Pump It Up

My mom’s been telling me this forever, but it’s been nice to get confirmation from elsewhere that walking is a perfectly healthy and legit form of exercise. In fact, quite a bit of research has shown that walking provides the same level of benefits as running, but with half the detrimental physical impact. This is good news for someone like myself who A) Hates running and B) Has asthma. But I know that some of you out there might still lament that it just doesn’t feel like you’re doing enough when you’re walking. Enter today’s gift idea.

BungyPump GroupBungyPump is a Swedish fitness sensation that takes your walk in the park to a serious, calorie-burning workout. How does it work, you ask? Essentially your walk is enhanced through the use of a set of walking sticks – not unlike ski poles – that have a built-in suspension (or bungy) section. That springy suspension area provides resistance as you push the poles into the ground – anywhere from 8 lbs all the way up to 22 lbs, depending on what model you buy. The result is a total body workout – your legs are already busy working because you’re walking, but by getting your arms in on the action, the overall impact is up to 77% greater than just walking on your own.

BungyPump Slimline

BungyPump Slimline – $139

What’s great about BungyPump is how much fun they are to use. Walking – while a good form of exercise – shouldn’t feel super laborious. Otherwise, why would you ever set food outside? The BungyPump poles are fantastic because they keep you focused and energized during your walk, instead of maybe just listlessly meandering down the sidewalk or path you’re on.

BungyPump Power

BungyPump Power – $169

BungyPump – unlike traditional walking poles – are designed for all ages and all levels of fitness. They’re great for seniors looking to put a little spring in their step, those who are recovering from an injury, or anyone simply looking for a moderate level of exercise. But as I mentioned, BungyPump poles do come in various resistance levels, so even seasoned athletes can find a challenging level to work from. The BungyPump Power (pictured above) has 22 lbs of resistance for you to push against, meaning even the most in-shape gym rat will feel the burn after a mile or two with these by their side.

BungyPump Energy

BungyPump Energy – $159

Another pro to buying a product that’s been developed and manufactured in Sweden? It’s good for all seasons and all terrains – a must-have in our frigid Canadian climate. I know that sometimes in the winter it can be a serious slog to imagine packing up your gym gear and getting onto a treadmill. That’s why I always advocate you have at least some form of at-home activity that you can simply pick up and go with, like a set of BungyPump poles. The Energy model pictured above is for middle-of-the-road fitness buffs that are ready to advance beyond the beginner poles, with 13.2 lbs of resistance. On a brisk day, simply grab your sticks and a good pair of walking shoes and hit the pavement. Heck, they’re even great to pack up if you’re going on a hike through one of Canada’s endless beautiful trails. BungyPump actually has a travel-size hiking pole you may want to look into.

BungyPump Other ExercisesBut what about the days when it is -35 or raining or just downright miserable outside? Well, you can actually use your BungyPump poles inside as a form of resistance / balance training supports. Try hanging onto your poles while doing lunges, squats, and other common muscle-targeting exercises and you’ll be surprised at how challenging it can be. Want to see BungyPump in action? Check out this awesome training video.

BungyPump CoupleBungyPump poles would make a fantastic gift for anyone that’s looking to get in shape after a dry spell of no exercise – like your new mom friend, or your parent that’s been recuperating after a surgery. They’re also an awesome pick for whoever you like to walk with – your neighbour, your spouse, your best friend, the ladies in your walking group, you name it. Once you give it a whirl, I promise you’ll both enjoy the experience and be psyched to spread the word. BungyPump is available online at BungyPumpUS.com, which does indeed ship to Canada for plenty reasonable rates. With Christmas on the horizon, take a look at these for any fitness-minded friends – they’ll love ’em!

BungyPump WomanFinally, I’ve got some great news! We’re giving away a set of BungyPump poles of the winner’s choice. Interested in getting more fit, one step at a time? Here’s how to enter for your chance to win:

1) Visit the BungyPump website and then leave me a comment by midnight on November 5, 2014 – which set of BungyPump poles would you like to try?

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around November 6, 2014 to select the winner(s), who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry: Like BungyPump US on Facebook and leave a comment telling them why you’d love to try BungyPump! Link back to your wall post in a separate comment below (learn how here). Ta-dah! You’ve scored an extra entry into the draw.


