Breathe With Me: MONQ Wants To Change Your Mood

What It Is: Aromatherapy has come a long way in my lifetime. I’ve grown up knowing that lavender is relaxing and bergamot is invigorating (thanks mom), but for many folks, the idea that aromas can change your mood is still relatively novel and new – hence the array of shops dedicated to scent products in the last few years. But let’s be honest; as lovely as that pretty diffuser is, it’s not that, shall we say, convenient? Enter MONQ. This unique brand produces what it calls ‘therapeutic air’. It’s got two benefits: One, it’s portable, meaning no matter what you’re in the mood for, you can crack open your MONQ stick anywhere for a quick pick-me-up (or bring-me-down if you’re needing to chill). Two, because you actually inhale the product, it gets into your system that much more quickly, providing a more potent effect.

MONQ comes in 7 different varieties depending on how you want to feel – channel Happy with fennel, thyme and vanilla or turn up the Sexy factor with a mix of jasmine, lime and patchouli. There are also three breezy nature-inspired scents for something a little different. All you have to do is crack open a container, take a deep breath, and enjoy the soothing effects of your MONQ therapeutic air. There’s even matching accessories if you want to deck out your MONQ diffuser. Now, I can imagine that if you watched their video or saw someone using one of these, you may be wondering if these are tobacco / nicotine-free – indeed they are; they’re formulated with nothing but all-natural, organic essential oils and plant extracts. In fact, you aren’t ‘smoking’ anything – your mouth is simply creating a natural water vapour mist, similar to what you see above a pot of boiling water, or more relevantly to this post, what you see when diffusing oils through a tabletop device. That being said, as a heads up, check their safety page if you have certain conditions such as allergies or asthma, or you are pregnant – they break down quite clearly who this product isn’t recommended for. In all though, it’s a super chill gift idea that you’ll love once you give it a shot!

Who It’s For: Your bridesmaids, to make sure every gal is ready for the big day in her own way. Your daughter, to tuck into her stocking for festival season. Your coworker, that could use a ‘peace’ break.

What It Costs: $20 USD a stick – there is a Canadian online boutique selling them for $26.50 each if you want to buy up here.

Where It’s At: You can shop the MONQ site for their entire product line – alternatively shop Whiffcraft or try the brand’s store finder (I tracked down a few locations in my city!)

Want to try MONQ for yourself? We’ve teamed up to hook one lucky reader up with a Zen MONQ – infused with frankincense, orange, and ylang ylang for a totally blissed out experience with every inhale. Here’s how to enter for your chance to win this awesome prize:

1) First off! You must be a Canadian Gift Guide subscriber to enter this giveaway. Just find the ‘Gift of Gab’ box on the righthand side of this page and either hit ‘Follow’ or enter your email address. Once you’ve done that, leave me a comment below with a link back to the MONQ personal therapeutic air product you’d be most interested in trying – and why! You’ve got till August 29, 2017 to share your pick.

2) Entries are limited to one per person / per email address / per household (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around August 30, 2017 to select the winner(s), who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible for this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry: Like MONQ on Facebook, then leave a wall post tagging two of your friends that you think would be interested in learning about MONQ, telling them what you think of the product / why you want to try it! Link back to your wall post in a separate comment below.

71 Responses to “Breathe With Me: MONQ Wants To Change Your Mood”
  1. Sherry Kinnear says:

    I would like to try Healthy.

  2. Taps says:

    I would like to try zen

  3. katydidit21 says:

    I would like the try the Sexy blend. I love those scents, plus I could use all the help I can get.

  4. DebP says:

    I’d like to try their Mountain therapy It sounds so refreshing.

  5. Kim K says:

    I’d like to try Vibrant! It sounds refreshing!

  6. doreen lamoureux says:

    I subscribe by email already 🙂 I love the festive pack
    dorcontest at gmail dot com

  7. cherylrainfield2 says:

    These look awesome!! I used essential oils already in a diffuser and through body creams, but I love the idea of inhaling them! I’m especially drawn to the Zen therapy and the happy therapy

  8. mcmc says:

    I’d like to try their Mountain therapy

  9. Judy says:

    I would like to try “Happy”, I think those 3 scents would smell very good together.

  10. intensev5 says:

    I would love to try the Breathe Natural Rest – I think it would be perfect for me to get to sleep quicker and have a more restful sleep.

  11. Alyssa says:

    Strange it won’t let me click on it! But I would like to try the sleepy blend and hopefully help me sleep before my night shifts!

  12. bkick1 says:

    I need to try the sleepy blend for a better nights rest.

