Fair Tradesies

A few weeks ago I did a pretty nifty post on cruelty-free products, and it got me thinking about other classifications of gift ideas with a bit of heart & soul behind them. In the past I’ve talked about vegan-friendly and charitable donation gifts, but today I thought I’d hone in on fair trade ideas. You’ve probably heard this buzz phrase over the last decade, but if you’re still a little fuzzy on it, let me fill you in.

Here in first world countries like Canada, the demand for certain products is extremely high – and we demand extremely low prices. Major corporations will often contract out residents of third world countries to help them fill their quotas at the maximum profit possible. This is troublesome for a few reasons. First of all, it means we’re not really considering the environmental impacts of stripping the earth of materials (like wood) or consumer goods (like coffee beans) to name a few – out of sight, out of mind right? A company that practices fair trade will give these tradespeople a better compensation package so they aren’t constantly forced to exhaust their land (and themselves).

Secondly, it creates an unfair competitive disadvantage for the farmers or labourers or craftspeople. They aren’t rewarded for producing a better product, they’re simply forced to make quotas. Let’s say you’re a farmer trying to do right – by avoiding pesticides or letting one of your fields lay fallow, in exchange for a lower yield – it won’t take much for a greedy conglomerate to simply shred your contact when you don’t hit targets. Fair trade is about building long-term, ongoing relationships with individuals and small businesses.

In some cases, the production of goods could even fall into the sweatshop category – fair trade also means you’re buying sweatshop-free goods that have been produced in a safe and healthy environment. Another consideration in a lot of fair trade practices is giving women a fair chance to become financially independent by starting their own businesses – typically craftspeople. This helps disadvantaged women around the world become more educated, and establish themselves apart from what are oftentimes quite male-dominated cultures.

There are several organizations in the world that will actually certify fair trade goods, but to this point I wouldn’t necessarily say one is leading the others. Generally speaking though, know that when you’re buying fair trade, you can actually feel good about where it came from. Today’s gift guide is all about fair trade products you can buy right here in Canada, all of which happen to make lovely gift ideas. And, for the record, you may want to start taking a look in your cupboards and bags to see which of your goods are fair trade – and if they’re not, ask the company that produces them why.

Creative Women Dashed Azure Tablecloth – $128 @ Anthropologie
I think this would make a lovely wedding gift, don’t you? Hand-stitched in shades of beautiful cornflower blue and turquoise, this table cloth is a gorgeous accent for anyone’s dining room, providing a neutral yet striking template to place your tableware on. The handwoven tablecloth comes all the way from Ethiopia, where the artisans of Creative Women are supported by your purchase to both preserve the art of hand-stitching and encourage female enterprises to flourish.

Capiz Shell Wind Chimes & Chandelier – $18 – $54 @ Connected Goods
I can tell you right now, I have lights made of capiz shells in my home and they are the most beautiful things. Not only do they reflect the light beautifully and look super modern, when the wind is blowing a soft breeze through my house, they let out a gentle tinkling sound that will make you feel like you’re in a beachside cabana by the ocean, and not cooking up dinner in the kitchen. These three gorgeous pieces all come from a workshop (not a sweatshop) in Bali that strives to have the lowest carbon footprint possible, in part by practicing extreme adherence to sustainable tactics. The wind chimes work for just about anyone that loves to lounge on their back porch or could use a little sprucing up in their garden, while the chandelier (centre) is a fun pick for a friend with a funky flair for design.


Inca Peru Patterned Ballet Flats – $88 each @ EarthLover
Proof that fair trade can be fashionable: these handwoven and on-trend mini-wedges are an eye-popping addition to any gal’s wardrobe, at a price comparable to what you’d pay at say, Aldo, for a similar, mass-produced style. Not only are these a great way to put a personal stamp on your style, they’re also made with pretty high-quality materials, including real leather insoles, thick and durable Inca textiles, and a real wooden wedge. Hook up your mom or sister for her birthday or Christmas with a pair! Fair warning: the site I found these on is a little cost prohibitive when it comes to shipping – but think of it as an anti-sweatshop stand and you won’t regret it.


