Zip Zip Hooray!


Zip Zip Hooray

What It Is: So, credit where it’s due – my parents were the ones who suggested this as a gift idea to me. Their main motivation being the fact that I’m going to be an auntie in about five months time (hooray!) If you, like they, watch Shark Tank, chances are you saw Zipadeezip this season and how they blew away the Sharks. The gist of the product is this: it’s no secret that babies love to be swaddled. However, even a masterful swaddler can be undone by a baby that’s flailing about. All that flailing and unraveling makes the baby startle, causing them to wake up and scream their heads up. The Zipadeezip simplifies swaddling by functioning as a wearable blanket. Designed by a mom who’s daughter refused to sleep unless she was swaddled, the Zipadeezip is different than a traditional sleep sack or regular PJs – providing the Goldilocks equivalent of ‘just right’ snuggliness and resistance. Available in tons of cute and constantly rotating patterns, this brand should be your new go to for baby shower gifts (it’s basically the new Sophie the Giraffe). Quick note though – after the wild success of Zipadeezip‘s pitch on Shark Tank, the brand is oversold at the moment. You can pre-order or keep your eyes on the site for when more new Zippies are going to be in stock – so stock up!

Who It’s For: Any new mom’s or moms-to-be in your life when you’re looking for a foolproof, ultra-practical gift.

What It Costs: $34.95 each.

Where It’s At: The Sleeping Baby Website, which ships internationally for reasonable rates.

Interested in trying a Zipadeezip? Check out the coupon code and fact sheet below…as well as a sweet giveaway afterwards!

Sleeping Baby Fact Sheet and Coupon CodeAnd I’m super psyched to announce that I’m giving away a Zipadeezip to one lucky winner! Here’s how to enter for your chance to win:

1) Leave me a comment below by November 14, 2014: which Zipadeezip would you love to buy? What little one in your life is going to be lucky enough to try it out?

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around November 2, 2014 to select the winner(s), who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry: Like Zipadeezip on Facebook and leave a comment on their wall, then leave a link back to your post in a separate comment below to score one extra entry into the draw.

89 Responses to “Zip Zip Hooray!”
  1. Natalie SQ says:

    I would want the baby beluga for my first baby expected in Feb 2015!!

  2. Betty S says:

    I would love the Giraffe Jungle, for my new nephew

  3. katydidit21 says:

    I would love to give my friend who is expecting her 2nd little one the HooteeHoo! She would love it!

  4. Leah says:

    I’d love to get the eLOVEphant print for my daughter

  5. Erin W says:

    I’d love to get the The Flying Squirrel PJ Giraffe print for my daughter. She’d love it!

  6. Denise Darling says:

    I would definitely get the Pink Pinstripe for baby Darling! Interested to see how this differs from the standard sleep sack 🙂

  7. Nisha T. says:

    I’d love some blue polka dots for my baby boy due in January 🙂

  8. Anita Shields says:

    I think they are great! Especially for a ” thumb sucker”

  9. cookie3 says:

    I’d give the Lots of Love! one to my niece who’s expecting.

  10. Susan T. says:

    I would get the Giraffe Jungle for my best friend who is due on Christmas!

  11. Susan Stirling says:

    The baby beluga would be my choice for my darling little Fiona, my baby granddaughter, who I love a whale lot!

  12. tammy ta says:

    In would like the little elephant one for my neice

  13. Sherry K says:

    I will choose the Look Hoo Loves you fleece Zipadee-zip

  14. I would love to win little elephant one for my niece – thank you!

  15. Jessica e says:

    so cute! my son would be adorable in Giraffe Jungle!

  16. Jessica Lord says:

    I love Hooteehoo! and would buy for a friend who is expecting early next year.

  17. Patti says:

    I think they are a fantastic idea, I love the giraffe one.. be a great gift for my upcoming granbabies

  18. Anne Derkat says:

    I’d love the blue polka dots for my neighbors little boy.

  19. bswilkins8 says:

    I would get Hootiehoo for my niece!

  20. Victoria Ess says:

    I’d get the eLOVEphant!

