfolds in alternating chapters to give colour and contrast (and a bit of sympathy) to her current day, sharp-edged self. The story is vaguely inspired by a real life news story (I won’t spoil which one) and trust me – this is one book where the build-up is worth the payoff!
You’ll Love It If: You’re looking for the next buzzy psychological thriller.
The Critics Are Saying: Including this title is admittedly a cheat. It’s a brand new release that just hit the shelves in May. But it ticked two boxes for making today’s roundup of titles – it’s a super dishy, enthralling beach read. And it has been picked up by Reese Witherspoon’s producing company, the same group behind Wild and Gone Girl. Get ahead of the crowd and read it!

Want to stay ahead of the trends? Here’s a few other titles you should be devouring now if you want to be caught up for their fall releases, including:
The Scorch Trials by James Dashner
The Martian by Andy Weir
Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins

And more! Happy reading everyone…and to help you in your quest to beat the box office, I’m giving away prize package of four book-to-film reads, including Paper Towns, The Art of Inside Out, The Light Between Oceans and Luckiest Girl Alive to one lucky reader! Want to win? Here’s how to enter!

1) First & foremost: you must be a subscriber to the Canadian Gift Guide to enter this giveaway. It’s as simple as finding ‘The Gift of Gab’ box in the righthand column and dropping in your email or clicking follow. Then, tell me in the comments below by July 20, 2015 – what book-to-movie adaptations are you looking forward to this year?

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around July 21, 2015 to select the winner, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry #1: Follow Penguin Canada on Twitter, tag them and me (@cdngiftguide) in a Tweet about why you want to read Paper Towns. Post a link to your Tweet below in a separate comment to earn yourself an extra entry into the draw.

5) Bonus Entry #2: Follow Raincoast Books on Twitter, tag them and me (@cdngiftguide) in a Tweet about why you want to check out the Art of Inside Out book. Post a link to your Tweet below in a separate comment to earn yourself an extra entry into the draw.

6) Bonus Entry #3: Follow Simon & Schuster Canada on Twitter, tag them and me (@cdngiftguide) in a Tweet about why you want to check out Luckiest Girl Alive and / or The Light Between Oceans. Post a link to your Tweet below in a separate comment to earn yourself an extra entry into the draw.


87 Responses to “Read It, Watch It, Love It”
  1. janicour says:

    Luckiest Girl Alive looks very interesting.

  2. Cheryl A says:

    The kids are hoping to see Inside Out. I love watching these animated movies and picking out the voice actors. (and then going to imdb and seeing who I missed 🙂 )

  3. janicour says:

  4. Diana says:

    The Light Between Oceans was a great read…I think it will be amazing on film and can’t wait to see story depicted in the Southern Hemispere’s glory!

  5. Heather Swanson says:

    The Light Between Oceans

  6. janicour says:

  7. janicour says:

  8. Margaret Kramer says:

    Excellent review & info! I love book-to-movies! Saved this list for future reference & Looking fwd to seeing “The Light Between Oceans” by M.L. Stedman.👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼

  9. Susan Patterson says:

    I would like to read the ” The Light Between Oceans”. It sounds very intriguing and I would love to find out what happens – thank you!

  10. dorcontest says:

    Definitey Luckiest Girl Alive. Thanks so much for the review. I love new reads and these rock.
    Oh, I subscribe by email too. Happy Belated Canada Day. 🙂 🙂
    Doreen Lamoureux
    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  11. CLC says:

    I’m looking forward to Testament of Youth. I’m interested in war related stories.

  12. Aimee says:

    Me earl and the dying girl looks interesting.

  13. yvonne says:

    I’m looking forward to the “Paper Towns” adaptation, we love John Green’s books!

  14. intensev5 says:

    I am looking forward to The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

  15. Pam says:

    I am a subscriber.
    I love historical books so I am eager to see and read Testament of Youth.

  16. neednewspace says:

    Looking forward to The Martian! Have you checked out the cast?! Awesome lineup including Chiwetel Ejiofor!

  17. Leah says:

    Looking forward to “Luckiest Girl Alive”. I liked ‘Gone Girl’ and this seems like something I’d be into too!

  18. Joan G. says:

    I’m hoping to read Luckiest Girl Alive this summer.

  19. Audrey Skinner says:

    I am looking forward to reading and seeing Luckiest Girl Alive.

  20. Anne Derkat says:

    Me and Earl and the Dying girl have piqued my interest.

  21. Karen says:

    The Light Between Oceans sounds interesting.

  22. kittypride says:

    I am excited to see Dark Places by Gillian Flynn movie adaptation.

  23. Harmony A. says:

    The second half of MockingJay! Great giveaway:)

  24. kiraali says:

    Me and Earl and the Dying Girl sounds so fascinating!

  25. Susan says:

    Pick me! Pick me! I LOVE to read! Luckiest Girl Alive sounds fascinating. So many good reads, so little time (sigh)

  26. debbie f says:

    I am a subscriber and look forward to reading The Light Between Oceans by M.L. Stedman

  27. Mary warner says:

    Testament of Youth. I read it years ago. I think her daughter became a British politico.

  28. Lori P says:

    I’m most looking forward to the book-to-movie adaptation of “Luckiest Girl Alive”. I didn’t think the movie version of “Gone Girl” lived up to the hype. Maybe Pacific Standard (Reese Witherspoon’s production company) will score a home-run with this adaptation.

