Golf Sense

sensogloveWhat It Is: A computerized golf glove that looks and feels like any ordinary golf glove – but actually helps improve your game. The SensoGlove monitors the pressure you’re putting on your fingers and provides visual and audio feedback to help you produce a more consistent swing. Best of all, the computer embedded into the glove can be easily moved to a new glove if yours starts to wear out. And really? What person WOULDN’T want the gift of a better golf game?

Who It’s For: Your dad, who has a lifetime of experience but no luck on those Par 5’s. Your spouse, so the next time you face off they’ll be ready for you. Your budding golf enthusiast son or daughter, to help them from tossing their clubs in the pond!

What It Costs: $89 USD + $7.50 shipping to Canada.

Where It’s At:

BONUS entry into my Show Beauty giveaway – tell me in the comments below, do you know anyone that would love this gift?

24 Responses to “Golf Sense”
  1. Heather Swanson says:

    no golfers here

  2. katydidit21 says:

    My friend’s mom is an avid golfer and would probably love this gift.

  3. Lindsey says:

    I don’t know anyone who loves golf and would be willing (able?) to use that tech!

  4. intensev5 says:

    My cousin would think this is so cool!!!

  5. Victoria Ess says:

    My partner would love this!!

  6. Christine H says:

    I don’t golf and I’m not sure what to make of this, but I know someone that would appreciate this.

  7. Rhonda B. says:

    My brother would enjoy this.

  8. Kimberley Hamilton says:

    Wow so perfect for my grandfather. You cannot buy him golf clubs because he already has the best so this is great for him!

  9. Anne Derkat says:

    My two grandsons are avid golfers and love technology so would love this.

  10. Mary warner says:

    My pal Zaa Zaa, who is a great golfer.

  11. Wanda says:

    My husband would love, love, love this gift!

  12. Suzanne G says:

    My friend is an avid golfer plus loves techie anything so yes she would really like this product.

  13. kiraali says:

    My brother might like this.

  14. Susan Patterson says:

    My friend would love this – thanks!

  15. Susan says:

    My brother would love this as he is a huge golf enthusiast!

  16. Karen says:

    My husband would love to try this glove.

  17. Susan T. says:

    This is a really cool idea! My uncle loves to golf and I’m not sure he needs any help with his game but he would get a kick out of this!

  18. Alison K says:

    Show Off bonus entry: I do know someone that would love this gift 🙂

  19. Joan G. says:

    My son-in-law would be interested in trying this glove.

  20. Shelley N says:

    My cousin Nancy and her husband would probably love this gift but we do not exchange gifts. I will have to send her a link to this. they are huge golfers

  21. cookie3 says:

    This is a perfect gift for the golf enthusiast,but at the moment I have no one that I exchange gifts with regarding golf.

  22. Donnas says:

    Two of my brothers golf occasionally; otherwise I don’t know of anyone who could put this glove to use.

  23. Dreena says:

    I don’t golf but I have an acquaintance who does – perfect for her.

  24. Lisa S says:

    I would love to give this a try.

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