100 Responses to “Pump It Up”
  1. Debbie Bashford says:

    would love to try the BungyPump Number One’s

  2. SueSueper says:

    I like the BungyPump Power poles.

  3. Kimberley says:

    I would love to try the BungyPump Energy Poles.

  4. dorcontest says:

    I would love the NEW: BungyPump Power
    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  5. Sherry K says:

    The BungyPump Slim Line seem to be the ones best for me.

  6. Taps says:

    I would like to try BungyPump Energy

  7. Phyllis Godfrey says:

    The BungyPump Power poles are the perfect for my exercise needs. An added boost to my regular daily walks

  8. Brenda Penton says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Energy Poles

  9. gmamaye says:

    I really need these BungyPump Energy poles since I go for many walks

  10. i would love to try the Bungy Pump Energy poles – I use walking sticks now, but these would be awesome- thanks!

  11. Julie G. says:

    I think I’d select the BungyPump Energy Poles to enhance my daily walks.

  12. Audrey Skinner says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Number One.

  13. Nicki Poulos says:

    What a simple, effective way to get more out of your walk. Great site & very informative!
    Would love to try the BumgyPUmp energy poles. Have a variety of health problems,and walking is really the best for me. Also, am a bit of a homebody, these would force me outside to walk more!

  14. Susan T. says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Slimline because I am just learning to walk again after a serious illness and they would really aid with stability and help me get back in shape!

  15. Cairine says:

    I would go for the BungyPump Number One’s.

  16. Wanda Washington says:

    BungyPUmp Energy for me! I’m also curious to learn about the portable ones.

  17. Andrea Williams says:

    I would start with the BungyPump Number One set.

  18. Susan says:

    I would like to try the Bungy Pump Slimline poles.

  19. linnett says:

    The travel size hiking pole would be great, thanks

  20. Jennifer C. says:

    I would love to try the “SportsPro Travel” poles when I’m hiking in the mountains! 🙂

  21. Erin McSweeney says:

    BungyPump Slimline

  22. GARRY S says:


  23. May says:

    I would love to try the BungyPump Slimline!

  24. Leigh S says:

    I like the BungyPump Slimline! Would suit my level of fitness!

  25. Cheryl says:

    I’d love to try the BungyPump Energy 🙂

  26. I would love a pair of the BungyPump Slimline poles!

  27. Renee Lacasse says:

    never got these, but would my husband would like to try them

  28. Nancy says:

    BungyPump Number one are the ones I’ld love to try.

  29. Lisa Morrison says:

    I want to try the BungyPump Number one.

  30. KellyPC says:

    I’d love to try the BungyPump Energy poles!

  31. Joan says:

    I would love to use the BungyPump Energy Poles

  32. Anne Derkat says:

    I;d choose the Bungy Pump Energy poles.

  33. S.Hirano says:

    These look like fun since I love to walk! I would try the BungyPump Slimline.

  34. photomum says:

    I would like the power poles to try

  35. Pat B says:

    I’d love to try the BungyPump Slimline

  36. Caroline says:

    I would love to try the BungyPump Slimline – 4kilo resistance.

  37. I would love to win the BungyPump Power poles.

  38. Michelle says:

    Bungypump Energy poles

  39. aarone mawdsley says:

    I would like the Bungypump Energy Poles! They are cool!

  40. Jessica Lord says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Energy Poles

  41. Victoria Ess says:

    I would go for the BungyPump Energy poles!

  42. Alison K says:

    Visited the BungyPump website and of the BungyPump poles, I would like to try their BungyPump Power poles for the challenge. Thanks

  43. April Lavergne says:

    I would really love to win a set if the Slimline poles. What a fantastic idea 🙂

  44. Edith Rennes says:

    I’d like to try the BungyPump Number One

  45. stacey h says:

    i would LOVE the power poles, i’m a regular exerciser and these would be a great addition to my walks.

  46. christine conway says:

    I always wondered why people use poles to walk. Thank you for the great website and I would like to try the BungyPump poles myself.

  47. Suzanne G says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Energy poles as I am a regular exerciser but I am 60 and believe these would be the best for me.

  48. Caroline says:

    I would like to try the Bungy Pump Power. I walk every day, twice a day and while my body does get a good workout, with these it would get a better workout. What’s not to love about that?