Telephone Wire Baskets – $15.95 – $179.95 @ Fair Trade Decor
Apparently telephone wire weaving has been a longstanding artisan tradition in the Zulu communities of Africa, one that has made a big design splash over in North America in the last few years. It’s genuinely hard to believe these durable, washable, eye-catching pieces of tableware are actually woven by hand using repurposed materials – and you can get them in a ton of styles and colours. Whether you want earth tones to represent their African origin as picture above, a spirited rainbow palette to liven up the dinner table, or a soothing ocean collection to match with almost anyone’s serving dishes, these are a truly unique hostess or wedding gift that will quickly become beloved heirloom.

The Body Shop Tea Tree Collection – $4 – $18
To quote one of my favourite blogs, Of Course. As in, of course I’m going to feature The Body Shop when I’m talking fair trade. These guys are practically pioneers about bringing fair trade practices to the masses, in particular through their amazing best selling Tea Tree collection. On a practical level, tea tree oil has been known to combat a wide host of skin issues. From soothing itchy bug bites to clarifying your skin tone to shrivelling up zits, it’s sort of a wonder ingredient. So naturally, it’s no wonder that the Tea Tree line has one of the biggest range of products, including a new addition this year, the Tea Tree Pore Minimizer, which reduces the size of large pores and gets your skin make-up ready with a matte finish. Beyond that the collection also extends to pure Tea Tree Oil, Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser, Toner, and Facial Wash, and even a pint-sized Tea Tree Blemish Gel for when you’ve got a surprise zit you want to eviscerate. And if you’re wondering about the origins of the line’s signature ingredient? It all comes from the borders of Mount Kenya National Park, where it’s community fair trade sourced. Brava!

Looking for some fair trade for your face this fall? You may be the lucky winner of a $100+ prize pack from The Body Shop’s Tea Tree line! Here’s what you gotta to do enter:

1) Leave a comment by October 9th on which fair trade gift idea most floats your boat.

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around October 10th to select the winner, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible to participate in this promotion.

4) Bonus Entries: I’m giving you THREE chances here people! First, Follow The Body Shop on Twitter and drop your handle in the comments. Second, Like The Body Shop on Facebook and leave a comment on their wall (you don’t have to mention this contest) to scoop up another entry – be sure to tell me you did so in the comments, and what your Facebook username is. Finally, visit The Body Shop website and tell me which of the Tea Tree products you’d be most excited to try if you won!

204 Responses to “Fair Tradesies”
  1. JENNIFER HART says:


  2. JENNIFER HART says:


  3. JENNIFER HART says:


  4. leah says:

    Hey there, love the patterned ballet flats.
    Liked and left comment on Body Shop Facebook site, (username Leah Leitch)
    Would love to try Tea Tree Face Mask, would be real treat. 🙂

  5. Victoria Ess says:

    I love the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection — I love Body Shop products, like the Lily Cole collection.

  6. Victoria Ess says:

    I’d be most excited to try the Tea Tree Skin Care Kit.

  7. Hannah says:

    Those wind chimes are so beautiful! My mom has one like them in her garden.

  8. Hayden says:

    The tea tree collection for me. I’d love to try the face mask!

  9. Holly Sproule says:

    I LOVE the shoes!! Theyre so cute! And I liked the Body Shop on FB.

  10. Actually, I love the table cloth. Very nice. Thanks … I love tea tree oil but got away from using it… would love to start again.

  11. Bonus:
    Follow The Body Shop on twitter
    doreen lamoureux

  12. Bonus:
    Like The Body Shop on facebook
    doreen lamoureux

  13. Bonus:
    Would love to try the Tea Tree Skin Clearing Lotion

  14. Jennifer C. says:

    I love The Body Shop Tea Tree Collection!!!

