Find Of The Month: BootRescue

How’s the holiday hangover treating you? Wearing off? Getting weary of the looming long winter months? I hear you. One of the focuses over the next couple of months will be my picks for mid-winter pick-me-ups. Little treats for yourself, your spouse, or your best friends to make the most unbearable months of the year a little more manageable.

Today’s gift pick definitely fits the bill. Every Canadian girl (AND guy) is fully aware of the wear and tear our winter weather can cause on the likes of leather and suede boots. And yet we also all acknowledge we simply couldn’t survive winter without our favourite skinny jeans or thick wool tights tucked into a gorgeous pair of classic riding boots, or for the gents, their best leather loafers paired with a soft sweater and dress pants. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve griped there’s no point in throwing a bunch of money into a pair of gorgeous boots or shoes, only to have them ruined by the time March rolls around.

Enter BootRescue, the brainchild of Canadian gal Tracey Sloga, who is right there with you in feeling the pain of our long, harsh winters. These all-natural wipes are handy to toss in your purse or have perched on your shoe rack to wipe off salt, grime, and other nastiness that builds up as you trek outdoors – whether you’re rocking suede booties or leather brogues. A few quick swipes and say buh-bye to the worst winter has thrown at your feet.

On an economical front, these beauties are double-smart. They’re completely affordable – a 15-wipe pack will set you back only $6.50, or three for $15 if you buy online – which is a completely reasonable investment in your favourite footwear, saving you money by eliminating the need to replace your shoes every year (or at least giving you a non-sad excuse to shop for new shoes). BootRescue is available online with shipping rates under $10, or at a host of Canadian retailers with more popping up everyday.

May I recommend the three-pack? Cause after you’ve tried it for yourself, you’ll be hard-pressed to want to keep these to yourself (or go anywhere without them). Bring a pack to the next brunch your parents host, tuck some into a friend’s birthday gift, or if you have a gift-giving occasion in which you’re actually buying someone shoes, include some BootRescue so they can take care of their shiny new purchase.

It wouldn’t be a Find of the Month – or a new year – without some sort of special giveaway to kick things off right. So I’ve teamed up with BootRescue to give one insanely lucky (and hopefully shoe-laden) person a winter’s supply of BootRescue packs: 30 to be exact, enough for your to take care of your entire shoe wardrobe and spread the wealth with your pals. To enter:

1) Leave a comment below by January 20th and tell me what bothers you more about salt stains on your boots: potential damage, or how horrible they look? Be sure to use a valid email address so I can contact you if you win!

2) Entries are limited to one per person per email address (or more if you score bonus entries). A random draw will be conducted on or around January 20th to select the winner, who will have 48 hours to respond before another winner is chosen in their place.

3) Entries are limited to Canadians that have reached the age of majority in their province. Quebec is not eligible to participate in this promotion.

4) Bonus Entry Time: I’m going to give some love to my fellow bloggers out there. If you’re as enamored by BootRescue as I am, mention this blog / contest – and link back to this post – in your own blog before the contest period is up. Leave me a comment with a link to your blog post and you’ll earn a bonus entry!

5) PS: Congrats to those of you that left your New Year’s Resolutions for me right before Christmas. You’ve all earned an extra entry into this draw!

As always, you’re free to email me if you want full rules & regs by emailing canadiangiftguide -at- gmail – dot- com. Happy New Year everyone!

119 Responses to “Find Of The Month: BootRescue”
  1. Sophia says:

    Definitely the potential damage, but I must admit salt stains aren’t pretty to look at either!

  2. Athena says:

    I hate the potential damage, and the look and feel of it!

  3. Patricia G says:

    These sound great. I find salt stains really difficult to get off leather if left for any length of time.

  4. Debbie B says:

    Hate how it makes my footwear look and the damage salt can do to them

  5. Carol Brown says:

    What a great idea – so convenient! I hate the damage salt causes.

  6. Jennifer R says:

    Salt stains stink! This product sounds great. No need to carry around an extra pair of shoes to work?

  7. Ali G says:

    I really don’t like the look of salt stains. Boot Rescue seems like a great solution.

  8. Elaine D says:

    Salt stains look bad and also not easy to get off when in a hurry and on the go.

