Feast Your Eyes

Although I often feature gift ideas for foodies, I realized I’d never actually done an entire holiday-oriented post on the topic. Which is funny, because I read quite a few gift guides throughout the year, and aside from the standard him / her / kids / teens categories, some of the most frequent ‘gift lists’ include themes like fitness, food, eco-friendly, tech wizard, and music lover. I’m not saying I’ll tackle all of those categories this year, but I did think it was high time your foodie friends got some extra love (probably because I myself am friends with many foodies). The gifts featured here generally fall into one of two categories: they are for the at-home chef that loves to whip up kitchen masterpieces…or they’re for the borderline glutton that has a taste for the finest foods in life, regardless of their cooking abilities. They also, for the record, double up nicely as hostess gifts. Consider this the ULTIMATE Foodie Fridays post. And with that…

Coffee Joulies
Coffee Joulies – $60 @ Indigo
I’d liken these nifty stainless steel beans to whiskey stones for coffee drinkers. How do they work you ask? Each bean contains a special ‘phase change’ material that melts at 140 degrees. If your coffee is scalding hot, they’ll actually absorb that excess heat so you can get your caffeine fix without risk of burning your tongue. Even cooler? They also release that heat over an extended period of time to keep your favourite brew warmer for that much longer. An awesome pick if you’re about to be locked into the board room for hours or if you want to keep your drink warm while waiting for the bus in the morning.

Epicureal Sugar
Epicureal Sugars – From $4.27 @ Qualifirst

Want to really ramp up the taste of your culinary concoctions? Look no further than Epicureal’s world-renowned collection of flavoured sugars. With tastes ranging from rose and violet to toasted coconut and mimosa to raspberry and tangerine, these unique sugars can be used in dishes savoury and sweet to add a unique bite that’ll have people going what is that? Use them in place of regular sugar in a baking recipe, sauté them for a flavourful marinade, swirl them into tangy dips, sprinkle them on flavoured cupcakes, or rim your favourite cocktails. The possibilities are pretty endless for this foodie-friendly stocking stuffer.

Where Chefs Eat
Where Chefs Eat – $19.95 (list)

Foodies also tend to be travelers, and this book happily marries the two concepts. With contributions from over 400 of the world’s top chefs, this tome is jam-packed with 2,000 top notch dining experiences in major cities around the globe. What’s neat is you actually get to see each chef’s personality shine through, thanks to quotes and lighthearted reviews. The book is just the thing to toss into your carry-on; it includes maps and an easy-to-navigate structure so you can find a perfect place to eat, even if your cell service is nada in a foreign country. Truthfully only foodies will be the ones to truly appreciate the contributions in here, not just because it’s guaranteed to be great nosh, but because they’ll actually recognize many of the famed names within these pages.

Drip Organic Maple Syrup – $20

One of Canada’s most famed exports is of course, maple syrup. I’m pretty sure every Canuck I know happily slathers the stuff onto their breakfast quickbread of choice – but it’s even found its way into desserts, entrees, salads, and soups (I make a mean jalapeno butternut squash soup infused with maple). If you really want to impress a foodie or a maple connoisseur, skip the touristy shelf-bought stuff and go for the goods: Drip Maple Syrup sells three varieties of their organic syrup (Blonde, Copper and Amber), each with a distinct taste owing to the time of year the syrup is harvested – the earlier in the season, the lighter the flavour. Although the brand sells out quickly each spring, you may be able to catch some of their wares at one of their Canadian locations (click on the ‘Stock List’ link on their site) or you can always preorder and your giftee will have some sweet wares to enjoy in the spring.

Push Pan
Push Pan by Wilkinson – from $19.95 @ Pangea Direct
Big, fluffy, layered cakes are all the rage in gourmet bakeries and home kitchens alike. Of course, if you’ve ever attempted to make a layered cake using regular pans, you’ll know that it’s not as easy as it looks, particularly when it comes to neatly releasing your precious cake from its baking pan. Enter the Push Pan, which goes beyond your typical spring form pan to make it even simpler to whip up a perfect birthday cake. When your culinary creation is done, simply release the bottom panel and gently push your dessert up, up and away using your hands or something like a can or bowl underneath so it can cool while retaining its shape. Works particularly well for crumbly crusts you can to keep in tact.