  15. Jennifer C. says:

    I follow the Body Shop Canada on Twitter. I am @PumpkinGirl78

  16. I love all The Body Shop products. I love the products for the feet.

  17. Susan says:

    Thanks for the great post on fair trade! We so often unheedingly enjoy our excess without considering the lives that have gone into producing these goods.
    I really like the tablecloth as I love blues and whites! #CGG

  18. Susan says:

    The item I would be most interested in trying from the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection is the Tea Tree Blackhead Exfoliating Wash.

  19. thomas rusinak says:

    i want them shoes

  20. Kimberley Graham says:

    I would be most interested in trying the Tea tree blemish gel,I already use their exfoliating face wash which is wonderful and very gentle on the skin

  21. LINDA says:

    I would love to try the Body Shop Tea tree blemish gel.

  22. Jennifer C. says:

    I would be the most excited to try the “Tea Tree Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser!”


    I love the Body Shop products…never tested on animals…..and would be glad to try the Tea Tree line.

  24. Audrey Skinner says:

    I would love to try any of the Tea Tree products.

  25. Diane McKellar says:

    love to win

  26. alana malin says:

    I would ADORE The Body Shop gift!

  27. aly3360 says:

    I think the Ballet flats are the best gift idea. They are gorgeous and I can think of a few people on my gift list who would appreciate a pair!

    ayoung3360 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  28. aly3360 says:

    I like The Body Shop on facebook and left a comment (Amber Lynn)

    ayoung3360 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  29. aly3360 says:

    I’d be most interested in trying the tea Tree exfoliating pads

    ayoung3360 (at) hotmail (dot) com

  30. Kevin B says:

    The tea tree products sound pretty neat.

  31. Jayne M. says:

    The Tea Tree products are my favourite.

  32. I like the Telephone Wire Baskets @ Fair Trade Decor

  33. I follow thebodyshop on twitter

  34. I like the body shop on facebook
    Karla Sceviour

  35. I would like to try the TEA TREE BLEMISH FADE NIGHT LOTION

  36. Joan G says:

    My favourite is the table cloth.

  37. Tricia C says:

    They all look great, but the fair trade gift idea most floats my boat is The Body Shop Tea Tree collection.

  38. pinecone8 says:

    I follow The Body Shop Canada on Twitter (pinecone8)

  39. pinecone8 says:

    I commented on The Body Shop Canada’s FB Wall.
    Tricia Cooper (http://www.facebook.com/thebodyshopcanada/posts/10151155264669647)

  40. pinecone8 says:

    I would love to try the Tea Tree Pore Minimiser.

  41. Brenda Witherspoon-Bedard says:

    I love the Creative Women Dashed Azure Tablecloth – $128 @ Anthropologie

  42. beewbedard says:

    Liked The Body Shop on Facebook and left a comment

  43. beewbedard says:

    Following The Body Shop on Twitter

  44. beewbedard says:

    I would LOVE to try their Tea Tree Face Mask

  45. andrea says:

    The one that floats my boat would be the Body Shop stuff 🙂

  46. andrea says:

    I already follow the bodyshop on twitter (mommy2fiveboys)

  47. andrea says:

    already liked the bodyshop on FB and left a comment (andrea amy)

  48. andrea says:

    I would love to try the blotting tissues!

  49. OPR says:

    I love the Body Shop & have used several of their products. I would like to try their Face Mask next.

  50. mickey53 says:

    Telephone wire baskets look great.

  51. mickey53 says:

    would like to try the TEA TREE PORE MINIMISER

  52. william troughton says:

    My wife uses body shop products, I buy them for her but I can’t enter the store with my migraines! The clerk and I do the business out front!

  53. Kristine W. says:

    Love the Tea Tree Line most of all. Always use the face wash and would LOVE to try the rest of the line 🙂

  54. Leah says:

    I love the Tablecloth from Anthropologie!

  55. Cathleen says:

    I love the wind chimes. It would be lovely to sit out on the deck and hear their music.

