Impressing The In-Laws

As most of you know, I got married earlier this year…however it’s not like it was a particularly rapid fire romance. My husband and I have been dating for nearly eight years, and over that time I’ve been lucky to have a great set of in-laws that have welcomed me to their family as much as my parents have adopted my guy as their son. Anyway, I know that for some people, purchasing a gift for their in-laws can bring some stress. Maybe you’re trying to impress them in the early years (or even later years) of your relationship. Maybe you don’t feel like you know them too well but you still want to buy something special. Maybe you’re a little wary of price points, especially with no expectation set for what they’ll spend on you (if anything). Maybe you want to find something that symbolizes how important they are to you and your partner. Whatever the case, today’s gifts are designed to straddle that line between personal and accessible – no mega splurges, no mega risky items. Just a lot of nice, widely applicable presents.

Handmade Home Portrait Christmas OrnamentCustom Home Portrait Ornament – $40 each @ Magic Markings Art
If their home sweet home is their pride and joy, these one-of-a-kind ceramic ornaments are miniature works of art they’ll truly appreciate. Artist Cathie Carlson takes a look at a snapshot of your family home and then carefully transfers the likeness to the ornament. You also have the opportunity to include a custom message on the back of the ornament, giving you a chance to express your sentiments (if they exist). A really cool choice if, for example, your in-laws still live in the home they raised your partner in, or if they’re planning on selling their home as empty nesters.

Epicure Selections Merry Bites BundleMerry Bites Bundle – $40 @ Epicure Selections
If you’re just one of many regular guests at your in-laws dinner table, why not provide them with the fixins’ that’ll make it a snap to serve up some tasty grub to whatever neighbours, family members and friends they regularly host? The Merry Bites Bundle from Epicure Selections features five versatile products that’ll quite literally spice up the dinner table. From succulent gravy to hearty beef bouillon, through to the brand’s signature Herb & Garlic Dip Mix, as well as Balsamic Vinaigrette Seasoning and Oven Roast Seasoning, your in-laws will have a whole arsenal of ingredients to concoct their own ‘secret recipes’ that’ll be the envy of every neighbour. Particularly useful for those that love food – but don’t meander too from from the basics (and the best).

Krabhuis – 57,02 €
After you snatched the in-laws son / daughter away from them, they went ahead and replaced their child with a cat. Or maybe they were cat lovers before. Either way, if you want to get into their good graces, bestowing them with a gift for their pseudo-kiddie is a worthy way to do so. The Krabhuis is a unique home that even the most finicky of cats will use. It provides shelter so they can curl up and hide, as cats are wont to do, but also doubles as a climbable, scratchable perch for the more adventurous feline. And as a feel-good factor, you can tell your fam that it was actually assembled by an Amarant workplace, which is a foundation that takes care of people with mental disabilities. Did I mention it also makes for hella cute photo ops? Check out the link above for some very cute kitty snaps!

VentuVentu Strainer Bowl – $54.99 @ Quirky
It doesn’t matter whether your mom-in-law or dad-in-law is the kitchen master or the one to clean up (or heaven forbid, both) every chef likes minimizing the number of dishes they have to use up when preparing a meal. With Ventu, you kill two culinary birds with one stone. Your in-laws can rinse fresh salad greens or drain cooked pasta in this oversized colander, then simply snap on the sealed base and use it to finish preparing and serve up your dish. Not only does it save dishes, it saves time – and minimizes the risk of loosing some stray produce or noodles as you transfer from one bowl to another. Special note as I’ve highlighted quite o’ bit of Quirky this season: you can order from the Quirky website directly, but various products are also available at Target, Canadian Tire and Walmart.

CBC Gem Picnic Cooler Bag
Gem Picnic Cooler Bag – $29.99 @ The CBC Shop
If your in-laws are outdoorsy types, they might appreciate a token that they can tote on the road with them. This portable cooler from the CBC features the brand’s signature gem logo for a touch of Canadian pride, also making it a great fit for those diehard Radio 1 (or 2) listeners. You can easily tote a perfect picnic lunch for two inside and keep it at a well-chilled temperature (hint: stuff a gift card for a local gourmet grocery shop inside), and as an extra bonus, the outside of the bag also features a bottle opener for any soda or beer you may have brought with you. Also works great for proud grandparents that are sitting on the sidelines at your kids’ after school sports activity.