Charbonnel Chocolate
Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar – $70 @ Holt Renfrew
My husband has a tradition of picking up one of those horrifyingly chemical-laden $2 advent calendars at the grocery store – only over the last year, I have been covertly swaying him to the deliciousness of gourmand chocolate options (of which there are plenty in our city). Anyway, with advent calendars being the hip new thing to attach your brand to, I’m happy to see that at least one chocolate maker has made a genuine effort to craft a ‘traditional’ advent calendar that actually tastes good. Nay, amazing. Charbonnel et Walker is a famed luxury chocolate maker based in the UK with over 135 years of experience in making scrumptious truffles, biscuits, chocolates, creams, and sugared nuts. Their tasty take on an advent calendar includes a variety of handmade milk and dark chocolates, for a sweet start to every day leading up to Christmas. A foodie-approved alternative for a time-honoured holiday tradition, no matter your age.

Cooking Slow by Andrew Schloss
Cooking Slow: Recipes for Slowing Down and Cooking More by Andrew Schloss – $41 (list)

Talk to any food lover and they’ll immediately speak to the values of the slow food movement. That is to say, food that is lovingly prepared by hand, using whole foods, and enjoyed in a more leisurely, social fashion. I’m not saying every meal of every night is realistically going to be prepared and enjoyed in this manner, but it definitely doesn’t hurt to integrate some time to actually savour what you’re eating. This new cookbook celebrates the idea of the slow food movement, but before you balk at spending hours in the kitchen, it actually involves very little hands on cooking time. Instead, it focuses in 6 slow cooking techniques applied to 80 recipes that take a little longer to prepare than your average meal, but with mouthwatering results. Ask any chef: giving your food time to mingle with the various spices and juices you’ve put into it will amp up the flavour by about a million. From Hot and Sour Chicken Soup to Classic Cassoulet to Sticky Toffee Pudding, these are restaurant-quality dishes that can be made right at home.

Beater Blade
BeaterBlade – $29.95 @ Amazon.ca or Bed, Bath & Beyond
I am the proud new owner of a KitchenAid Stand Mixer, which has already lent a hand to me serving up some vegan oatmeal raisin cookies, peanut butter cookies and pretzels. However, almost immediately after getting my mixer, a friend of mine pointed me to the BeaterBlade as THE must have gadget for anyone that owns a mixer. And she’s right. This unique attachment mimics the standard (and most often used) beater, but with silicon edges that extend out to scrape the sides of your bowl and ensure everything is getting properly and thoroughly mixed. Having given it a spin to make some gingerbread cookies this week, I have to say – it works spectacularly well and earned the hype of being absolutely essential. An awesome choice for the baker on your list this holiday season – especially since you’ll get to reap the baking rewards!

Cook's One Line A Day

Cook’s One Line A Day – $19.95 (list)
Over the last couple of years, these ‘One Line A Day’ journals have become quite popular. I myself have one that gives me a daily prompt, which I’ll answer on the same day for five years in a row to mark how my life evolves. This particular entry is geared toward culinary kings and queens – whether pro chefs or kitchen novices. Each day, you’re encouraged to take a few moments to jot down some notes about your culinary evolution. Mark down what amazing thing you made for dinner or kitchen triumphs, like your first time whipping your own cream or trying a new and surprisingly perfect bread recipe. As someone who rarely makes the same dish twice, I enjoy the idea of tracking what recipes I’ve made over the year and how they turned out – who knows, it might inspire me to revisit a past success. In addition, it’s also a great spot to keep tabs on amazing meals out, dinner parties, favourite wines and more.

Epicure Selections Have A Tapas Party
Have A Tapas Party Collection – From $50 @ Epicure Selections
Although the concept of tapas is a pretty ancient dining ritual, it’s still making culinary waves in some of the world’s most chi-chi restaurants – and at home. If your foodie friend also happens to be an awesome party host, this handy kit will make it a snap to prepare delicious appetizers in no time. Simply use some puff pastry (whether homemade or store bought) and the included dip mixes to efficiently concoct heavenly bites. This nifty kit makes a wonderful houseguest or hostess gift; with an appy maker mold, 3 Onion Dip Mix, Chives & Bacon Dip Mix, Lemon Dilly Dip Mix, and spreader, your giftee should have mastered the art of tapas creation just in time for his or her big New Year’s bash.