  29. Victoria Ess says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing Inside Out!

  30. S. Hirano says:

    I liked Gone Girl, so I would love to read Luckiest Girl Alive.

  31. Burcu says:

    I am looking forward to see Paper Towns

  32. Alison K says:

    I’m a subscriber to the Canadian Gift Guide. The book-to-movie adaptations I am looking forward to this year is Inside Out.

  33. Donnas says:

    Looking forward to Luckiest Girl Alive. I love thrillers.

  34. Alison K says:

    @PenguinCanada Bonus Entry #1: Followed Penguin Canada on Twitter & tweeted

  35. Alison K says:

    @RaincoastBooks Bonus Entry #2: Followed Raincoast Books on Twitter and tweeted

  36. Alison K says:

    @SimonSchusterCA Bonus Entry #3: Followed Simon & Schuster Canada on Twitter and tweeted

  37. cookie3 says:

    I’d love to read The Luckiest Girl Alive. It sounds like my kind of book.

  38. Debra says:

    Paper Towns, Inside Out and Mockingjay are ones that I will see. I was disappointed with adaptation of Gone Girl, so not sure about Luckiest Girl Alive. Maybe they will do a better job. Great selection, and contest!

  39. Holly says:

    I want to see Inside Out so it would be interesting to read the book too!

  40. jasmyth says:

    I’m almost never happy with an adaptation of a book to film. I saw Gone Girl and was quite disappointed. The Help wasn’t bad but I prefer my stories in book form. I did read Luckiest Girl Alive and enjoyed it. I would still like to read Light Between Oceans and Paper Towns.

  41. Lindsey says:

    Mockingjay and inside out

  42. edmontonjb says:

    I’m excited to check out Luckiest Girl Alive and Me, Earl and The Dying Girl


  43. Pam says:

  44. Pam says:

  45. Pam says:

  46. sschool2010 says:

    I am a subscriber and I am looking forward to Me and Earl and the Dying Girl!

    (I am still hoping to hear they will turn Girl on a Train into a movie!)

  47. aly3360 says:

    I’m actually not sure which books are turning to movies this year (other than the ones above), but Paper Towns is one I’d go to the theatre to see!!

  48. katydidit21 says:

    I am most looking forward to Paper Towns and to The Light Between Oceans.

  49. Darlene Boyle says:

    Luckiest Girl Alive should be a good read

  50. Jessica Lord says:

    Inside Out

  51. Rachael Bhardwaj says:

    I am looking forward to luckiest girl alive.

  52. Janet P. says:

    The Light Between Oceans looks very intriguing!

  53. Gracie Mc says:

    I’m looking forward to The Light Between Oceans. Also, one you didn’t mention here but I just read about is The Rosie Project.

  54. Edith Rennes says:

    The Light Between Oceans sounds really interesting

  55. Paper Towns for myself, looks interesting!

  56. dabrowne says:

    I would like to read The Light Between Oceans.

  57. Lisa Morrison says:

    I want to read and see Paper Towns.

  58. Kim M says:

    The Light Between Oceans

  59. Tracey Critchley-Thonfeld says:

    I’m looking forward to reading the new book by John Greene and seeing the movie (Paper Towns). He’s a great writer!

  60. aarone mawdsley says:

    I want to read paper towns

  61. Theresa C. says:

    I had no idea Testament of Youth was made into a movie this year! Thanks for including it – I can’t wait to see it! 😉

  62. alexander says:

    paper towns!

  63. Kiersten says:

    The final hunger games movie!

  64. Valerie Gibson says:

    I’m looking forward to Me, Earl and the Dying Girl

  65. Rhonda B. says:

    Looking forward to Paper Towns

  66. Linda says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing “Me and Earl and the Dying Girl” based on the book of the same name by Jesse Andrews.

  67. LILLIAN BROWN says:

  68. LILLIAN BROWN says:

    would like to read The Light Between Oceans, but they all appeal to me

  69. LILLIAN BROWN says:

  70. LILLIAN BROWN says:

  71. lorna says:

    I’m looking forward to Light between the Oceans

  72. I’m interested in Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll

  73. Ashleigh Sher says:

    I’m looking forward to Paper Towns a lot 🙂

  74. Lynn M says:

    Tough choice – I would go for either Testament of Truth or Light Between Oceans.

  75. KELLY E says:

    I want to see Luckiest Girl Alive

  76. redlizzy1 says:

    I subscribe.
    Looking forward to Testament of Youth.

  77. redlizzy1 says:


  78. redlizzy1 says:


  79. redlizzy1 says:


  80. diane says:

    I’m looking forward to The Light Between Oceans.

  81. Lisa S says:

    these all sound like great adaptations but I am really looking forward to seeing Paper Towns and Luckiest Girl Alive.

  82. Lisa S says:

    @PenguinCanada Hoping to get to read Paper Towns before it comes out this week. Exciting stuff! @CdnGiftGuide— Lisa-Marie Straus (@lusciouslm) July 20, 2015

  83. Lisa S says:

    @RaincoastBooks Inside Out was such a great movie so I can't wait to read the book! @CdnGiftGuide— (@lusciouslm) July 20, 2015

  84. Lisa S says:

    @SimonSchusterCA I have heard so many great things and read many great reviews for Luckiest Girl Alive, 54 in line at library @CdnGiftGuide— (@lusciouslm) July 20, 2015

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