ASUS CUBE with Google TV – $159 @ Staples
The lines between traditional mediums like television and digital mediums like the internet have become increasingly blurry. With YouTube impacting music chart positions, cable companies being overturned in favour of subscription services like Apple TV, and fresh content being pushed by brands like Amazon and Netflix, it’s a jungle out of entertainment options out there. Luckily, the ASUS Cube helps centralize all of this. This voice-controlled device can hunt down virtually anything you’d like watch. Simply say the channel, series or program you’d like to watch and it’ll scour Google TV, YouTube, Google Play, Netflix, Amazon Instant Video and more to access your pick. If you’re not sure what to tune into, it even gives recommendations based on your preferences. A great choice for the in-laws that love to stay in and binge watch the latest (or classic) TV series out there.

Black+Blum Dinner Loop Candle Holder
Dinner Loop Candle Holder – $30 @ black + blum
Dress up the in-laws dinner table with this elegant yet modern take on a candelabra. Made from chromed steel, this unique candle holder is lower to the table surface so as not to obscure your guests’ charming faces. It looks lovely on its own, but you can also pair it with another Dinner Loop or one of black + blum’s other similarly designed pieces for an artfully tangled decor accent. The price point makes it a great pick if you’re newer to your boyfriend / girlfriend / spouse’s family and style is something pretty much anyone wouldn’t mind showing off. Safe but stylish – perfect for in-laws. A very awesome bit of news to share about black + blum – you can now officially buy items directly from their website, instead of scouring your local store. Yay for easier shopping and shipping options! – From $12.99
If you want to go the DIY route but you don’t want to end up on the Pinterest Fails site, Blurb is here to save the day. This smart site offers up dozens of ways to easily create and customize a book of your choice. If you live apart and they complain about not seeing their grandkids enough, pull together a photobook of the past year’s key memories. If your mother-in-law is a mean baker, covertly gather her favourite recipes and craft a cookbook. If the in-laws went on a special trip this past year (or perhaps many trips over the years), create a travelogue to document their voyage. The options are pretty endless and pretty easy. Most of all, have fun with it.
Holiday Gift Baskets – from $49 @ Gift-with-a-Basket

One way to impress the in-laws is to ensure there’s plenty to go round for everyone. A single token for your spouse’s mom and pops will definitely please them, but if you’re attending a family affair, a potentially safer bet is to bring what is essentially an oversized hostess gift in the form of a gorgeous gift basket. Gift-with-a-Basket has dozens upon dozens of festive gift baskets packed to the gills with tasty treats, toasty beverages and salty snacks. Of course, they also have baskets for year-round gifting, from specific occasions like Valentine’s Day (hint hint) to general, everyday congratulatory, housewarming, or get well soon picks. All you have to do is select the basket of your choice (easier said than done) and it can be delivered right to the door of your loved one, making this an easy pick if you need to buy for far away friends or family – after all, it already comes gift-wrapped too!

Downton Abbey Behind The Scenes Book
Behind the Scenes at Downton Abbey – $34.50 (list)
Folks young and old have been riveted by Lady Mary & company’s antics for a few years now, and with a new season of the English drama coming to the small screen in January, this is just the ticket to tide them over. This particular book ties into Season 4, with tons of never-before-seen photographs and insight into the details that when combined, make this one of the most beautiful and engrossing shows on television. From the costumes and props to the music and sets, along with anecdotes and interviews from the stars and production team, this is a great way to show you know your in-laws tastes. Bonus points if you watch the show and can borrow the book afterward to swap stories about.