  9. joyce s. says:

    I hate the damage. I don’t want to buy to new boots.

  10. Dreena says:

    Sounds like a great product!

    It’s hard to be fashionable in Canada in the winter – our shoes and boots take a beating and look horrible by the season’s end with the salt stains and damage.


  11. Kim O'Reilly says:

    Everything bothers me about salt stains – the damage, the stiffness of my boots and the look. Boot Rescue is definitely a product that I want to try!

  12. Barb says:

    good idea as I can never find at least one item in my shoe cleaning kit

  13. Erin says:

    I hate how they look!

  14. Tori says:

    While salt stains do indeed look terrible, it is the damage that I worry about most!

  15. Diane Brunet says:

    It is so so ugly and I hate what it does to your footwear.

  16. sean pynaert says:

    damage to my boots and shoes for sure, then that translates over to my vehicle floor mats. messy!

  17. Cathy M says:

    The damage and the ugliness bother me

  18. Michael says:

    Salt stains and having to keep wiping off the shoes or boots and also the hastle of it too.

  19. donna l. says:

    I hate the salt damage to my boots.

  20. marge l. says:

    I don’t like how ugly the salt stains make my boots look.

  21. nick a. says:

    I hate the salt from my boots damaging my car carpets

  22. Gizele says:

    I hate the looks of white salt on my boots.

  23. Vivian D says:

    potential damage – I had too throw out my favourite boots this year because of this

  24. Rosemary Breschuk-Chiu says:

    All of my boots are black, so the salt stains show up, no question.

  25. debra says:

    definitely the damage

  26. Maureen B says:

    I do not like the staining! Too many great shoes ruined!

  27. Mark F says:

    I ruin a pair of shoes per year because of salts stains

  28. Kelly p says:

    I hate the way salt stains look.

  29. Lillea says:

    The way it looks, which is awful even if there isn’t any serious damage sometimes

  30. great sounding product, i don,t like the scuff mark,s on nubuck shoes, i help out picking up, delveloped challenged, and i love it but i,m constantly being steeped on, or shoes get scuffed, so i would love to win this, thank you.

  31. Leah says:

    I hate the way salt stains look – and how they always seem to show up just after I’ve cleaned and shined my boots!!!

  32. linda chaput says:

    Obviously it looks terrible but more so it’s damaging to the boot.

  33. Vesper says:

    hate the difficulty of getting rid of them permanently.

  34. Julie Hall says:

    Salt Stains! Yuck! I hate em because they look gross, damage my footwear and the salt transfers to everything my footwear touches so everything else gets damaged and dirty too!! Please help me save my precious footwear and other belongings from damage and messy looks!! 🙂

  35. S Robertson says:

    Definately how horrible it makes your shoes/boots look

  36. Joni Lackey says:

    Boots are expensive and although a short term investment, it is still an investment. Salt and other contaminents can dry out the boot and reduce its lifespan significantly. A product that would help alleviate such risks to this investment would be a great help and money saver.

  37. Andrea says:

    Defs how horrible they look. Nothing worse then when you spend twenty minutes cleaning your boots just to go out in the rain/snow and have the salt come shining back through in two.

  38. Rosanna says:

    I don’t like when my boots get ruined from the salt and then I can’t wear them anymore

  39. Natalie Parisee says:

    I don’t like anything that de salt and water do to my boots but!!!!! I will be pleased to try your product. Thank you in advance. 000

  40. Debbie Petch says:

    The stains are really hard to get rid of.

  41. andalene says:

    I hate the look of it – esp. on black. Yuck.

  42. Andrea Amy says:

    For me its more about the damage that salt causes because I have 5 kids, and they come first, and i need my stuff to last as long as possible!

  43. howwon says:

    Thanks for this post. I purchased a 3-pack online.

  44. sherry k says:

    I hate the look of salt stains and I worry about the damage to my boots or shoes.

  45. Stephen Kinnear says:

    I don’t feel I look very professional when my shoes and boots are white from salt

  46. Cathy says:

    I know road salt is a necessary evil in a Canadian winter but it sure wreaks havoc to boots with the stains and damage. I feel sorry for our dogs as it can’t feel that good on their paws either.

