The Cat Came Back

G-PawsWhat It Is:If you own a pet that loves to roam the great outdoors (and really, what furry friend doesn’t?), you may have had one or two worrisome nights where you couldn’t easily track down your precious pooch or purring feline. Enter G-Paws, an ultra-light (as in, weighs less than a nickel) pet GPS system that allows you to hone in on Fido or Fluffy’s whereabouts with the click of a button. Not only does this weatherproof, rechargeable attachment keep your pet safe, it’s also pretty fun for us curious human types that have always wondered where their beloved pet gets to when not in plain view. Also helpful for dogs that have a scampering problem – no more lost pets!

Who It’s For:Any proud (or nervous) pet parent that’s keen to keep a closer eye on their furry friend.

What It Costs:$100 (plus $20 shipping).

Where It’s At:You can buy directly from the G-Paws website, or from an Australian site called Global Micro.

Bonus entry into my PBteen tote giveaway! Tell me in the comments below – do you have a pet? Would you consider tagging them with this clever GPS system?

13 Responses to “The Cat Came Back”
  1. Joan G says:

    No pets myself but my daughter has a cat and a dog – it’s sounds like an interesting device. Hopefully the price will drop in time as more people take advantage of this product.

  2. katydidit21 says:

    My parents dog has a tendency to run off every once in awhile. I think this would be a great idea for them.

  3. cookie3 says:

    I don’t have a pet at the moment but I’ve had several cats that roamed & didn’t come back for a few days. This device would have prevented quite a few sleepless nights.

  4. May says:

    We do not have a pet right now but would love to get a dog! I think this product is a good idea!

  5. Susan says:

    I have a cat and often wonder where he is when he is outdoors. I would love one of these, but can’t justify the cost.

  6. Susan T. says:

    I have cats and they are strictly indoors so I don’t need this, but if I had a dog I definitely would want one!

  7. diane says:

    I have a dog and although I do not need it for him I think this is a great product.

  8. This is a great idea. I adopted my Daisy in December, and am planning on taking her out on a harness. But I have a horror of her slipping out of it, running away and getting lost. So I’d use this collar as backup.

  9. beewbedard says:

    We have a cat and dog – and I think this is a great idea

  10. Alison K says:

    PBteen bonus entry: I don’t have a pet but I do cat-sit for my friend & such a product would give me piece of mind when he’s let out, so yes definitely I would consider tagging him with this clever GPS system?

  11. Victoria Ess says:

    I don’t have a pet yet, but I would definitely tag my pet when I get it!

  12. Danton Mav says:

    Apparantly, it does not ship to North America yet…. booo….. 😦

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