Appleton Estates 12 Year Old Rum
Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum – $35.99 – $39.99 (depending on province)
When in doubt, get ‘em drunk. I’m kidding, I’m kidding. For real though, if you can lock into the specific brand or even general type of liquor that your in-laws sip on, it can be a really nice treat to give them an upgrade of their usual drink of choice. Case in point, if they’re a fan of Jamaican dark rum, Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum now packages their perfectly aged Appleton Estate Extra 12-Year-Old Jamaica Rum into a special canister that’s perfect for gifting. Although this is an aged drink, it’s not so potent that it can’t be enjoyed when mixed into tropical bevvies or warm winter cocktails for the holidays. Toss in some mix or a cocktail recipes book and expect to be welcomed back with open arms next year. Check with your local liquor store for availability.

Impressing The Inlaws
On that note, here’s to hoping your have a lovely holiday surrounded by loving family (whether in-law or your own) and friends. Surely after handing over one of these prized picks, you’ll be adored. To that end, I’ve pulled together a pretty lovely packaged valued at over $380 for one lucky winner. If you’d like to take home a Reindeer Forest gift basket, a CBC Gem Cooler Bag, a Ventu, a Krabhuis, a copy of Behind The Scenes at Downton Abbey, a $40 giveaway, a Merry Bites Bundle from Epicure Selections and a Dinner Loop candle holder, read on:

1) Leave a comment below by December 20th telling me which of these gift for the in-laws you think would be the perfect fit for your in-laws (or someone else on your list).

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around December 21st to select the winners, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entries: Say thanks to our lovely partners on this post and earn extra entries into this swell giveaway while you do it:

Gift-with-a-Basket: Like on Facebook and leave a comment with a link to your favourite basket from their website. Leave a link in the CGG comments below back to your FB comment (Google how to do it).

CBC Shop: Like on Facebook and leave a comment and tell them your favourite gift idea from their shop. Leave a link back to your FB comment in the comments below.

Quirky: Like on Facebook and leave a comment and tell them your favourite gift idea from their shop. Leave a link back to your FB comment in the comments below.

Krabhuis: Like on Facebook and leave a comment telling them why your cat needs a Krabhuis. Leave a link back to your FB comment in the comments below.

Behind The Scenes at Downton Abbey: Is distributed by Raincoast Books in Canada. Like on Facebook and leave a comment telling them why you’d like to read this book. Leave a link back to your FB comment in the comments below. Pin the Blurb entry featured in this post and make a note of what type of book you’d create as part of your Pin. 

Black + Blum: Like on Facebook and leave a comment telling them what kind of book you’d like to make. Leave a link back to your FB comment in the comments below.

5) Bonus Entries Part Dos: Pin any or all of the gift ideas to relevant boards on Pinterest and leave links back to your pin(s) below. You’ll earn one bonus entry per pin for a max of 10 extra entries.

151 Responses to “Impressing The In-Laws”
  1. Debbie Bashford says:

    The gift basket would be a perfect gift

  2. Kimberley says:

    My in-laws would love the custom home portrait ornament.

  3. Jennifer Deol says:

    The Merry Bites by Epicure is the perfect gift!

  4. cookie3 says:

    The Holiday Gift Baskets are great.

  5. Leah says:

    My in-laws would love the Asus cube. They watch a lot of tv

  6. John Crawley says:

    The Appleton rum to help survive the in-laws.

  7. Natalie SQ says:

    Well my in-laws would love the Ventu Strainer Bowl, and I would totally buy the Krabhuis for my mom and her minous!

  8. Suzanne G says:

    My in-laws are no longer with us so as a gift for my mom I would choose the Ventu Strainer Bowl as it is multi-purpose.

  9. Julie G. says:

    Speaking as an in-law, I think the Custom Home Portrait Ornament is a truly unique item! I’d appreciate receeiving it. The cooler is a fun choice, too. Like the compact size.

  10. I’d go for the Ventu Strainer bowl. Because it looks cool, and is something everyone can use.

  11. Erin W says:

    The ASUS Cube with Google TV – $159 @ Staples would be perfect for my inlaws, they want Netflix but don’t have anything to play it with!

  12. Joan G says:

    The Ventu Strainer Bowl would make an ideal gift for our in-laws – then again I might keep it for myself.

  13. mousecat says:

    I love, love, love the Krabhuis. (And so would the in-laws)!!