  56. Vesper says:

    The Body Shop Tea Tree Collection is the one for me
    meikleblog at gmail dot com

  57. Vesper says:

    Follow The Body Shop on Twitter – vesper1931

  58. Vesper says:

    the Tea Tree Body Wash would be my favourite
    meikleblog at gmail dot com

  59. I follow The Body Shop Canada on Twitter, under Aqua_Eyed_Girl; I follow and commented under today’s post, on The Body Shop Canada’s Facebook page, under Dawn Cruickshank Baldwin. I went on The Body Shop Canada’s website and I would love to try the TEA TREE SKIN CLEARING TONER. Thank you, CGG! Dawn in Sussex, New Brunswick, Canada

  60. Debbie Petch says:

    I would love to try the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection.

  61. Debbie Petch says:

    I like The Body Shop Facebook page. Thanks!

  62. Brenda Penton says:

    The fair trade gift idea that I like the most is The Body Shop Tea Tree Collection.

  63. Brenda Penton says:

    Following The Body Shop Canada on Twitter as @newfiechic

  64. Brenda Penton says:

    Like The Body Shop Canada on Facebook under the name Brenda Penton

  65. Brenda Penton says:

    The item out of the Tea Tree collection that I would like the most is Tea Tree Concealer.

  66. Lori P says:

    The Inca Peru Patterned Ballet Flats are really nice! Have also always like The Body Shop products although this collection is new to me.

  67. Lori P says:

    @Birdophile (moi) follows you on Twitter.

  68. Lori P says:

    Lori Provenzano commented on Facebook.

  69. Lori P says:

    I’d love to try the Tea Tree Body Wash.

  70. Amanda says:

    The fair trade idea that most floats my boat is the Tea Tree oil set because it is good for skin that tends to get more oily and acne prone like mine. Plus it is fair trade with a great scent that leaves skin feeling truly refreshed and clean.

  71. ginafleuryi says:

    My daughter has acne and the body shops tea tree oil works greatl Would love this.

  72. The Inca Peru Patterned Ballet Flats would be a FAB gift…preferably for me!! lol
    rebthecatsitter at gmail.com

  73. I follow The Body Shop on Twitter @rebthecatsitter

  74. I Like The Body Shop on Facebook! (Rebecca Roberts)

  75. I am really excited to try the Tea Tree Face Mask!

  76. Glenda says:

    am quite impressed by the telephone wire baskets – different and decorative.

  77. Dee B says:

    All of The Body Shop Tea Tree products are amazing and accessible.

  78. Kristen says:

    Loving the ballet flats! and the body shop tea tree oil gel is amazing!

  79. Maria Goulart says:

    love the body shop products

  80. Donna L. says:

    I’d love the Inca Peru Patterned Ballet Wedge Shoe…so pretty!

  81. Donna L. says:

    I commented on the Body Shop Facebook wall as Donna Lyn, and I’m a Facebook Fan of theirs.

  82. Donna L. says:

    I would love to try the Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion

  83. craig ross says:

    Hi. having four girls that spent a summer with head lice I have to say I have become big fanof the Tea Tree products. In regards to fair trade in general I think the biggest impact it hashadon me is my coffee consumption. I may not always buy from a fair trade seller but do think about it when ever I buy coffee . liked on face book under Craig Ross posted on twitter craig_r_. Thanks

  84. JC says:

    I’d like to try the Body Shop tea tree oil face wash!

  85. JC says:

    I’m also following the Body Shop @crosseyedcat7

  86. Wendy Dickinson says:

    I love the Capiz Shell Wind Chimes & Chandelier!

  87. Wendy Dickinson says:

    I commented on their facebook page as Wendy Dickinson and liked them.

  88. Wendy Dickinson says:

    I’m following them on twiiter and my handle is @wendylady75.

  89. Wendy Dickinson says:

    I’d love to try the tea tree face mask.

    msdickinson28 at hotmail dot com

    tyvm for this giveaway and gl to all entering!

  90. Sandi says:

    I would most like the Tea Tree Collection as I know the Body Shop is an environmentally aware company and, as such, I love to support them and use teir products.

