Flash Post: Water Colours

KessInHouse Shower Curtains

What It Is: After yesterday’s sleepytime post, I thought it only appropriate to perk things up with a post dedicated to a classic morning ritual: the shower. Personally I feel like if you’re not taking advantage of this billboard-esque space in your home, you’re crazy! Go to town with one these stylish, eye-popping, real-life works of art from tons of up & coming artists. You’ll have an easy conversation starter for any guests that use your facilities, plus something to ground all of your other decor. With styles ranging from scenic vista photographs to adorable hand-drawn illustrations to of-the-moment chevron and Navajo prints, you’ll easily find a bold shower curtain to suit your bathroom’s decor.

Who It’s For: Your daughter, as a wild housewarming gift she’ll simply adore (hint: consider spending some mother / daughter time picking out a curtain and then ordering it). Your friend, as a fun wedding gift that’s decidedly off the registry but no less awesome. Your parents, as a thank you gift for borrowing their cabin for a few weeks this summer.

What It Costs: $84.89 each + $10 shipping. Yes it’s a splurge – but these ain’t your regular shower curtains!

Where It’s At: The brand new Etsy shop KessInHouse!

Looking for a bonus entry into yesterday’s Sound Oasis giveaway? Visit the KessInHouse shop + tell me what your favourite shower curtain is in the comments below.

9 Responses to “Flash Post: Water Colours”
  1. leah leitch says:

    Love the clock tower!

  2. Susan says:

    These shower curtains certainly make my white one look super boring! My favourite is Souffle Sky.

  3. Erin says:

    Wow, i love the Friends- Jaidyn Erickson!

  4. Joan G says:

    Big Ben is my favourite.

  5. cookie3 says:

    Hard to narrow it down but today my favorite is Stone Vintage Anchor- Monika Strigel, tomorrow who knows? These are awesome, but pricey.

  6. Linda Peters says:

    Love the Cherry Blossom curtain, thanks

  7. diane p says:

    My favourite is the happy hippo.

  8. Alison K says:

    Sound Oasis bonus entry: Visited the KessInHouse shop & my favourite shower curtain is their, “Shower Curtain- Koi- Sam Posnick”. So many to choose from.

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