  14. ikkinlala says:

    I don’t have any inlaws, but that CBC cooler bag would be the perfect wrapping for my parents’ shared gift (I’m getting them cheese).

  15. Emilia says:

    My inlaws would love the Gem Picnic Cooler Bag from the CBC shop, so would I

  16. mousecat says:

    my comment on the Krabhuis FB page:

  17. Gemma says:

    Behind the Scenes at Downton Abbey would be perfect for my mother-in-law.

  18. Dreena says:

    The Appleton Estate Jamaica Rum is the perfect gift for my in-laws (and I’d hope they serve some to me too!).

  19. Jennifer R says:

    I am a HUGE Downton Abbey fan (and so is my sister- we are going there in the summer!) This would be a great gift for her (or me)!

  20. Cairine says:

    I think my Mother In Law would like the candle holders and my Father In Law would like the rum!

  21. Andrea K says:

    I love the Loop Candle Holder! Super funky and think my boyfriend’s mom would really like it. The Appleton’s Jamaican Rum might be great for everyone to sip on…not in the package, but a great thought for what to add to the present package for Xmas dinner this year!

  22. May says:

    I think the Dinner Loop Candle Holder would be great for the in-laws!

  23. Jess says:

    The ASUS CUBE with Google TV would be great for my dad! 😉

  24. Sherri F says:

    My cats would absolutely love the Krabhuis!!!!

  25. Chantelle says:

    Holiday Gift Baskets for my favorite college instructor

  26. tegan says:

    The Krabhuis would be perfect for my Aunt’s cat.. if I don’t win that I’m going to have to order one!

  27. Brenda Penton says:

    The gift that I think would be a perfect fit for my in-laws would be a Holiday Gift Baskets from Gift-with-a-Basket

  28. joyce s. says:

    I think the strainer bowl would be a great gift for in-laws.

  29. Athena says:

    The Ventu Strainer Bowl – $54.99 @ Quirky

  30. Victoria Ess says:

    I think the Dinner Loop Candle Holder would be perfect.

  31. My in-laws would be impressed by the Gem Picnic Cooler Bag

  32. linnett says:

    The Gem Picnic Cooler Bag would be great for the inlaws, thanks

  33. Susan says:

    I don’t have any in-laws, but know my friend would love Behind the Scenes at Downton Abbey!

  34. Louise Gilbert says:

    My in-laws would love the Asus cube

  35. Evan says:

    The Holiday Gift Baskets would certainly be a great choice. Thank you.

  36. CLC says:

    They love gardening/farming and that strainer would be great.

  37. Leigh says:

    I love the funky candleholders. A great replacement for my mom’s out dated crystal clunkers.

  38. Donna L. says:

    The Krabhuis would be a great gift for my cat who is on my list !

  39. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on Gift-With-A-Basket’s Facebook page as Donna Lyn

  40. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on CBC Shop’s Facebook page as Donna Lyn

  41. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on Quirky’s Facebook page as Donna Lyn

  42. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on Krabhuis’s Facebook page as Donna Lyn

  43. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on Raincoast Books Facebook page as Donna Lyn

  44. Donna L. says:

    I Liked and commented on Blurb’s Facebook page as Donna Lyn

  45. Pam says:

    The epicure selections look delicious

  46. andrea4444 says:

    ASUS CUBE with Google TV. I want it for myself! 😉

  47. Marlene J says:

    Krabhuis – 57,02 € Cat house would be a great gift to a friend

  48. Vicky D says:

    The Reindeer Forest gift basket would be perfect!

  49. Lori says:

    I think they would like the Behind the Scenes of Downtown Abbey – they are addicted to these british shows!

  50. Brad says:

    I would be sooooo popular

  51. Michelle f says:

    The “Behind the Scenes of Downtown Abbey ” is perfect for my mother in law, she loves that show.

  52. Leah says:

    I like the ASUS Cube with google tv

  53. Juliee Fitze says:

    Holiday gift basket

  54. Janice Lewis says:

    Behind the scenes of downtown abbey would be a perfect gift for my one day to be mother in law

  55. aclily19 says:

    Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum would be the perfect gift.