  13. Mary Danieli says:

    I like the Vibrant because I love those scents:

  14. Gemma says:

    I like the Vibrant It would help me feel energised.

  15. Audrey Skinner says:

    I would love to try the healthy stick.

  16. Carol Oddy says:

    I checked out the site, so hard to choose just one…would love to try the vanilla flavoured… need to relax, always tense.

  17. cookie3 says:

    I’d try the healthy one, I could use some help in this area

  18. Joan G. says:

    I would like to try the healthy stick as well.

  19. Erin Foster says:

    I would love to try Zen I could use a little peace right now.

  20. Lori P says:

    Ocean Personal Oil Diffiuser (eucalyptus, lime, and tangerine) appeals to me:
    I used to live at the coast and found the shore very calming (stormy weather excepted). It’d be nice if this blend replicated it’s effect on me.

  21. Aimee says:

    I am a subscriber. I would like to try “Happy”, I think those 3 scents would smell very good together.

  22. Susan says:

    I would like to try the Ocean blend.

  23. lyn212 says:

    This is extremely interesting. I would love to try- Health.

  24. Alison K says:

    I’m a Canadian Gift Guide subscriber. I’d be most interested in trying their Healthy Natural Wellness ‘cos it talks about helping digestion and there are times at work when I can get the worst stomach aches from eating late or stressing – maybe this would help. Thanks

  25. Going through a tough time maybe this might help

  26. Victoria Ess says:

    I’d love the vibrant blend!

  27. Linda B. says:

    I would love to try the healthy stick first and foremost!

  28. louise says:

    I’m a Canadian Gift Guide subscriber I would love to try the Healthy
    Personal Essential Oil Diffuser

  29. Jessica Lord says:
    Would love to try after a long day

  30. Jayne Cameron says:

    I am going back to work after having surgery so I need a healthy boost with

  31. Morgan Stewart says:

    I would love to try the zen MONQ after a day of nursing school in order to help me relax!

  32. Charity Banman says: I’d love to try the healthy blend.

  33. Cassandra Kazlovskis says:

    sounds like it would put me right to sleep

  34. Calvin F. says:
    is a nice one to start off for me.

  35. Denae Boucher says:

    I’d love to try and hopefully improve my mood.

  36. Lisa R says:

    I would like to try the energy one.
    to give me a boost of energy naturally when i need it

  37. Lisa* says:

    I would like to try the energy one
    will give me a pick me up naturally when i need it

  38. Theresa C. says:

    Love to try the Ocean blend – it sounds very therapeutic!

  39. GARRY S says:


  40. Jessica G says:

    I’d like to try happy 🙂 fennel is my favourite tea and I’m always sold at vanilla

  41. Jessica G says:

    And yes I would try the sleep styler. Looking into right now for myself.

  42. Amanda ishimwe says:

    I’d love the vibrant blend!

  43. veronica says:

    After a day at work I need Zen for sure …

  44. Kim G says:

    I’d love to try the fennel, thyme and vanilla

  45. Juliee Fitze says:

    I would like to try the healthy one , anything that helps me stay healthy is a plus.

  46. Chantelle Daigle says:

    I’d like to try Zen and Happy!

  47. Elaine Beierbach says:

    I like my home to smell fresh or homey.

  48. Linda Michaud says:

    There are a few that i like, but my favourite would be zen. I suffer from anxiety and i think this would help me and give me a sense of peace.

  49. stephanie c says:

    would love to try this one

  50. Charmaine says:

    I love the orange, ylang ylang & frankincense

  51. suzi says:

    I follow and i’d love to try this!

  52. Wanda B says:

    I would be most interested in trying “Sleepy” because I love anything with lavender in it!!

  53. donya9 says: I absolutely love the idea of the MONQ Therapeutic Air Personal Essential Oil Diffuser !! The first scent I would enjoy to try is ‘HEALTHY’ !!! The reason why is because MONQ blend is 80% coconut-derived vegetable glycerin 20% essential oils with the custom blends of essential oils of cinnamon, marjoram and turmeric and it is vegan !!

    I would try the Sleepy Styler out to obtain the benefits of being able to calm my body and settle me into a state of relaxation and rest, from the chamomile, kava and lavender.

  54. I’d get Zen. It would be helpful for stage fright. I’d definitely take a sniff of this before I have to sing a solo.

  55. Debra says:

    The scents look very interesting – I’d like to try them all!

  56. Sandra McG says:

    I would like to try the MONQ HAPPY

  57. Angela Massis says:

    I would like to try Happy because life is to short! I want to enjoy each day and be contagious to those around me. Life is Good!

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