  91. The tea tree blemish gel is an awesome product…both my daughter and i use it.

  92. Kelly P says:

    I’ve always loved capiz shell wind chimes but one as a chandelier sounds awesome!

  93. Caroline says:

    The Telephone wire baskets are something that are truly unique and ingenious! Not to mention they can be a great conversation starter about Fair Trade!

  94. Lisa Morrison says:

    I love the wind chimes and I would like to try the Body Shop pore minimizer.

  95. I love the Inca ballet flats. And I’d most like to try the blotting tissues from the Body Shop Tea Tree line.

  96. Marlene V. says:

    I love the Inca Peru Patterned Ballet Flats

  97. Marlene V. says:

    I would love to try the TEA TREE CLEANSING WIPES

  98. miranda says:

    Love the Inca ballet flats

  99. Sarah Pralet says:

    The tea tree as it smells so good, or the table cloth as I love fabrics!

  100. sean pynaert says:

    I think the flats would make a good gift for my wife.

  101. Elva Roberts says:

    September 21-I love the Wind chimes and the Tea Tree collection.-el03ro

  102. Ellen says:

    The table cloth is very pretty.

  103. Jennifer R says:

    I really like the Body Shop collection. They always have such nice things there and the Tea Tree Collection looks lovely!

  104. darlene boyle says:

    love the ballet flats plus my favorite tea tree product is the facial mask

  105. Linda Chaput says:

    I love everything in the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection.

  106. tash says:

    I’ve always wanted to try tea tree oil products to combat acne and treat my oily skin!

  107. Lindy says:

    I love the Body Shop products!

  108. Florence says:

    I Tea Tree body wash would float my boat

  109. Florence says:

    fair trade gift i like is the Hemp hand and foot package

  110. Florence says:

    following body shop on twitter @fossie55

  111. Florence says:

    fan of body shop on fb and left a comment Florence Cochrane

  112. nikki robak says:

    would love the tea tree face mask

  113. nikki robak says:

    I follow body shop on twitter nrobak101

  114. nikki robak says:

    I would like to try tea tree skin cleansing lotion fb name nikki robak

  115. Lynne Hagey says:

    Love the Cranberry Joy Body & Lip Care Collection – it’s the gift I give myself every year!!

  116. Lynne Hagey says:

    following the body shop on twitter cdn_honey

  117. JM says:

    Hemp hand and foot package

  118. kmfhee says:

    Love the telephone wire baskets – so creative and what a unique gift! Also love the Tea Tree Oil products – have been using them myself for a long time! The wipes would be great

  119. kmfhee says:

    Twitter follower @aslancat

  120. kmfhee says:

    Like on FB and left a comment Kris F

  121. kmfhee says:

    Checked out the Body Shop website – would love to try the Tea Tree face mask if I won.

  122. Becky Parama says:

    I like the telephone wire baskets the best as a unique gift idea for someone who could appreciate all the artistic and environmental aspects of the baskets. I also love the tea tree products from the body shop, the face mask is my favourite, it really has helped me to keep my acne prone skin free from blemishes.

    • Becky Parama says:

      Liked & left a comment on Body Shop facebook page & would most like to try the tea tree skin clearing lotion for my acne prone skin. Thank you!

  123. Jennifer L. says:

    I love the tablecloth. It’s so beautiful.

  124. OK, although the telephone wire work is AMAZING and really tickles both my colour and pattern fancies, I was touched by the Capiz shell chandeliers simply because my Gran who lives below me has a 40-year old one very similar hanging in her dining room. I didn’t think they existed any longer… 🙂

  125. Linda Laney says:

    I like the Capiz Wind chimes. They bring back fond memories as a child. I’d also like to try the Body Shop Free Trade products. Thanks, Linda

  126. Linda says:

    Personally for myself I would love the Body Shop Tea Collection but for presents, I would like to give the telephone wire baskets. The colors, the design, the weave and useful to boot!

  127. claudia says:

    I love the capiz shells wind chimes, so colorful!