  47. Kelly Colby says:

    I hate how it ruins my leather boots shoes!!!

  48. This product sounds fantastic! I could definitely use this with 2 teen boys in my house that are so hard on their shoes and boots!

  49. Angela says:

    Winter certainly play havoc on my boots! These sound awesome!

  50. Trish Dean says:

    ruins the boots, looks dirty and i feel like a slob!

  51. lloyd says:

    Really bothers me when a guest doesn’t take their shoes or boots off when they drag in that stuff in.

  52. Chad Westcott says:

    I hate the damage to my shoes. I’m sure my wife doesn’t like her Sunday shoes getting stained either.

  53. Zaheeda says:

    It’s very hard and cumbersome to get off salt stains from my boots! These wipes are the perfect solution to a messy problem!

  54. Sarah says:

    I know the salt stains are eating away at my boots, and I really love these boots. I have to protect and clean them.

  55. Susan LHeureux says:

    Nothing worse then having a nice pair of winter boots/shoes and if nothing is it put on them to protect them then I end up always having the ugly white stains so the boots look old and worn out and just plain ugly! Having this product would be a miracle to stop nice new boots from looking so old. Who can afford to get new boots because of water damage from snow and rain. Your product sounds great

  56. Alyssa says:

    When it comes to my favourite boots, my knee high black leather boots, it definitely matters how they look. Salt stains are a pain!

  57. Sharon C. says:

    hate the way it looks and the damage it does.

  58. Colleen Macdonald says:

    Years back, I used to wipe the salt stains off with a cloth and simple tap water, but that no longer helps whatsoever! Plus it ruins my shoes! I hate how we use so much salt out here in the winter! I come from out west where they don’t use salt but use gravel and sand and those don’t cause shoewear problems, just alot to clean up inb the spring! This just might be the solution I have been looking for!!

  59. Jennifer M. says:

    It’s the damage that I hate…you an always make it look better with a cleaning but damage costs a lot!

  60. What I dislike about salt stains is actually two things: one, it sucks the colour out of my suede and gives my shoes a polka dot/piebald look that I REALLY didn’t need, and two, with around thirty pairs of leather shoes the one-time-per-year cleaning of all my shoes is pretty epic so it’s an extra aggravation when there are salt stains to try and remove!

  61. Alice says:

    if you’ve already spent hundreds of dollars on really nice shoes/boots, you would want them to stay nice and pretty for a long time, this seems like an easy way to clean them without bringing out all the tools.

  62. Sherri F says:

    I hate the damage for sure!

  63. Jill Steeves says:

    I hate that it doesn’t matter what colour boot I buy, the salt stains still look hideous!

  64. lyndsey4829 says:

    The damage! I hate the white stains but the fact that I can ruin a brand new pair of expensive boots in one quick trip outside drives me crazy! These wipes are awesome… 🙂

  65. Linda Lou says:

    I hate the look of salt on the black boots, awesome wipes hope to try them.

  66. Tonya says:

    I had that my black suede boots look great until the salt makes ugly looking rings around the bottom, and there is nothing that will take that salt off….

  67. Muriel says:

    When I buy a new pair of leather Boots in the winter ,I always rub them with vaseline first so the salt won’t ruin .These wipes sounds great,would love to try them some time.

  68. Sue Raddatz says:

    With the price of boots these days, it is great that we can give them all the protection that they need and that way, we can wear them for years without every getting damaged!!!

  69. Brook says:

    What bothers me is that I can try and clean my boots and the stain will come back once it is dry! I don’t want to use harsh products that my ruin my boots so I just dab with water…yet the stains come back! Help!

  70. jflem762 says:

    Salt stains shorten the longevity of your leather boots and look really awful. I would love to try these wipes.

  71. Salt eats my leather boots, hope salt stainshelp

  72. Heather says:

    weird I know: But I was raised to believe we can learn/know a LOT about a person by their shoes. So I want to keep my footwear looking well cared for and not seem neglected. Because maybe someone else might just feel the same way?

  73. debbie says:

    I hate the white marks the salt leaves and it dries out the leather.

  74. yuriko says:

    Salt stains on my cowboy boots make the leather rough and vulnerable to rain and puddles. A salt stain is evident and hard to hide. Save me…..