  21. Sandi Tymchuk says:

    I love the monkey print!

  22. Jo Ashley says:

    I’d love the pony print for my granddaughter.

  23. Sarah f says:

    I would love a small monster print zippy for my 2 mon old!!

  24. aarone mawdsley says:

    I like the elephant print!

  25. Michelle Daniel says:

    I’d love the eLOVEphant for my 4 month old!

  26. Elaine R says:

    I wouls choose the Fleece Look Hoo Loves You Zipadeezip. This would be a wonderful gift for my new grandson!

  27. Erin says:

    Love the elephant zipadeezip!

  28. Joan G. says:

    My niece just had a baby boy – I think she would love the Giraffe Jungle.

  29. Karen Jackson says:

    i like the stars pattern

  30. Missy Bisel says:

    I would love the firetruck one I saw a little while ago that was possibly going to be available. Any one of them suited for a boy would be wonderful!

  31. Jessica says:

    I would love the elephant love on for my 10 month old who still doesnt make it through the night!

  32. Jordyn Kaiser says:

    Dear Zipadeezip,

    I am hoping to win a zippy for my dear friend whose daughter recently had a liver transplant. Scarlett just turned 4 months old and has spent a ton of time in the hospital. She would benefit so much from a Zippy so she can stay cozy when her parents can’t hold her. With all the wires and cords it would be so nice to keep her little hands in, with some movement so fine motor can develop. She’s precious and would look precious in pink polka dots or elephants!

  33. Ashley Arnold says:

    i would love the new zipideezip with the whales it’s beyond adorable! My son is coming up to 4 months on November 8th and me and my boyfriend have been trying to think of ways to transition our son out of swaddling. So the zipideezip would answer all our prayers on wondering what to do next!

  34. Janet says:

    I’d love the Giraffe Jungle for my grandson, due in February in New Zealand.

  35. Katy says:

    I love the elephant zippy in small size.
    I just had twin boys so I would love to try this out with them!

  36. Melissa says:

    I would love the giraff print for my 3 1/2 month old son!!!

  37. Katie Nygaard says:

    I would love the pretty in pink in size small. My 4.5 month old daughter wakes up every 1-2 hours at night and no body is sleeping!!!

  38. hhaddad1945 says:

    I would love the starry nights or monkey print or more boyish fleece ones for my first grandson, due in a month!

  39. lorna says:

    love the hooteehoo for my future grandchild

  40. Marlene says:

    Would be for a friend who is having her 1st baby.

  41. Aggie says:

    I would love the funky monkey print for my little one.

  42. Christine says:

    I would love the hootie hoo! We are trying to stop swaddling and I heard this is a miracle worker! We were up every hour last night….this Momma is exhausted!

  43. cgoertz says:

    I can’t wait to give a small zippy to my best friend due at Christmas this year! I think this product is fabulous; such a genius idea! Just got my medium fort little man, already have a large and ordering the flying squirrel as we speak for that next stage in advance!! Great concept for our Canadian climate!

  44. Susan says:

    I would choose the Flying Squirrel PJ Giraffe print in a 4T/5T for my granddaughter.

  45. I love you product but I just can’t afford it. It’s cute and a great idea. And loved the classic red I saw on your website. By son is 10 weeks.

  46. Morgan says:

    I love the giraffe jungle for my new baby expected to arrive in December

  47. Nicole B says:

    I’d love to try the giraffe jungle for my best friends baby due very soon!

  48. Soon to be Mommy of 2 says:

    Love in Reds is what I’d choose and it’d be for my baby due in March!

  49. Soon to be Mommy of 2 says:
  50. Judy Hunting says:

    I would love the Funky Monkey.. I saw this on Dragon’s Dena couple of weeks ago!

  51. Judy Hunting says:
  52. Ashley says:

    Not sure if the draw has taken place but I’d love a size medium zipadee zip in starry pink or pink poppy (I like all the prints, lol!). It would be for my baby Adelaide who loves to be held to sleep and kept snugly.

