Snap To It

Giveaway Alert! Chatbooks is the coolest service I’ve seen in awhile; create fun photobooks of your fave social images in 30 seconds!

Babbeling Brook

CONTEST ALERT! Want to learn a new language in the New Year? Check out Babbel to get you there quickly and effectively. You could win a subscription to Babbel for a year!

The Total Package

CONTEST ALERT! Tis the season to start thinking all things Christmas (or whatever holiday you celebrate). With that in mind, I’ve picked out some awesome greeting card and gift wrap ideas. Plus you could win a prize package of stationery and wrapping paper from Canadian brand Forest & Waves.

10 for $10: Serenity Edition

Dream away this January with 10 gift ideas valued at $10 or less – all designed to help increase your bliss, mindfulness and well-being.

Ultimate Library

800,000 books. One flat monthly rate. Learn how Kindle Unlimited will change your reading world.

Weigh To Go

Make every meal (and calorie) count with The Orange Chef Co’s interactive scale and handy dandy nutritional breakdown app.

Dearest Dad

CONTEST ALERT! Presenting five gift ideas tailored to dads that are looking to expand their horizons, or at least their minds. Plus you could win a dear ol’ dad prize package valued at nearly $80!

Flash Post: Something Snappy

Got a photo-loving, iPhone-carrying, memory-preserving loved one in your midst? Check out this retro-inspired attachment & app for your iPhone that finally makes use of the 4 / 4S’ amazing camera technology.

Wakey Wakey

Dark days are ahead, at least for a little while long. Jolt yourself out of winter doldrums with these four gift ideas designed to get you out of bed and pepped up for the day to come.