Feast Your Eyes Foodie Fridays

Calling all foodies and wannabe chefs! I’ve pulled together a pretty sweet (pun sorta intended) prize package valued at over $180 for one lucky reader. Cook up a storm with a Have A Tapas Party kit, a copy of Cooking Slow, a Push Pan, a bottle of Drip Maple Syrup, a Cook’s One Line A Day journal, and a BeaterBlade! Want to enter? Here’s how:

1) Tell me in the comments below by December 16th: which of these foodie finds would you most like to gift (or get)?

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around December 17th to select the winners, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entries: We’ve got some thanking to do to the lovely folks that put up these foodie gifts. If you want to score some bonus entries, do the following and leave comments documenting your activities.

Epicure SelectionsFollow them on Twitter, tag them and me (@cdngiftguide) in a Tweet about the promotion. Leave a comment with your Tweet below.

Cooking Slow & Cook’s Line A Day – Are both published in Canada by Raincoast Books. Follow them on Twitter, tag them and me (@cdngiftguide) in a Tweet about the giveaway. Leave a comment with your Tweet below.

Push Pan (Pangea Direct) – The Pangea website is your best source to grab a Push Pan of your own. Pin your favourite Push Pan from their site and leave a link back to it in the comments below.

BeaterBladeLike BeaterBlade on Facebook and leave a comment about why you could use one for yourself. Leave a link back to your comment (it can be done, Google it) below.

Drip Maple SyrupFollow Drip on Twitter, and send out a Tweet tagging them and me (@cdngiftguide) speaking to your love of all things maple!

5) Bonus Entries Part Dos: Want to score up to 10 extra entries into the draw? Pin your favourite gift ideas in this post to relevant Pinterest boards and leave links back to your pin(s). Earn one extra entry per pin.

180 Responses to “Feast Your Eyes”
  1. Kimberley says:

    I would love to give my Mom and my StepMom the Cooking Slow book.

  2. leah says:

    The DRIP syrup makes me happy! I would love to just display it let alone sip it with a straw!

  3. Leah says:

    I’d love to get my dad the Drip maple syrup

  4. Jane Hammill says:

    Yum the drip Maple syrup would be superb on top of a squirt of whipped cream on my coffee!

  5. May says:

    I would love to get the Drip Maple Syrup! Yum!

  6. Annie Demill says:

    Cooking Slow would be my top choice with drip Maple syrup a close second.
    following Epicure Selections -https://twitter.com/anniebalanie/status/406441842238971904

    following Raincoast books :https://twitter.com/anniebalanie/status/406442747386535936
    favourite push pan :http://www.pinterest.com/pin/20618110767980601/
    liked beater blade :https://www.facebook.com/BeaterBlade/posts/671537569545122
    following Drip Maple Syrup :https://twitter.com/anniebalanie/status/406444815862091776

  7. Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar would be at the top of my list 🙂
    andrea_hockeygirl at hotmail dot com

  8. I would love the Drip Organic Maple Syrup . 🙂

  9. Taps says:

    Gift my BFF Epicureal Sugars

  10. These are all fab. I’d love to receive the Coffee Joulies, as I’m constantly nuking my coffee cup, which I’m sure can’t be good.

  11. mousecat says:

    tough choice – I really like all these things!! Really! OK, I guess I’d pick the Drip Organic Maple Syrup (yum)

  12. Cairine says:

    I’d love to give myself the beater blade. The advent calendar looks yummy!

  13. Julie G. says:

    I’d most like to get the Beater Blade. I’d most like to give the Push Pan by Wilkinson.

  14. cookie3 says:

    I’d love to get the Push Pan and would give the Beater Blade (I’ve got one of these & they are awesome)

  15. Joan G says:

    The DRIP Organic Maple Syrup would be of most interest to me.

  16. Emilia says:

    I would like for myself the Tapas party collection from Epicure Selections

  17. Emilia says:

  18. Emilia says:

  19. linnett says:

    would love to try the Drip Organic Syrup, thanks

  20. Natalie SQ says:

    I would gift Coffee Joulies, amazing idea!

  21. Chantelle says:

    Coffee Joulies I’m a coffee junkie and these would be awesome

  22. beewbedard says:

    I would love to get the Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar

  23. Susan says:

    I would love to get the Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar!