  128. claudia says:

    I followed on twitter @tgyiubg

  129. claudia says:

    I need to try the pore minimizer!

  130. Brenda Ashman says:

    Really like all the products but especially the foot products

  131. Richelle Gregg says:

    Love the tablecloth…looks so soft and delicate!
    Don’t use twitter, but it ‘like’ on facebook and leave a message (Richelle Gregg)
    Love the Tea Tree Oil – works on everything! scrapes, cuts, pimples, canker sores…it’s amazing stuff!

  132. Claire says:

    I would love to try the Tea Tree Oil Toner!! 🙂

  133. fossilsue says:

    I love the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection — I love Body Shop products,

  134. Georgette Elliott says:

    I would keep the telephone wire baskets and my favorite product is the tea tree face mask!

  135. RoxyF says:

    I like the Body Shop stuff the most, great products and stuff I will actually use. 🙂

  136. JoKing says:

    Love the Tea Tree Oil, Skin Clearing Foaming Cleanser and pore minimizer.

  137. Becky says:

    Those telephone wire baskets are awesome, just think what other materials we could recycle into beautiful products. I have to say though that the Ethiopian hand-woven tablecloth and beautiful patterned flats are my favourites!

  138. Barry T says:

    Oh my gosh, sadly I wouldnt give any of the Tea Tree products away as I love it’s properties too much but I’m willing to let my guest use some so we could have Tea Tree Time. =0)

  139. Sharon Janousek says:

    I have been using tea tree oil for the past few months and it works.
    I love all body shop products!

  140. karine says:

    definitely the tea trea oil i’d love to try

  141. karine says:

    i am now following the body shop on twitter

  142. karine says:

    i liked and commented on body shop facebook

  143. karine says:

    definitely the body shop fair traid one floats my boat the most

  144. Tonya says:

    I think the Body Shop has many amazing products with great benefits. I would love to try the tea tree line. I am pregnant and my skin is definately reacting and with the natural ingredients it would be great for my little girl too.

  145. alison k says:

    1) The “Capiz Shell Wind Chimes & Chandelier – $18 – $54 @ Connected Goods” most floats my boat. So beautiful in their simplistic elegance.

    4) First, Following The Body Shop on Twitter @SoulSeeker0
    Second, Liked The Body Shop on Facebook & commented https://www.facebook.com/thebodyshopcanada/posts/200885466711492
    Finally, which of the Tea Tree products I’d be most excited to try if I won? Tea Tree Blemish Fade Night Lotion. Oh to have beautiful facial skin.


  146. Sandra M says:

    My favourite fair trade gift idea is the Capiz Shell Wind Chimes and Chandelier.
    I would love to try the Tea tree face mask.

  147. Jessica Lord says:

    I love the Creative Women Dashed Azure Tablecloth

  148. stacey h says:

    i love the wind chimes

  149. stacey h says:

    follow body shop on twitter @tooliecat

  150. stacey h says:

    liked and commented on bodyshop facebook page
    stacey htkka

  151. stacey h says:

    love to try the face mask

  152. Andrea Williams says:

    I love the Body Shop tea tree collection. All the other items are very interesting and I would consider them for gifts, but the Body Shop items I would love to have! 🙂

  153. Andrea Williams says:

    I like the Tea Tree Body Wash.

  154. Brenda S says:

    I’d love to try the tea tree pore minimizer. I liked the Body Shop on facebook and left a comment as Brenda Schroeder.

  155. HEIDI says:

    I love the Body Shop and would like to try any of the products in the Tea Tree line, most particularly the Tea Tree Face Mask.
    I like the Body Shop on FB (Heidi Carlson-Reid) and commented on their page.

  156. Maggie says:

    Tea tree oil has such healing qualities that The Body Wash intrigues me.

  157. Angelica Francisco says:

    i would love to have the The Body Shop Tea Tree Collection. tea tree has always been helpful in clearing my skin

  158. Love the Ballet Flats. This would be a very unique gift.

  159. Carolyn Adams says:

    I love the ballet flats! They would make a great wardrobe addition!