  56. BlessedTA says:

    ASUS CUBE with Google TV

  57. Beatrice Lawson says:

    I would love the Appleton rum for myself:-), and the Holiday Variety gift basket would be perfect for the in-laws. They entertain a lot and that one has a great selection of goodies.

  58. Cassidy Thedorf says:

    The ornament is a great idea!

  59. Beatrice Lawson says:
  60. Beatrice Lawson says:

    The hockey jersey from the CBC shop rocks

  61. Debra Gray says:

    Don’t have any In-Laws. Married a wonderful man with no family. The gift basket is nice.

  62. Beatrice Lawson says:
  63. Lisa says:

    My boyfriend mother ( and my boyfriend) would love the merry bites bundle , they love using lots of spices in everything they cook so it would be an awsome gift !!

  64. tova says:

    I love the cat house and it would make a fabulous gift!

  65. my in-laws- would love the Krabhuis/Appleton Estate Jamaican Rum

  66. kathy wilson says:

    merry bites bundle

  67. darlene boyle says:

    the cat house

  68. sean pynaert says:

    I think the rum and the downton abbey would be great – loosen them up while watching a great show!

  69. the Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum would be perfect for my hubby or sister in law

  70. Sara Dhooma says:

    Gem Picnic Cooler Bag!

  71. Nancy says:

    Gem Picnic Cooler Bag would be great CBC fans.

  72. Michael says:

    The picnic bag would definitely be appreciated by my in-laws

  73. Rekha says:

    My FIL watches a lot of TV, so it’d have to be the ASUS cube with Apple TV. He doesn’t get satellite or extra channels, so he could really use them.

  74. sonya says:

    Dinner Loop Candle Holder – $30 @ black + blum
    Dress up the in-laws dinner table with this elegant yet modern take on a candelabra. Made from chromed steel, this unique candle holder is lower to the table surface so as not to obscure your guests’ charming faces. It looks lovely on its own, but you can also pair it with another Dinner Loop or one of black + blum’s other similarly designed pieces for an artfully tangled decor accent. The price point makes it a great pick if you’re newer to your boyfriend / girlfriend / spouse’s family and style is something pretty much anyone wouldn’t mind showing off. Safe but stylish – perfect for in-laws. A very awesome bit of news to share about black + blum – you can now officially buy items directly from their website, instead of scouring your local store. Yay for easier shopping and shipping options!

  75. Angela Griffin says:

    Ventu Strainer Bowl – $54.99 @ Quirky

  76. Mike Gismondi says:

    i like Ventu Strainer Bowl

  77. The Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum would be the perfect gift!

  78. Jessica P says:

    Would love the Krabhuis

  79. Pam R says:

    I think the Merry Bites Bundle would be the perfect gift for my in-laws!

  80. Lorna M. says:

    They would like the cat house

  81. Paula Subity says:

    Great gift ideas

  82. nicolthepickle says:

    The Blurb photo book would be great for my Mother in law.

  83. Sandi Tymchuk says:

    The holiday gift baskets would be much appreciated by my Mom-in-law.

  84. muapetahl says:

    Dinner Loop Candle Holder – great gift, love to see presents I have given each time I visit 🙂

  85. I think the Holiday Gift Baskets would be great for my inlaws.Can`t go wrong with a gift basket.:)

  86. Lisa says:

    I think my in-laws would like the Custom Home Portrait Ornament.

  87. Carolyn Flanagan says:

    The RUM lol

  88. Nicole B says:

    My mother in law would LOVE the downton abbey book!

  89. beach650 says:

    Definitely the rum for the father in law!

  90. Edmond says:

    The holiday gift basket for dad in law.
    Pick me, pick me! Your next winner!!! Show me the money!!! It would be a dream come true and means more to me than anyone else to win. 😦 Starving artist here desperately needs the prize to have fun and feel alive and inspired again. A life changing experience. Top of my bucket list. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generousity.