  24. Lisa says:

    I would love the coffee joulies !!! thats so cool …and i would probably gift the maple syrup to my mom 🙂

  25. Oo0o0 I’d love that culinary journal!

  26. Barb Y says:

    The Tapas party looks fun! Would love that!

  27. I’ve pinned the Pangea pan, and liked and commented on Beaterblade

  28. Evan says:

    I would love to gift the Have A Tapas Party Collection. Thank you & have a good weekend.

  29. Blessedta says:

    Have A Tapas Party Collection

  30. Paula B. says:

    Pancakes anyone!

  31. Holly says:

    The Tapas Party Collection for sure!

  32. Drip Organic Maple Syrup 🙂

  33. Patricia says:

    Would love to get the Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar

  34. Jess says:

    I’d love to gift my dad that Drip Organic Maple Syrup! Mmm! 😛

  35. Gemma says:

    I’d love to receive or gift the Cooking Slow: Recipes for Slowing Down and Cooking More by Andrew Schloss.

  36. Marianna P says:

    Hello. I would have to gift the Tapas set (Have A Tapas Party Collection – From $50 @ Epicure Selections) as Tapas have become so popular for people in my age group.

  37. Donna L. says:

    I’d love the Beater Blade. I love to bake !

  38. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on Beater Blade’s Facebook page (Donna Lyn)

  39. Caroline says:

    I would absolutely lick my fingers after eating all the chocolates in the Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar – $70 @ Holt Renfrew.
    Advent calendars for adults! You’ve MADE my Holiday!

  40. I want everything, but if I had to choose just one, I’d love Drip Organic Maple Syrup. Oh my yum.

  41. Theresa K says:

    The Drip organic maple syrup looks beautiful and delicious!

  42. Grace F says:

    Brittany, Brittany, Brittany…thank you so much for today’s blog! I purchased two sets of the Drip organic maple syrup in Amber & Copper. Last minute gifts for some difficult to buy for foodies! They are just going to love, love, love these. And the bottles are so sleek. Can’t wait for them to arrive.

    Sweet giveaway…good luck to all entering 🙂

  43. -Tara Smith says:

    Definitely a copy of Cooking Slow!

  44. Teresa Orchard says:

    Would love the push pan

  45. Pam says:

    The flavored sugar would be perfect to sprinkle on cookies

  46. nikki says:

    Push Pan by Wilkinson – so awesome!

  47. Vicki says:

    well these are great gifts, but to give I’d select the coffee joulies for my hubby who can’t wait even though I tell him every time it’s too hot. for me I ‘d get the beater blade.

  48. ikkinlala says:

    The Drip maple syrup would be my top choice because it would be suitable for just about anyone.

  49. Nicole B says:

    I’d really love the drip organ syrup! I’d gift it to my mother in law!

  50. I would most like to get “Have a Tapas Party Collection”

  51. Maggie says:

    I would like to receive the advent calendar. $70 chocolate box? They must be amazing.

  52. I have always liked the taste of maple syrup

  53. Erin W says:

    I would give Cooking Slow to my hubs for Christmas!

  54. Michelle says:

    I would love to try the Push Pan!

  55. I would love to get the drip maple syrup or give it!

  56. Lisa says:

    I would love the coffee joulies for me.

  57. Sandi Tymchuk says:

    I would love to try the Push Pan, please!

  58. John Crawley says:

    Awesome choices but I think i will go for the Drip Maple Syrup

  59. Daniel N says:

    Drip maple syrup.

  60. GARRY S says:


  61. kathy wilson says:

    need a new beater blade

  62. darlene boyle says:

    advent calendar

  63. caroline m. says:

    I would most like drip maple syrup

  64. Kevin B says:

    I would love to get that beater blade!

    Tweeted here for Epicure Selections … https://twitter.com/krbcan/status/407312372886278144
    Tweeted here for Raincoast Books ….. https://twitter.com/krbcan/status/407313019853496321
    Made facebook comment on Beater Blade ….. https://www.facebook.com/BeaterBlade/posts/672751309423748
    Tweeted for Drip Maple here ….. https://twitter.com/krbcan/status/407315874463240192

  65. Katrina g says:

    My sis needs the beater blade!

  66. Audrey Skinner says:

    I would love to get the Wilkinson push pan.