  75. Glenn Maguire says:

    pick me.

  76. mousecat says:

    I hate salt stains!!! They are terrible and can really ruin a great pair of boots – and after not much wear! So annoying!!

  77. Nahrain says:

    Very annoying especially when you are wearing black

  78. Deanna says:

    Seems them come back the second you wipe them away! I don’t like that. 😦

  79. Tracey says:

    I hate the line it makes!

  80. Brandie D says:

    This product would be excellent – I hate the salt stains my boots get – makes them look trashy.

  81. Judy Rayton says:

    I hate the way the nasty white stains make my boots look old and worn or uncared for, not the expensive leather they are.

  82. Coco says:

    I hate how ugly they make my boots look!

  83. belinda m says:

    I hate the stains that salt leave on your boots/shoes. It makes the life of them so much shorter and it looks terrible


  84. Gayle S says:

    I hate the look of salt stains, this product will be a big help!!

  85. I’m not a fan of when the color of your black boots lightens and turns greyish. It actually hurts my heart when I see my shoes/boots being damaged.

  86. Sophie G says:

    One of many issues I have with salt&salt stains is never being able to remove it all.Everytime I come back home,I make sure to wipe my boots to only find a few hours later,more wonderful white lines…

  87. Joanne says:

    I find that the salt stains make my leather and suede look like an eyesore, also the fading ruins the great look of real leather that I love!

  88. Glogirl says:

    I’m more concerned with the potential damage that salt stains can have. I worry that they will leave permanent discolouration marks.

  89. jm says:

    White salt stains on black leather boots looks bad & damages the boots.

  90. Julie Flanagan says:

    Salt stains are the worst! They make your boots look so dirty, and sooo difficult to remove if you leave it.

  91. alison says:

    How horrible they look … I already have a terrible time looking professional so having salt stains on my boots doesn’t help. Thanks for the opportunity

  92. TASHTASH says:

    I hate it when you buy suede boots especially, makes them look especially worn out!

  93. Helen says:


  94. 409cope says:

    I hate how horrible the salt stains look.

  95. Erika says:

    Salt stains are awful… They discolour your footwear and make it look old and worn out. And they’re so hard to get out… If not impossible. =(

  96. Amanda says:

    I hate salt stains brand new boats look awful after one wear outside! Can never get stains out! this sounds great … : )

  97. Amy Brown says:

    It bothers me how bad it looks!

  98. Elaine Miller says:

    white crap on black boots …not pretty

  99. Erika K says:

    I know it should be the potential damage but the horrible looking white marks bother me the most.

  100. Mary Hietkamp says:

    salt stains are the worst

  101. Julie Plourde says:

    I don’t like the way my boots look like with all that salt, this is what I need!

  102. julia g says:

    I wear my boots year round; I hate having salt stains on my boots when there is no snow in sight.

  103. Yuriy says:

    It’s upsetting how the brand new boots very quickly become old because of the winter salt.

  104. Jonnie (JB) says:

    I hate how salt stains look and that it sometimes rub off onto my pants.

  105. Ashley S says:

    I hate the damage that salt causes… especially to my favourite winter boots (which also happen to be uber expensive 😦 ).

  106. Deb says:

    Salt has made my shoes bubble if I don’t clean it right away. So many of my shoes/boots have been ruined over the years due to salt damage. It also gets dragged around the office.

  107. Denise Glazier says:

    How it damages the leather

    ontariohappychick at gmail dot com

  108. Canadians can count their age by the number of salt stains on their boots, right?

  109. Tracey says:

    Potential damage….ugh!! 🙂

  110. tennille says:

    i hate how gross they look

  111. fahlinstar says:

    For me its how awful they look!! My boots look terrible right now and I have tried everything to make them look better.

    megnate at telus dot net

  112. Karima Chiali says:

    I bought a really nice pair of suede boots and the very first time I wore them I got a nasty salt stain on them…I haven’t worn them since.

  113. Sandra P says:

    The damage from salt stains

  114. Brad K says:

    Salt stains look like hell and it’s hard on the shoes as well!

  115. Sharon says:

    I don’t like the damage salt stains cause.

  116. Kevin B says:

    Great idea! #CGG

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