  91. raven says:

    I would love the cat scratcher for my mom

  92. The Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum would be the perfect gift for my FIL!
    rebthecatsitter at gmail dot com

  93. I liked Gift With A Basket on FB (Rebecca Roberts) and commented

  94. sylvia shaw says:

    The gift basket would be perfect!

  95. Lauren says:

    I like the Merry bites Epicure gift

  96. Maria G says:

    Anything would be nice..!

  97. Patricia R. says:

    The reindeer gift basket looks like a great gift!

  98. fifaleaf says:

    the perfect gift for my in-laws would be the holiday gift baskets!

  99. carrie says:

    Appleton Estate Extra 12-Year-Old Jamaica Rum or the epicure selection!

  100. Leslie Z. says:

    a Krabhuis

  101. 409cope says:

    The gift basket would be perfect for my mother-in-law!

  102. Maria says:

    My in-laws are no longer alive. My parents would probably like the Holiday Gift Basket. The baskets contain a wide variety of goodies they may enjoy.

  103. beewbedard says:

    my inlaws would like Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum

  104. Pat B says:

    You can’t go wrong with a gift basket, but a certain someone on my list would ♥ the Rum instead!

  105. May says:

    The Krabhuis would be perfect for my in-laws (and their cats)!

  106. I have a few hostess gifts I need to buy and think the Gift-with-a-Basket would be perfect but I really like the Epicurious gift too!

  107. Jessica Lord says:

    blurb photo book

  108. My kitties would love the Krabhuis =)

  109. Lorraine says:

    Behind the scenes with Downton Abbey would be perfect.

  110. Julia H says:

    The ventu strainer bowl would be perfect for my boyfriend’s parents. They like to cook, and this seems like the kind of thing they would really enjoy, because they enjoy anything that is neat and anything that makes their cooking easier.

  111. stacey h says:

    my inlaws would like the candle holder – they have really unique things, and i think this would look great

  112. edmontonjb says:

    My MIL would love the Ventu Strainer Bowl. SHe is always looking for a better colander

  113. amy says:

    The hubs would love the CBC bag. He is a real CBC nerd!

  114. Holly says:

    I dont have inlaws but you can never go wrong with a bottle of booze! I would give the Jamaican Rum!

  115. jay n says:

    The Merry Bites Bundle from Epicure Selections for my inlaws and the Krabhuis for my moms new kitty.

  116. Carol M (Lushka S) says:

    The Asus Cube with Google TV

  117. Tina L. says:

    The Ventu Strainer Bowl would be great.

  118. Jasen H says:

    I do not have inlaws but I have a friend who would get a kick out of receiving the Krabhuis

  119. SueSueper says:

    Merry Bites Bundle @ Epicure Selections would be the perfect gift for my sister-in-law because she loves to cook and try new things. 🙂

  120. SueSueper says:

    I liked Gift Baskets by on facebook.
    Here’s my comment link:

  121. Erin McSweeney says:

    the Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum – $35.99 – $39.99 (depending on province) would be the best gift…nothing like some smooth rum.

  122. ginafleury says:

    My father in law would love the rum, My mother in law would love the gift basket. thanks

  123. Donna L. says:

    I Liked Black + Blum on Facebook and commented there as Donna Lyn

  124. diane says:

    My father in law would love to receive the holiday gift basket.

  125. KellyPC says:

    I think my mom-in-law would love a Krabhuis!

  126. Angela Mitchell says:

    My mother-in-law would love the Epicure Merry Bite Bundle.

  127. Melissa Avey says:

    The Jamaican Rum for FIL!

  128. aimee says:

    love the rum

  129. Lori P says:

    I think the CBC Gem Cooler Bag would be great for my good friend Rhonda and her husband, who are go-go-go outdoor people. They’d also like the Appleton Estate Extra 12 Year Old Jamaica Rum!

  130. Heather A says:

    “Behind the Scenes at Downton Abbey” would be perfect for my brother-in-law. He is a die hard fan.

  131. wai man says:

    The gift basket

  132. Betty S says:

    The Holiday basket would put me in their good books

  133. 3angels3 says:

    The Holiday gift baskets would make a great gift for my in-laws!

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