  67. Emily Andrews says:

    The Push pan would be an awesome gift. I’ve wanted to start baking more, and this would be a great help.

  68. Athean says:

    The Have A Tapas Party Collection would be perfect for my Bestie!

  69. carrie says:

    drip organic maple syrup looks wonderful

  70. leanne morton says:

    omg – organic maple syrup (OMS)

  71. Jason Fry says:

    Drip maple syrup – would put it n everything

  72. Carol McCann says:

    this sounds like

  73. JACKIE says:


  74. I would love the Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar..yummy!

  75. I would love to get the
    Epicureal Sugars
    rebthecatsitter at gmail dot com

  76. I follow Epicure Selections on twitter and tweeted


  77. I follow Cooking Slow & Cook’s Line A Day on twitter and tweeted!


  78. Tina L. says:

    I would like to gift the Have A Tapas Party Collection.

  79. Dale Steele Nicolov says:

    I would really like to try the organic maple syrup or the push pan.They both sound great!

  80. Rekha says:

    I’m super curious about the joulies… they’d be so handy for long meetings! Though we also love a good maple syrup.

  81. Glenda W says:

    I’d like the beater blade for my mixer. The non stick beater scrapers sound great and would save me time!

  82. Kelly Colby says:

    I would like the “Have a tapas party” by Epicure, I love to entertain

  83. Sara Dhooma says:

    The Drip Organic Syrup looks delicious!

  84. sonya says:

    love thisPush Pan by Wilkinson – from $19.95 @ Pangea Direct
    Big, fluffy, layered cakes are all the rage in gourmet bakeries and home kitchens alike. Of course, if you’ve ever attempted to make a layered cake using regular pans, you’ll know that it’s not as easy as it looks, particularly when it comes to neatly releasing your precious cake from its baking pan. Enter the Push Pan, which goes beyond your typical spring form pan to make it even simpler to whip up a perfect birthday cake. When your culinary creation is done, simply release the bottom panel and gently push your dessert up, up and away using your hands or something like a can or bowl underneath so it can cool while retaining its shape. Works particularly well for crumbly crusts you can to keep in tact.

  85. Christina Ferguson says:

    I would most like to get the Have A Tapas Party Collection. 🙂

  86. nicolthepickle says:

    I would like the beater blade. It looks like it would be super helpful.

  87. nicolthepickle says:

  88. nicolthepickle says:

  89. nicolthepickle says:

    My push pan pin. <– Say that five times fast.

  90. nicolthepickle says:

    Beater blade facebook comment.

  91. nicolthepickle says:

  92. Sherri F says:

    I’d love the DRIP maple syrup! I’m a sucker for french toast so it wouldn’t last long!

  93. Crystal Kordalchuk says:

    I could really use the Beater Blade and would love to try the Drip Organize Maple Sugar. What a treat both of those would be.

  94. jm says:

    I’d like the maple syrup

  95. Tanya C says:

    The organic maple syrup! Looks yum!

  96. Michael says:

    The advent calendar although I’d be worried I’d eat them all by day 13

  97. CLC says:

    I would love the beater blade for my mixer.

  98. omgitschelsea says:

    I’d LOVE the tapas set for myself. So fun!

    email: chelsea@oliveandivyblog.com

  99. Nancy says:

    Most like to give the BeaterBlade.

  100. omgitschelsea says:

    And here’s my PushPan pin 🙂 http://www.pinterest.com/pin/90423904992237400/

  101. Tegan says:

    The maple syrup looks delish – I would love to include that in a gourmet food basket!

  102. joyce s. says:

    I would want the push pan – I can never get my cakes out of the pan easily.

  103. Janice Lewis says:

    I would most like to get the tapas party collection

  104. Victoria Ess says:

    The book Where Chefs Eat

  105. Victoria Ess says:

  106. Victoria Ess says:

  107. Victoria Ess says:

  108. Victoria Ess says:

  109. Victoria Ess says:

  110. Victoria Ess says:

  111. Victoria Ess says:

  112. Victoria Ess says:

  113. Victoria Ess says:

  114. Victoria Ess says:

  115. Victoria Ess says:

  116. Victoria Ess says:

  117. Victoria Ess says:

  118. Victoria Ess says:

  119. Kathleen says:

    I would love to receive a coffee joulie!