  160. Maurey says:

    I really like the ballet flats.
    I would like to try the tea tree face mask.

  161. Glogirl says:

    I like the idea of the Capiz Shell Wind Chimes & Chandelier.

  162. Glogirl says:

    I Follow The Body Shop on Twitter @glogirl3

  163. Glogirl says:

    I like The Body Shop on FB and left a comment on their wall (Amy M)~ https://www.facebook.com/thebodyshopcanada/posts/10151163609409647

  164. Glogirl says:

    I’d love to try the TEA TREE BLEMISH GEL.

  165. id really like the tea tee collection because i have many break outs that are hard to control. after i had my son, my acne got worse than its ever been. my skin needs a one over

  166. Justine says:

    I love the shoes!!!!!!! 😀 so cute! I follow the body shop on twitter (@jymh890) and on facebook (Justine Ho). I would love to try the new product… the tea tree pore minimizer! 🙂

  167. Coreen Doucett says:

    My fave product is the vanilla body lotion. Mostly I loe the idea of helpoing people help themselves. We all win!!!

  168. lionflight says:

    AHHH 😀 The face wash ❤

  169. MA says:

    I like the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection

  170. dawn says:

    i would like to try the tea tree collection.

  171. Dreena says:

    What floats my boat…the tablecloth at Anthropologie. So nice.

  172. Dreena says:

    I follow The Body Shop on Twitter as @Alexandrina_M

  173. Dreena says:

    I’d love to try The Body Shop’s Tea Tree Face Mask and the Pore Minimizer.

  174. Ali says:

    Telephone wire baskets! 🙂

  175. ginette4 says:

    I really like the telephone wire baskets, they are so cute

  176. ginette4 says:

    following The Body Shop on twitter; @ginette4

  177. ginette4 says:

    Like the Body Shop on facebook; Ginette Dube Anger

  178. ginette4 says:

    I would love to try the Tea Tree Skin Clearing lotion

  179. patsy says:

    I love the chandilier…absolutly adorable! Work look great in my daughters bedroom!

  180. Chantele says:

    I love those Telephone Wire baskets!

  181. Tania says:

    i would love to keep the tablecloth, and i have been using the body shop tea tree line every single day for years! my favorite is the facial wash

  182. deanna_boocock says:

    I just love those telephone wire baskets. Beautiful and useful too.

  183. louisa says:

    I’m already a fan of the body shop and the tea tree line of products – and the ballet flats are sweet!

  184. kathy boyd says:

    I have never tried this collection but my girls and I would LOVE to win it to try it:)

  185. Love the tea tree collection… oh and those shoes are super cute.

  186. I follow the body shop on twitter

  187. I would be most excited to try the tea tree exfoliating pads

  188. Che says:

    I would love to use something natural and fair trade on my skin. I am very excited about the body shop line – it is my favorite of the products listed on this page.

  189. liberty says:

    curious…wanna try body shop tea tree collection

  190. Alexa says:

    Capiz Shell Wind chimes & Chandelier look very pretty cool!

  191. Julie says:

    I’ve used a few products from the Body Shop Tea Tree Collection, I would still use them.

  192. Jonn Gugrt says:

    My favorite is the Tea Tree Collection

  193. Drita Elshani says:

    The thing that would float my boat so so much is the tea tree colection

  194. Nancy says:

    Love the capiz shell wind chimes

  195. Mary says:

    I love the body shop and would love to try the tea tree body wash I follow them on twitter marysawyer9 and I am friends on facebook and left a comment marysawyer

  196. Brook says:

    Oh I just love the Azur table cloth! It’s just perfect!

  197. paul sharpe says:

    i like the Inca Peru Patterned Ballet Flats

  198. aimee says:

    the anthro tablecloth

  199. caroneko says:

    I love the Capiz Shell Wind Chimes & Chandelier. I bet they look even more beautiful in real life and sound delightful.

  200. Lynlee Wolstencroft says:

    The Capiz shell windchimes and chandeliers are to die for!

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