  53. Erin McSweeney says:

    i would love the eLOVEphant…and like you i’m hoping to be a new aunty soon

  54. Sunshine G says:

    I’d like the Funky Monkey – I have a friend with a new baby who would love it!

  55. Leah M says:

    I like the Look Hoo Loves You! My cousin is having her first baby in the New Year…this would be so perfect for the little one.

  56. Angela Mitchell says:

    I’d love to get my son the The Flying Squirrel PJ Giraffe print!

  57. Steph says:

    The elephant print – for my friend who is pregnant with a team green baby!

  58. Katherine says:

    I would LOVE the baby beluga print! My three and half month old’s lullaby is Baby Beluga, and we have a lot of whale themed clothing and toys already! Now if only we could help him sleep!!! 🙂

  59. Katherine says:

    Liked on Facebook too!

  60. Anne says:

    The Giraffe Jungle for a little one I know!

  61. Maryanne says:

    HootieHoo for my son!

  62. aly3360 says:

    I’d pick the lots’o lime and i’d tuck it in with a baby shower gift i’m putting together for my best friend and her soon to be baby. It’s her first so I want to spoil them rotten 😉

  63. Dee says:

    i think i like the eLOVEphant Zipadeezip the best plese. due date nov 17th

  64. fionpu says:

    i love the Dots of Fun design…i will give this to my friend “mom to be”

  65. jessica janssens says:

    I would love the zipadee zip in blue dots of fun print for my little boy expected to arrive any day now!

  66. Pauline Wong says:

    The “Lots of Love” would be perfect for my 2 month old daughter with winter around the corner. She knows how to free her hands when swaddled.

  67. Carey says:

    I would love the eLOVEphant Zipadeezip but am really not picky which one. My twin boys are just learning to roll so I will have to stop swaddling them soon and this would be a great transition.

  68. Sandy Barlow says:

    I love the look hoo loves you and would try it with my son!

  69. eLOVEphant print! My little bean is almost fully cooked and due any day now. This would be great for those newborn fingernails not to scratch up his/her face.

  70. Lindsay says:

    I would love the lots of love patterned Zipadeezip in medium for my lovely little daughter

  71. neha gupta says:

    would like blue polka dots

  72. Chelsea Conkey says:

    I would love the ‘hooteehoo’ design for our new (and 1st) baby coming end of January 2015! I love the idea of keeping them warm and safe all at the same time!

  73. Michelle says:

    I would get either the baby beluga or giraffe jungle for my second baby due the end of January.

  74. SueSueper says:

    I would pick Starry Blues. The lucky one in my life would be my cousins little baby.

  75. SueSueper says:

    Left a comment on Zipadeezip’s facebook page.

  76. Jill McDowell says:

    I think these are adorable! I would pick the eLOVEphant and would use it for my baby due to arrive in the next 3 weeks!

  77. joyce s. says:

    Gotta be the baby beluga – and a friend of mine just had another grandchild. This would be great for them.

  78. Diana Hawkins says:

    I would love the eLovephant for my son. Just rolled over yesterday at 4.5 months and started coming out of swaddle. Desperately want to try this product. Read so many awesome reviews.

  79. Tannis W says:

    I like eLOVEphant and hooteehoo.

  80. Sarah N. says:

    I like the Baby Blues. Very cute.

  81. kim heintz says:

    Definitely Hooteehoo! It’s adorable.

  82. Colleen Rose says:

    My cousin just had baby #5 five two weeks ago.this would be perfect for such a busy Mom

  83. Carolina954 says:

    Its clear this product works! So many moms like me have found that the Zipadee-Zip is the best swaddle transition blanket on the market. real talk, but kid gets about 2 hours more of sleep per night!

  84. shirley logue says:

    do you have this in a extra small

Check out what others are saying...
  1. […] Enter now and be the lucky winner of a Zipadeezip Wearable Blanket. It features a soft, cotton blend, and a Zipadeezip zipper. It helps baby to have a cozy, enclosed, womb-like feel of the swaddle but allows a baby to push up, wiggle around, and roll over safely and freely. {CA Only, No QC, AOM, Single Entry, Ends November 14, 2014} Enter here! […]

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