  120. I would like the Coffee Joulies 🙂

  121. andrea4444 says:

    Cooking Slow: Recipes for Slowing Down and Cooking More by Andrew Schloss. I cook everything in my slow cooker!

  122. Leah says:

    I’d love the drip maple syrup!!

  123. Vanessa says:

    I would most like to receive the beater blade for my mixer!

  124. Sunshine G says:

    I’d love to receive the maple syrup.

  125. Lynn Clayton says:

    I’d give these to myself

  126. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’d like the Drip Maple Syrup:)

  127. Donnas says:

    I’d love the beater blade as I’m constantly having to stop my stand mixer and scrape down the sides of the bowl. And the price is so very affordable.

  128. Lorna M. says:

    The Epicureal sugars are interesting. I’d like to give those a try. Yes please!

  129. i would like to win the Push pan thank you

  130. beach650 says:

    Yes – the push pan! I love to make layer cakes but regular cake pans are a pain!

  131. stellar says:

    I would most love to receive the Have A Tapas Party Collection.

  132. Mir C says:

    I’d love the push pan!

  133. Colleen M. says:

    I would love to get the push pan or the Tapas Party Collection!

  134. Belinda McNabb says:

    The Cook’s One Line A Day journal would make a wonderful gift

  135. Belinda McNabb says:

    following epicure selections on twitter and tweeted

  136. Belinda McNabb says:

    following Cooking Slow & Cook’s Line A Day on twitter and tweeted

  137. Belinda McNabb says:

    pinned my favorite pan

  138. Belinda McNabb says:

    liked BeaterBlade on facebook and commented

  139. Belinda McNabb says:

    follow drip maple on twitter and tweeted

  140. julia g says:

    I would choose the Drip Maple Syrup.

  141. May says:

    I would love to get the Charbonnel et Walker advent calendar. Looks delicious!

  142. julia g says:

    My Pangea pin with my favourite push pan: http://www.pinterest.com/pin/149744756334123616/

  143. Coffee Joulies for my sister who just had her first baby.
    Or “where cooks eat” for a house warming gift for my brother who is a super foodie.

  144. Julia H says:

    I’d most like to give the Drip maple syrup to my Dad. He is difficult to buy for, as he doesn’t really need anything, but he does love good food and is a good cook, so I think he’d appreciate this.

  145. edmontonjb says:

    Maple syrup please!!!

  146. Brenda Penton says:

    I’d love to get the Beater blade. I really hate scraping down the bowl and making sure everything is mixed in without having to overbeat it.

  147. Jo says:

    Drip Organic Maple Syrup

  148. I would most like to have the Drip! (Just re-entering like we talked about 🙂

  149. Lori P says:

    I’d most like to give a “Have a Tapas Party” kit, and I’d most like to get a bottle of Drip Maple Syrup

  150. Jasen H says:

    I’d like to receive the Push Pan by Wilkinson and I’d gift the Coffee Joulies. Clever products!

  151. Carol M (Lushka S) says:

    I’d love the Cook’s one line a day!

  152. Christopher Ollivier says:

    I would love the maple syrup! Thanks for the contest!

  153. Debbie Petch says:

    I would love to get the Drip Maple Syrup!

  154. Debbie Petch says:

    I liked and commented on the Beaterblade facebook page!

  155. SueSueper says:

    For me I would certainly like Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar 🙂 Chocolate anyone!! YUM!!

  156. Heather A says:

    I would love the Drip Organic Maple Syrup. Yum!

  157. Betty S says:

    For Hubby and I, it would be the Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar , we do love our chocolate

  158. Erin McSweeney says:

    I would love to get Where Chefs Eat – $19.95 (list) for my dad..he loves travel and food

  159. aimee says:

    cooking slow for myself

  160. diane says:

    I’d love to receive the Drip Organic Maple Syrup.

  161. KellyPC says:

    I love the Have A Tapas Party Collection!

  162. aclily19 says:

    I would like to get the sugars.

    Epicureal Sugars – From $4.27 @ Qualifirst

  163. Nadine Lalonde says:

    Charbonnel et Walker Advent Calendar – anything by Charbonnel et Walker is sure to bring happiness to the palate…. nay…ecstasy is more accurate.

  164. macfsh says:

    I would most like to try the maple syrup. I love maple!

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