  49. mousecat says:

    I’d like to try the BungyPump Energy poles

  50. cookie3 says:

    I’d like to give the BungyBUmp # One a go.

  51. l p says:

    BungyPump Slimline look great. thanks

  52. Melissa D says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Power poles.

  53. pat h says:

    bungy pump slimline

  54. Sarah N. says:

    The BungyPump Power look fantastic.

  55. lucy kabatoff says:

    I would love to try the Bungypump Energy poles.

  56. BobbiJo Pentney says:

    I would like the BungyPump Slimline as I am a beginner and would love to use these to get into shape.

  57. BobbiJo Pentney says:
  58. Glogirl says:

    I would like to try the BungyPump Energy poles.

  59. Steph says:

    Wow, what a cool concept. I think my grandma, who is still very active, would LOVE these. I would pick the BungyPump Number One. Thanks!

  60. the BungyPump SlimLine

    meikleblog at gmail dot com

  61. Elaine Buonsante says:

    The Bungy Pump Power.

  62. Betty S says:

    I would like the BungyPump Number One, it think these would be great for me

  63. Sandra says:

    BungyPump number 1 I think would be great for me

  64. Jo B says:

    I would like the BungyPump Number One, it think these would be best for me

  65. AgnesM says:

    The BungyPump Slimline sounds about right for me!

  66. Amy S says:

    Energy Poles !

  67. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’ve never heard of these before but I love walking and I’d love to try these out!. I’d choose the BungyPump Number One.

  68. Joan G. says:

    I think the Energy Bungy Pump Poles would be best suited for me.

  69. Ann says:

    The BungyPump Energy poles sound perfect!!

  70. LisaM says:

    I’d want the bungypump energy poles.

  71. D.Petch says:

    My mom would really love this!

  72. Valerie Caldicott says:

    I’d love to try the BungyPump Energy poles as I have beginner poles

  73. sschool2010 says:

    I’d like to try the BungyPump Energy (Suzi)

  74. Lori P says:

    I’d like to try the BungyPump Energy Poles, which look like the best fit for me!

  75. leah says:

    I’d love to try the BungyPump Slimline poles!

  76. Lynn M says:

    The BungyPump Energy sounds like a good fit for my lifestyle.

  77. I am a senior with many health problems. I was restricted to bed with arthritis until I started moving. I walked to our community mailbox. Three houses from mine. It took me 10 min. using a walker and carrying oxygen with me. I stopped 6 X per walk. Now with the same equipment I can walk one block with one stop. I think I would like to try your product if I can find a small enough oxygen tank @3L to carry. It took me 10 months to make this progress. It seems to have helped a lot….moving and I would like to see if your sticks can help my progress. Do you think the oxygen tank would interfere if I carried it over my shoulders. Or would it put too much pressure on my back muscles? I would like to win a Bungee Pump Slimline or Bungee Pump Number One for rehabilitation. My husband hikes weekly during the winter and many people in the group use your product and are very pleased with it sticks. Maybe I will see if my husband might use them. Most of the people in his hiking group are quite adept at walking for 1 1/2 hrs up and down hills in the woods. They seem very happy with your sticks and more and more of the group are using them.

  78. Victoria M says:

    BungyPump Number One poles look fantastic. And Daunting coming out of the post Halloween candy fog…

  79. Anne says:

    I would start slowly beginning with the BungyPump Number One set.

  80. Aimee says:

    Bunny pump energy poles

  81. Maryanne says:

    BungyPump Number One

  82. aly3360 says:

    I think I’d choose the BungyPump Energy. The look they’re they’re the middle ground between beginner and expert and that sounds perfect to me. That way i can use them and the boyfriend should be able to also.

  83. carrie says:

    bungy pump energy poles look cool

  84. Penny R says:

    I like the BungyPump Power poles.

  85. Louise Hart says:

    I have been shopping online for days and have finally found that the BungyPump Poles will be the ones for me.

    • Phyllis Godfrey says:

      BungyPump Power Poles would be an excellent addition to my walking routine. BTW, great review!

  86. Phyllis Godfrey says:
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  1. […] It Is: Late last year, I featured a really cool brand I discovered called BungyPump. In summary, this brand has reinvented the walking stick to deliver resistance with every step, […]

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